Flebaven tabs 500mg #64


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Flebaven user manual

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When used Flebaven

The main scope of application - diseases caused by venous insufficiency (including hemorrhoids).

Why does venous insufficiency occur?

According to the official Recommendations of the Association of Phlebologists of the Russian Federation, there is no single mechanism for vein diseases. Assumed a number of reasons. Matter:
    Genetics: mutations reliably cause the risk of such diseases;
    Excess weight;
    Hormone therapy;
    Pregnancy and childbirth;
    Physically hard work;
    For hemorrhoids - constipation.

How does it develop

The movement of blood through the vein is regulated by the presence of valves and the elasticity of the vessel walls. At the heart of diseases of the veins are 2 mandatory component.
Due to the violation of the outflow in the veins, blood stasis occurs, and the valves of the veins are modified, they stop working normally.
This violation of the dynamics of blood flow triggers the mechanism of inflammation of the vascular wall. With increased venous stasis, lymph outflow is also disturbed. Appear violations in the nutrition of tissues. The vascular wall becomes heterogeneous: there are areas where it is overdeveloped and where atrophic. They alternate. The inflamed and edematous wall of the vein does not provide an outflow of blood.
Diseases and symptoms associated with disorders of the venous system
Manifest themselves:
    Edema of the legs, a feeling of heaviness in them; burning and cramps; restless legs syndrome (women may increase during or before menstruation);

What is effective in diseases of the veins

In the treatment of venous diseases necessarily include drugs of vascular action. Sources are often vegetable raw materials (from horse chestnut, buckwheat, iglitsa, eucalyptus, Japanese Sophora, red vine leaves, ginkgo biloba). Among the active substances in relation to the veins, the best performance in bioflavonoids.
They are used in Flebaven as an MOFF.

What is MOFF

Components - flavonoids hesperidin, linarin, isoroifolin, diosmetin. Contained in finely divided form. Grinding (micronization) is performed in a centrifuge by a stream of air. Provides poorly soluble flavonoids full absorption from the gastric tract and speed of action.
Effects of MOFF:
    Tones the veins;
    Relieves venous pain;
    Improves blood flow;
    It protects the venous wall from the damaging effects of enzymes and radicals.
It is drugs with micronized flavonoids that are statistically significantly better than others that help with chronic venous diseases. For 5 weeks, accelerate the healing of trophic ulcers.

Instructions for use Flebaven

The drug tones the veins. Reduces their elasticity and reduces blood stasis. Improves microcirculation and lymph flow. Strengthens capillaries.
Course use reduces the manifestations of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI).

When to apply

    Symptoms of venous lymphatic insufficiency;
    Acute hemorrhoids.

How to drink

With exacerbation of hemorrhoids: a course of 7 days. The initial dose of 6 tablets per day (3 + 3). After 4 days of administration, they switch to the 2 + 2 pill regimen.
For venous insufficiency: 2 tablets per day. Divide into 2 receptions: morning – lunch. Reception course, according to the instructions up to a year. The length of the statistically effective course of at least 2 months.
The beginning of the course is better correlated with the time of exacerbation. It is possible if coming:
    Violation of the use of compression hosiery (in the heat they use less);
    Work with weights;
    Hourly forced posture (for example, on the road);
    Suburban work.
Take with food.

Use during pregnancy

    Not prohibited, the need is determined by the doctor;
    Nursing is not prescribed. No studies in this category of women.

The composition of Flebaven

In 1 tablet 613 mg of micronized flavonoids MOFF, incl. 450 mg of diosmin and 50 mg of other flavonoids in terms of hesperidin.

Side Effects of Flebaven

MOFF has the best security profile among the phlebotropes. Tolerates well. The most common dyspeptic side effects and dizziness are found in less than 5% of recipients. Good portability reviews.


    Breastfeeding period.

Advantages of Flebaven among analogues

The drug contains the most effective and safe combination of flavonoids MOFF, as in the original drug Detralex. At the same time, the exchange price is significantly lower. Packing number 32 tablets exactly designed for a seven-day course of treatment of acute hemorrhoids, in contrast to Detralex. Good reviews of doctors.
Production is carried out according to the rules of the international standard Good Manufacturing Practices GMP is a guarantee of high quality of the drug.


Kryukova AV, proctologist
“I prescribe Flebaven for patients with hemorrhoids, as an alternative to Detralex. When the patient is not on the money original drug. The results of treatment are good, there are a comparable number of complaints of dyspepsia at the beginning of treatment. ”
Anna, 34 years old
“Bought on the recommendation of a pharmacist. Hemorrhoids did not give birth after birth. I know that nursing mothers can not, but the second daughter of an artificial woman. Helped well, saw 7 days. I had to drink French Phlebodia before. Helped. But Flebaven is cheaper, and production is Russian, reacted with caution. But now, in general, I approve. The pain subsided. Still smeared the knot Relief. Flebaven normally helps. ”

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You don't need a prescription to buy Flebaven.