Milgamma injections 2ml #10


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  • 2 or more $23.57
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Milgamma injections user manual

You can buy Milgamma injections here

Description and composition

Pharmacological agent is available in the form of a solution for injections, in the form of tablets, dragees (Milgamma Compositum). For diseases of the nervous system and other pathologies, Milgamma is often prescribed by injection. The red solution can be administered intramuscularly, intravenous administration is not practiced.
Each ampoule contains 2 ml of Milgamma, in a package - 5 and 10 ampoules. Tablets are made in the amount of 30 and 60 pieces / pack, pills - 15 pieces / blister, 2-4 pieces in a box. The composition of the medicine is a concentrate of vitamins of group B:
    Thiamine (Vit. B1, Thiamine Hydrochloride), 100 mg;
    pyridoxine (Vit. B6, pyridoxine hydrochloride), 100 mg;
    Cyanocobalamin (Vit. B12), 1000 mcg.
Milgamma injection is very painful, as well as the introduction of other drugs based on vitamin complexes. Therefore, anesthetic lidocaine hydrochloride is added to its composition.
    As additional ingredients, Milgamma injections contains water, sodium hydroxide, benzyl alcohol, sodium polyphosphate, potassium hexacyanoferrate.

How does the drug work?

Complex remedy based on vitamins gr. B is a neurotropic drug with anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. Together, the active substances increase blood flow, improve the functioning of nerve cells. Other effects that the administration or medication provides:
    optimization of blood microcirculation;
    increased blood formation;
    reduction of edema;
    general body strengthening;
    normalization of vascular function.
Lidocaine in the composition is necessary not only to reduce unpleasant local reactions. This anesthetic relieves general pain, reduces the strength of the inflammatory response. The individual components of the Milgamma give the following actions:
    Thiamine A natural participant in carbohydrate metabolism, without vitamin, nerve tissue cannot function.
    Pyridoxine. Partially involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, to a large extent - in the metabolism of proteins, fats. Mutually enhances the action of thiamine. In a complex, both vitamins increase the efficiency of the muscles and the cardiovascular system.
    Cyanocobalamin. Helps the synthesis of myelin sheaths of nerve cells, reduces pain caused by damage to peripheral nerve trunks, stimulates nucleic acid metabolism.
All substances quickly enter the bloodstream, so the effect is achievable in the first day of use. B vitamins do not accumulate in the tissues, their intake with food should be constant.


What helps Milgamma injections? Usually, doctors prescribe medication in the complex treatment of various local and systemic nervous diseases, including those caused by a deficiency of vitamins c. B. As a symptomatic and pathogenetic agent, Milgamma is indicated for:
    neuralgia of various origins;
    paresis of the facial nerve;
    retrobulbar neuritis;
    diabetic polyneuropathy;
    alcoholic polyneuropathy;
    other types of neuropathy.
For the general strengthening of the body, after suffering severe diseases, operations, infections, with vitamin deficiency also shows the introduction or reception of the specified vitamin complex. Older people often experience nighttime cramps — Milgamma is used to eliminate them. Myalgia, or muscle pain syndrome of different origin, is also successfully controlled by the use of Milgamma.
The medicine has proven itself well for herpes zoster caused by Zoster virus, as well as against other herpes virus infections localized in the nervous tissue. Other indications for the use of the drug Milgamma are radiculitis, lumbago, sciatica, muscular-tonic syndrome, and even multiple sclerosis.

How to apply Milgamma?

If the doctor has recommended Milgamma injections, they should be performed strictly in the indicated amount. How long the course will last depends on the disease. So, if you have a sore neck, thoracic or lumbar spine, 5–10 injections can be given daily. At the weekend, you can take a break in treatment. The drug is injected deep into the gluteus muscle in an amount of 2 ml (dose for an adult).
For maintenance treatment, Milgamma is administered at the same dosage twice or thrice / week. This course can last up to a month. The intake rates for dragees and tablets are as follows:
    1 piece / day for maintenance therapy during the month;
    1 piece / 3 times a day with acute pain for 10 days.
It is necessary to wash down tablets with a large volume of water, the intake does not depend on food. After completing the course of pills, injections, the doctor may extend it. This is possible if there is no risk of developing neuropathy associated with an overdose of vitamin B6.
The decision to treat Milgamma in a pregnant, nursing doctor takes. Large doses of medication can inhibit lactation. The drug passes into breast milk - this should also be considered during treatment.

Contraindications and side effects

Side effects on the background of therapy are common, it is better to get acquainted with the list in advance. Basically, they are local - pain in the injection area, which is observed for 2-5 hours. There may be a rash, redness, irritation of the skin. From skin reactions in some people there is a general rash, itching, acne on the face, hyperhidrosis. All "side effects" usually pass after the cessation of the course of therapy.
Other possible reactions of the body to the introduction of Milgamma injections are:
    rarely - tachycardia;
    very rarely - bradycardia;
    very rarely - dizziness, confusion;
    vomiting, nausea;
    stomach discomfort;
    muscle cramps.
Children prescribing the drug is not allowed, it is allowed from 18 years. Allergy sufferers may have severe reactions - angioedema, shock, generalized skin rash. Similar phenomena occur in overdose. It is impossible to inject the drug into a vein - in case of accidental administration, you should consult a doctor and stay under his supervision for several hours. During therapy, you must completely give up alcohol.

Terms of sell

You don't need a prescription to buy Milgamma injections.