No-Spa Forte tabs 80mg #24


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No-Spa Forte instruction

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Composition and action

Active ingredient: drotaverine hydrochloride.
Auxiliary substances: magnesium salt of stearic acid, talc, povidone, maize starch, lactose monohydrate.

Release form

Available in cartons containing aluminum blisters with biconvex tablets, yellow with green or orange hue, with the inscription "No-Spa" on one side and a vertical line in the middle on the other.
Pharmacological properties of the drug No-Spa Forte


No-Spa Forte belongs to myotropic antispasmodics - relieves spasms of smooth muscles, due to which pain occurs. This effect is achieved by slowing the flow of the enzymatic reaction of the group of enzymes that hydrolyze the phosphodiester bond. No-Spa Forte does not affect the nerves, but on the biochemical process in tissues and cells. Slowing down the phosphodiesterase enzyme increases the content of cyclic adenosine monophosphate.
The hydrolysis of cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the myocardium and vascular smooth muscle proceeds with the help of the phosphodiesterase isoenzyme. This leads to the fact that with high suppression of muscle spasm in Drotaverine, there is no negative effect on the heart and blood vessels. Drotaverine reduces the rate of chemical reactions of the phosphodiesterase 4 isoenzyme without reducing the chemical reaction of the phosphodiesterase 3 isoenzymes and phosphodiesterase 5.
It does not affect the autonomic nervous system, has a vasodilating effect, which increases the blood supply to the tissues.


Drotaverine is almost completely metabolized in the liver. Its metabolites are well conjugated with monobasic organic acid. The highest plasma concentration is observed 45-60 minutes after administration. The active substance is smoothly absorbed into the cells of smooth muscle tissue and excreted from the body within 72 hours. More than half of No-Spa Forte is excreted by the kidneys. About 30% through the gastrointestinal tract. The period of removal of the drug by 50% is about 8-10 hours.
Drotaverine is stronger than papaverine; absorption takes place over a faster time; it is less bound to serum proteins. After taking it inside, there is no respiratory stimulation effect.

Indications for use

No-Spa Forte is used for:
    smooth muscle spasms in diseases of the biliary tract: cholelithiasis, cholangiolithiasis, cholecystitis, pericholecystitis, cholangitis, papillitis;
    smooth muscle spasms in diseases of the urinary tract: nephrolithiasis, stones in the ureter, inflammation of the kidney cups and pelvis, cystitis, spasms of the bladder;
    spasms of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract: gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis, esophageal cardiospasm, chronic polyetiological inflammatory disease of the small intestine, irritable bowel syndrome;
    menstrual pains;
    headache with stress and tension.

With renal pathologies

No-Spa Forte is used for urolithiasis, during acute biliary colic, when sand and stones come out, with constant aching back pain due to kidney disease.
In chronic pyelonephritis, No-Spa Forte will help eliminate the aching symptoms, discomfort in the lumbar region.
If a person has felt a sharp pain in the area of ​​the kidney, it is necessary to immediately call a doctor in order to avoid harm to health. No-Spa Forte only relieves pain, and does not eliminate its cause.

Application and dosage of No-Spa Forte medication

Take inside. The average dose for an adult is 120-240 mg / day. For children over 12 years old, the maximum dose is 160 mg / day, divided into 3–4 doses. The average duration of the course is 1-2 days. If the pain does not go away after taking the medicine or does not disappear after a specified period of time, then you should consult a doctor.

Acute renal colic

In acute renal colic, the maximum single dose is 80 mg / day.


When nephrolithiasis take no more than 240 mg / day; divide the dose into 2-3 doses.

With stones and sand in the kidneys

The maximum dose for pain due to the release of sand and stone - 240 mg 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications when using No-Spa forte

    hypersensitivity to the drug;
    hypersensitivity to sodium disulfite;
    severe renal or hepatic impairment;
    severe heart failure;
    pregnancy and lactation period;
    lactose intolerance;
    lactase deficiency;
Take with caution with hypertension.

Side effects

Of the nervous system: headache, dizziness, insomnia.
Since the cardiovascular system: rapid heartbeat, lowering blood pressure.
On the part of the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, constipation.
Allergic reactions: angioedema, urticaria, rash, itching, paralysis of the respiratory center.


Overdose with Drotaverine leads to an abnormal heart rhythm and cardiac conduction system, which includes complete blockade of the bundle of the His bundle and cardiac arrest.
When overdosing patients should be under the supervision of a physician. If necessary, conduct treatment aimed at maintaining the basic systems of vital activity.

special instructions

No-Spa Forte contains lactose, which can cause side effects in the gastrointestinal tract in patients with lactose intolerance.
    Do not take patients suffering from lactase deficiency, galactosemia, or signs of glucose malabsorption.

Can I take during pregnancy and lactation?

Take only in extreme cases. No extensive research has been conducted on the effect of No-Spa Forte on the fetus. According to the available data, no violation of embryonic development under the influence of teratogenic factors or embryotropic action on the fetus due to the drug was detected. However, in the future, new data may be obtained on the negative effect of No-Spa Forte on the fetus.
No clinical studies have been conducted on the effect of the drug on breast milk, so taking it during breastfeeding is not recommended.

Use in childhood

Not prescribed for children (there is not enough research on the effect on the children's body).

In case of impaired renal function

Do not take with severe renal failure and chronic inflammatory diseases of the kidneys.

With abnormal liver function

Do not take with severe liver failure.

Drug interactions

When taken with Levodopa, the anti-Parkinsonian effect of this drug is weakened, which strengthens hardening and muscle tremor.
When taken with Papaverine, Bendazole or with other antispasmodics, an increase in the antispasmodic effect occurs. When used with morphine, its antispasmodic properties are reduced.
Phenobarbital enhances the action of drotaverine.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store at a temperature not higher than + 25 ° С in a place protected from children.
Valid for 3 years from the date of issue.


“I like this drug. I heard that it does not suit some, but I am happy with everything. For those 5 years that I use it, he never failed. I accept the appearance of pain. Especially helps with PMS and headaches after work. My head and neck often hurt on long journeys, so I always carry these pills with me. But I do not advise all problems to be solved by this means. He relieves pain, but does not treat its cause. "
“I suffer from pains with renal colic, from which I want to climb on the wall. The pain is just unbearable! It is especially difficult when pain comes at the most inopportune moment - when you are at work or on a business trip. In such situations, No-Spa Forte is simply irreplaceable. He relieves pain not to the end - makes her more tolerant. The main thing is to have time to take a pill before the arrival of severe pain. ”
Victor Alekseevich, dentist
“I love this drug because there are practically no side effects when taking it. It is considered one of the best pain medicine. Somewhat expensive, but it does not need to be taken in large quantities. If the pain does not go away after 2 days of admission, then an urgent need to run to the doctor. Perhaps there are inflammatory processes in the body that require immediate intervention. "
Olga Sergeevna, gynecologist
"An indispensable drug for women." Instantly relieves pain and cramps. 1 tablet is enough to relieve pain. Many women take it for menstrual cramps and cramps. It also helps to reduce the pain of cystitis, kidney stones and pyelonephritis. Acts quickly and efficiently. Virtually no side effects from taking No-Spa Forte. However, not everyone likes its high price. ”

Terms of sell

You can buy No-Spa Forte without a prescription.