Taufon drops 4% 10ml


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  • 3 or more $5.55
  • 5 or more $5.49

Instruction for Taufon

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Taufon eye drops are available in 5 ml or 10 ml plastic bottles.
1 ml of solution contains 40 mg of taurine - this is the main active ingredient of the drug.
Auxiliary components are: preservative methylhydroxybenzoate, sodium hydroxide pH regulator, water.
Taurine is synthesized in the body of every person from two amino acids containing sulfur: cysteine ​​and methionine. It is found in tissues in a free form, especially in the myocardium, skeletal muscles, medulla, retina, and bile.
On the basis of taurine, biologically active additives and drugs have been developed and widely used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous systems, respiratory tract, as well as cosmetic and ophthalmological problems.
The role and benefits of taurine in the human body are as follows:
    Stimulates the regeneration process of damaged cells of the cornea, retina, muscle and nerve fibers.
    Protection of cells from destruction by lipid peroxidation products, prevention of oncological degeneration.
    Participation in the process of digestion of fats, absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) in the intestine, maintenance of normal blood cholesterol concentration.
    Providing the body with energy in extreme situations.
    Protection and restoration of energy metabolism in nerve cells, which manifests itself in the concentration of memory, attention, improved sleep, and increased mood.
    The general effect on metabolic processes is the normalization of blood glucose levels, a decrease in insulin consumption by diabetics, a decrease in appetite, and the elimination of excess fluid.
However, taurine is useful only in strictly defined doses; high concentrations can be harmful to the body.

Indications for use

Based on the composition, it becomes clear what helps and why Taufon eye drops are used.
The medicinal properties of taurine in ophthalmology are as follows:
    regeneration of damaged eye tissues and restoration of impaired functions after trauma, with dystrophy, degenerative diseases;
    normalization of the operation of membrane pumps of cells, preservation of the optimal amount of potassium and calcium ions in the cytoplasm;
    improving the conduction of nerve impulses from the eye receptors to the structures of the brain;
    lack of systemic effects on the body.
Taufon is a medicine, so do not use eye drops uncontrollably for prevention! How to take them should be explained by the attending physician after examination and diagnosis.
The main indications are the following ophthalmic ailments:
    eye injuries of varying severity, including those with erosive defects;
    diseases of the cornea and retina - dystrophy of a different nature;
    lens pathology (cataract of various origins);
    high pressure inside the eye (glaucoma) - as part of complex therapy;
    inflammation of the cornea (keratitis) and eye mucosa (conjunctivitis);
    herpes infection with damage to the organs of vision;
    postoperative state - use to accelerate the healing of eye structures damaged as a result of ophthalmic interventions;
    increased load and high degree of visual fatigue in some patients.
The treatment regimen is determined depending on the diagnosis and characteristics of the organism.
Taufon has no special contraindications, but it is not prescribed:
    children under the age of majority;
    people with individual hypersensitivity to drugs;
    persons with a history of urticaria, pruritus, or Quincke's edema after using eye drops.
The side effects of the drug include a second, burning pain, accompanied by tearing from the eyes immediately after instillation. If such phenomena persist for a long time, then you need to contact a specialist.
Taufon can be used by pregnant and lactating women with the permission of a doctor. The drug is compatible with other medicines. When using it is important to follow the recommendations.

Instructions for use

Taufon drops should be stored in a cool place for no more than a month after opening.
Immediately before use, the medicine must be shaken and warmed in the palms. For instillation, the lower eyelid is slightly shifted down and to the side.
The dose, frequency and duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician. For example:
    With cataract, drops are used only at an early stage of the disease, as well as after surgery, in order to stop the development of pathology and accelerate the regeneration processes. The course lasts at least 12 weeks, a dose of 2 or 3 drops per day every 4 to 6 hours.
    In case of damage to the eyeball, the duration of treatment depends on the severity of the injury and concomitant diseases. The frequency of application and dosage are the same.
    In glaucoma, Taufon is used in the general complex of measures as an auxiliary treatment. The course is not less than 4 weeks, 2 drops 3 times a day, alternating with Timolol, the interval between them is half an hour. These two drugs reinforce each other.
    With retinal and corneal dystrophy, long-term therapy is required for 4 weeks, and subconjunctival injections are added to the drops for 10 days twice a year.
Changes to the usual treatment regimen can be made by the attending physician based on the patient's medical history and life. Before instillation, contact lenses should be removed and put back only 15 minutes after the procedure.

Reviews of doctors and patients

Ophthalmologists and their patients love Taufon drops, many use this remedy.
Svetlana, 47 years old:
I have been using Taufon eye drops for many years, at one time I tried to find cheaper analogs (Taurine), but returned again to a proven, albeit more expensive, drug. My grandmother and mother had cataracts, so the doctor insists on the preventive use of this remedy several times a year for a month to improve the nutrition of the eye tissues. I am happy with the result, my eyes get tired less, although I work at a computer.
Anna, 54 years old:
I know about Taufon from my parents, they both use it. Mom had cataract surgery, now she uses drops constantly. Daddy treats the effects of an old injury. The ophthalmologist advised me to take drops, since there is heredity and is already an elderly person. Just after 50, my mother started having problems with the lens. They say that there are cheaper analogues, but I do not want to risk it, my parents and everything suits me.
Elena, 44 years old, ophthalmologist:
I often prescribe Taufon to elderly patients with cataracts and age-related changes in the cornea. The drug is not bad, however, it is not suitable for independent use. It is important to understand that cataract treatment is only surgical, drops only enhance the result, but do not replace the operation. Therefore, they must be used after consulting a doctor.

Terms of sell

You don't need a prescription to buy Taufon.