ACC Syrup 20mg/ml 100ml


  • Availability: In Stock

  • 2 or more $12.69
  • 3 or more $12.62

Tags: baby

Instruction for ACC Syrup

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Syrup ACC is a mucolytic syrup with anti-inflammatory effect. Available in Germany and Slovenia.
The main active ingredient is acetylcysteine. Auxiliary - sodium benzoate, edetate disodium, saccharin, flavor and water.
The solution has a viscous consistency and a pronounced cherry flavor.
In the kit, a measuring cup and a syringe for dispensing the drug are attached to a glass bottle of medicine.

When appointed

ACC Syrup is used to treat diseases associated with cough and sputum. When prescribing a medication for treatment, doctors focus on disturbing symptoms.
There may be an increase in body temperature, soreness in the throat and lungs. There is a dry cough.
Indications for the use of ACC Syrup:
    different forms of bronchitis;
    asthma, lung abscess;
    sinusitis, tracheitis.
ACC Syrup is prescribed in the initial stages of a cough, when sputum does not separate on its own.
When listening to the baby’s breathing, wheezing and lengthening of the breath are detected. The use of acetylcysteine-based agents is most relevant.


Before taking, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications of the drug:
    diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    age up to two years;
    individual fructose intolerance;
    allergic reaction to acetylcysteine.
Caution is important if the patient is diagnosed with varicose veins in the esophagus, kidney and liver diseases, arterial hypertension, etc.
The use of ACC Syrup is strictly contraindicated in all types of bleeding, in particular from the respiratory tract.

How fast the effect appears

The active substances of ACC Syrup solution are aimed at destroying the chemical composition of sputum cells. Due to this, inflammation is reduced.
Sputum begins to soften and expectorate. Dry cough changes to wet. The overall health is gradually improving.
A cough becomes productive already on the 4th-5th day of treatment. A week after the start of the treatment, significant improvements appear. Sometimes by this time the cough is completely gone.

Dosage recommendations

For the correct dosage of ACC Syrup, a measuring syringe and a glass are used, attached to the syrup.
100 mg of the active substance is ¼ of a measuring cup. Such a volume will contain 5 ml of liquid. Accordingly, 200 mg is in half a glass, and 400 in a full glass.
When dosing, take into account that the syringe contains 5 ml of the drug. For each age category there are restrictions on the amount of syrup.
In the interval from 2 to 6 years, children can be given 5 ml of syrup, no more than 3 times a day. From the age of 6 to 14, 4 doses are allowed. You can take 10 ml twice a day.
After 15 years, the maximum daily dose is 30 ml. The number of appointments is prescribed by a doctor.

Reception methods

Taking ACC Syrup implies compliance with the algorithm of actions. First you need to measure the right amount of syrup. Then the medicine is given to the child in any convenient way.
In adulthood, children take the medicine from a spoon without any problems. A younger child may resist admission. A special syringe helps to inject syrup into the baby's mouth.
Rules for the use of the drug:
    remove the protective cover and make a hole in the neck of the bottle;
    fill the contents of the vial into a syringe;
    introduce a syringe into the cheek area of ​​the child;
    wash the syringe after use.
Children are positive about taking the drug. The syrup has a pleasant taste and cherry flavor. But sometimes there are exceptions to this rule.

Interaction with other substances

Acetylcysteine ​​is incompatible with other cough medicines. With simultaneous administration, stagnation of sputum is possible, which delays treatment.
With the simultaneous appointment of ACC Syrup with antibiotics, an interval of 2 hours between doses is observed. Otherwise, the antibacterial effect may decrease.
The exception is Loracarbef and Cefixim. It is undesirable to combine syrup with nitroglycerin. This is fraught with vasodilation.

Overdose and side effects

Side effects will not occur if the dosage of the drug is observed. If the dosage is exceeded, vomiting, nausea, stool disorders and pain in the abdomen are noted.
The maximum daily amount of the drug is 500 mg per 1 kg of weight.
In case of an overdose, gastric lavage and symptomatic therapy are required.
With individual intolerance to the components of the drug, Quincke's edema or a shock condition may develop. But this rarely happens.

Storage conditions

The medicine should be stored in a place inaccessible to children. The temperature should not exceed 25 degrees.
Shelf life of closed syrup is 2 years. After opening, its shelf life is markedly reduced - only 18 days.


ACC Syrup is also able to combat the residual type of cough. More opinions on the drug are positive.
According to reviews, an important advantage of the drug is its good tolerance and effectiveness.
“I gave ACC syrup to my child on the recommendation of a doctor. The course of treatment was five days. During this time, all the symptoms of the disease completely disappeared. The child took the medicine without any problems. ”
“The drug is effective, but the purchase is not at all profitable. One bottle is enough only for the course of treatment. The shelf life of an opened bottle is only 18 days. This is very small. You have to throw away the leftovers. ”
“I treated them for coughing at daughters of 2 and 5 years. The youngest daughter did not spit out the syrup, as was the case with other means before. A noticeable effect was observed after five days of administration. Good medicine that helps! ”

Terms of sell

You don't need a prescription to buy ACC Syrup.