Milgamma Compositum tabs 100mg #60

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Instruction for Milgamma Compositum

You can buy Milgamma Compositum here

Pharmacological properties

Milgamma Compositum is a complex drug that consists of benfotiamine and pyridoxal phosphate (the phosphorylated form of vitamin 6). It has an action that normalizes the deficiency of vitamins in 1 and 6.
Benfotiamine is a lipophilic derivative of vitamin B 1. During the phosphorylation of benfotiamine, active coenzymes are formed: thiamine diphosphate and thiamine triphosphate, which are involved in many of the body's redox reactions.
Pyridoxal phosphate is an enzyme that affects non-oxidative amino acid metabolism and is involved in decarboxylation and transamination, as well as the synthesis and breakdown of amino acid compounds.
The drug has the properties of active absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, and is excreted through the urinary system.

Indications for Milgamma Compositum

Indications for the use of the drug are diseases of a neurological nature, with a lack of vitamins in 1 and 2 in the body:
    Inflammatory diseases of the peripheral nerves with painful sensations, including partial loss of sensitivity (neuritis, neuralgia).
    Multiple lesion of the nerve endings with disorders of sensitivity, paresis, disorders of vegetatics (polyneuropathy).
    Muscle soreness.
    The emergence of negative symptoms as a result of compression of the nerve endings of the spinal cord.
    Inflammatory processes behind the eyeball (retrobulbar neuritis).
    Paralysis of the facial nerves.
    Systemic neurological diseases.


Contraindications to the use of the drug Milgamma compositum are:
    The presence of individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to substances included in the structure of the drug.
    Insufficiency of cardiac activity of the severe stage (decompensated).
    The patient has a history of malabsorption syndrome, lack of glucose isomaltose, and individual intolerance to fructose.
    The period of gestation and subsequent breastfeeding.
    Age indicator up to eighteen years, since there is no data on the conduct of clinical studies.

Dosage and method of use

Milgamma compositum medication is used by the oral route, the medication should be accompanied by the use of large amounts of liquid.
The standard dosage during the course of treatment is one tablet every day.
After consulting a doctor, it is possible to increase the dose of the drug to one tablet three times a day. The duration of therapy is one month, after which it is necessary to reduce the amount of the active substance to the standard dosage.


The use of an amount of a drug that exceeds the therapeutic dosage in very rare cases can cause the occurrence of negative neurotoxic effects. Also, long-term therapy, more than six months, higher dosages of Pyridoxal phosphate can lead to the appearance of degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the peripheral nerves.
Symptoms of an overdose can be disorders of the sensitivity of the extremities, tingling, numbness, pain, burning, and also the appearance of weakness in the muscle area.
When using the medication in a very high dosage, convulsive effects may occur. Infants may experience sedation, low blood pressure and respiratory function disorders.
In case of symptoms of overdose, it is necessary to carry out a gastric lavage, to use absorbents. In case of serious violations, you should immediately contact a medical institution.
There is no specific antidote.

Symptoms of side effects

During the course of a therapeutic course with a Milgamma Compositum medical device, the following negative manifestations may occur:
    The immune system. In very rare cases, allergic reactions may occur, in particular, the appearance of pruritus, syrup reactions, shortness of breath, angioedema, anaphylaxis.
    Nervous system. Very rarely, symptoms of degenerative-dystrophic lesions of peripheral nerves are possible, this can occur during a long therapeutic course of the drug, for more than half a year. Sometimes there may be painful sensations in the forehead, occiput, parietal region and temples.
    Gastrointestinal tract. In isolated cases, a feeling of nausea is recorded.
    The cardiovascular system. In very rare cases, an increase in heart rate may occur.
    The skin. Very rarely, acne can occur and sweating can increase.
Since this instruction manual cannot describe all the negative manifestations that occur during the treatment with the medical preparation Milgamma Compositum, it is necessary to report any discomfort sensations to your doctor.

Features of use

With indications for therapy in elderly patients there is no need to change the standard dosage of the drug.
In case of using the drug in patients with a history of functional renal impairment, the usual therapeutic dose is used.
To date, there is no information about the clinical trials of the drug Milgamma Compositum in patients with functional hepatic impairment. The decision on the use of the drug in this group of patients is made by the attending physician individually.
When conducting a long therapeutic course in the dosage of the active substance 100 mg daily, symptoms of impaired neurosensory conduction, sensitivity disorders (peripheral sensory neuropathy) may appear.

Drug interactions

With simultaneous use of levodopa and pyridoxal phosphate, the effectiveness of anti-Parkinsonian drugs may decrease.
Combined use with drugs that have an antagonistic effect on pyridoxine, in particular, products containing ioniazide, hydralazine, penicillamine and cycloserine substances, reduces the effectiveness of therapy and leads to a deficiency of vitamin B 6.
Similarly, there are substances that have in its composition of alcohol and long-term use of contraceptives containing estrogen.
During a simultaneous course of treatment with fluorouracil agents, a competitive suppression of the process of thiamine phosphorylation occurs and deactivation of the latter occurs.

Use during gestation and lactation

Since there is no reliable data on the clinical trials of the Milgamma Compositum medical device during gestation and its possible impact on the fetal development of the child and the health of the pregnant patient, the use of the medication during this period is not recommended.
If there is a special need to use the medicine during breastfeeding, it is recommended to stop the process of breastfeeding for the duration of the therapeutic course.

Management of various modes of transport

The drug does not affect the psychomotor functions of the body and does not cause negative manifestations in the form of dizziness and loss of coordination. Therefore, there is no restriction on the management of personal vehicles and other vehicles during the period of therapy. It is also not forbidden to carry out work requiring increased attention and concentration.

Alcohol consumption

The use of products containing alcohol can reduce the effectiveness of the treatment with the described drug.

Storage instructions

Milgamma medical device storage requirements prescribe a temperature regime of up to twenty-five degrees Celsius. The tool must be stored in the production packaging in places inaccessible to children and animals. If you follow the rules of storage, the shelf life is five years. After this period, the medicine can not be used and must be disposed of.

Terms of sell

You don't need a prescription to buy Milgamma Compositum.