Taufon Gentle Tear drops 10ml


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Taufon Gentle Tear user manual

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Description and composition of the drug

Taufon Gentle Tear has a keratoprotective effect. The main active ingredient of the drug is hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (hypromellose). It creates a protective film on the surface of the eyeball, which stabilizes the tear fluid, thus eliminating dry eyes. Also, this component is able to replace the tear fluid, since its main characteristics are also identical to the natural tear.
In addition to the main component, there are many additional ones - magnesium chloride, sodium acetate, chlorhexidine bigluconate, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, purified water, etc. They are necessary to maintain the structure of the drug and preserve its properties for a specified time.

Indications and contraindications for admission

Taufon Gentle Tear is indicated for use in the following cases:
    dry eyes and tiredness caused by overexertion;
    discomfort in the eyes with prolonged wear of contact lenses;
    the need for use as part of complex therapy for a number of ophthalmic diseases (eye burns);
    decreased secretion of tear fluid, both caused by external factors (working at a computer, driving a vehicle) and disease (conjunctivitis), and being an individual feature of a person;
    providing discomfort and protection of the cornea after surgery in the eye tissue.
Unlike natural tears, the texture of the drops Taufon Gentle Tear is denser, which means that the film will remain stable for a long time.
All components of the drug are inert, which means that the drug can be used in conjunction with contact lenses. This makes the drug possible for use in cases where a person does not have the opportunity to remove contact means of optical correction (there is no way to disinfect hands, there is no container for lenses, etc.).
A contraindication to use is only an individual intolerance to any component of the drug. It is manifested by the appearance of discomfort, reddening of proteins, swelling of tissues. Fortunately, such cases are extremely rare.

Dosage and mode of administration

The process of using Taufon Gentle Tear is identical to how ophthalmic agents are usually instilled. To do this, it is necessary to pull off the inner corner of the lower eyelid with clean hands and drip the required amount of the drug into the formed conjunctival sac. Single dosage - 1-2 drops (based on the need and the specific situation).
    The duration and frequency of such therapy is also determined based on the patient's personal feelings and the recommendations of an ophthalmologist.

Side effects and overdose

With the simultaneous use of other ophthalmic agents prescribed by a specialist, it is recommended to apply the general rules. So, you need to wait a break of at least half an hour between the instillation of medicinal compounds. Thus, the effect declared in the instructions for the drugs will be maximum.
There is no data on drug overdose.

Special instructions for Taufon Gentle Tear

It is advisable not to use a bottle that is damaged on the dropper. Before using for the first time, you must apply pressure to release the test drop. The next drop can already be instilled directly into the conjunctival sac.
    Immediately during instillation, one should beware of touching the dropper tip to the tissues of the eye. This will minimize the risks of drug infection. Close the bottle tightly after use. Finally, the medicine must be an individual remedy.

Storage conditions

Taufon Gentle Tear is stored for 3 years from the date of manufacture. The optimum temperature is up to 25 degrees. The product is not subject to freezing. After opening the bottle, the solution must be used in the next month.

Terms of sell

You don't need a prescription to buy Taufon Gentle Tear.