Heptral injections 400mg #5


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Instruction for Heptral injections

You can buy Heptral injections here

The drug Heptral (injection), the instructions for use of which should be carefully studied before using the medication, is treated as a tool for the treatment and prevention of liver diseases. In addition, the drug is a strong antidepressant that helps normalize the human psyche. Heptral injections and tablets have a wide spectrum of action. The drug is used for the treatment of diseases of internal organs and in psychiatry to prevent suicides and withdraw patients from a state of deep depression. Heptral injections is used intramuscularly, intravenously or in tablets, depending on the stage and form of the disease. The medicine has excellent compatibility with antibiotics and analgesics, which allows it to be used in complex therapy. The duration of the course of taking the medicine, its dosage and the form of administration to the body is determined by the attending physician. Self-medication is strictly contraindicated, since side effects of the drug can be dangerous to health and are fraught with serious consequences.

The mechanism of action of the drug

The human body is constantly exposed to toxins from the inside and outside. This is facilitated by adverse environmental conditions, harmful production, poor nutrition, alcohol abuse and smoking. Under the influence of toxins, the conductivity of the membranes of the cells of the liver tissue deteriorates. This leads to the accumulation of bile acid inside the cells, which destroys them, and then connective tissue grows in place of hepatocytes. This pathology, if not stopped, inevitably leads to cirrhosis of the liver and the appearance of malignant tumors.
After the introduction of injections heptral, a gradual restoration of the normal state of cell membranes occurs intravenously, and the transport of bile acids improves. On the second day of treatment, the formation and proliferation of connective tissue cells is suppressed. This leads to the relief of cirrhosis at any stage of the disease. The therapeutic effect is enhanced by relieving the patient of psychological stress, fear and anxiety for their health. By administering the medicine intravenously, the doctor achieves the desired result quickly and without complications.
Heptral injections is also recommended for enhancing the protective functions of the body. The active components of the drug, administered intravenously, penetrate the liver, prevent the penetration of free radicals, alcohol and elements of food additives into its tissue. The active components of the drug contribute to the activation of the process of regeneration of liver cells.
A dropper of this medication is used to remove alcohol victims from a state of severe intoxication. Intravenously in such cases, the drug is administered gradually so as not to cause side effects associated with the occurrence of euphoria and a sharp increase in blood pressure.
Heptral injections has a high penetrating ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. The active component of the drug ademetionin from the bloodstream enters directly into the brain cells. As a result, biochemical processes are restored, the state of neurons is normalized. Even in a small amount, Heptral injections improves the conductivity of nerve impulses, activates the activity of the entire central nervous system. In a few days, the patient completely gets rid of depression.

Prescription of the drug

Heptral injections is intended for the treatment of diseases that cause congestion in the liver. The medicine has excellent compatibility with the natural cells of the digestive tract and the tissues of the blood vessels of the circulatory system.
Ampoules and tablets are used for the prevention and treatment of such diseases:
    fatty degeneration of the liver;
    chronic and acute hepatitis;
    liver damage with various toxins;
    chronic cholecystitis without the formation of stones;
    cirrhosis of the liver;
    intrahepatic cholestasis;
    liver failure;
    withdrawal syndrome.
Quite often, injections heptral is used as an independent medicine in the treatment of depression. Unlike most antidepressants, this drug has good compatibility with almost any similar and unrelated medication.
Patients should know that heptral injections and alcohol should not be consumed simultaneously. This combination gives severe complications, regardless of how much alcohol was drunk and the pills taken.

Application methods

Heptral injections treatment is prescribed after the doctor examines the patient’s health status and determines the compatibility of the drug with his body. The course of treatment can last from two weeks or more. In order for the effect on the damaged organ or central nervous system to begin faster, the drug is first injected into the veins. The contents of the ampoule are diluted only with distilled water to avoid coagulation of the liquid and the formation of a solid precipitate. With the introduction of the drug, the patient's condition is monitored for the timely detection of allergic reactions and side effects. Depending on the weight and age of the patient, one or two injections per day are given.
Since the liquid is poorly absorbed into the soft tissues, a concomitant course of vitamin B12 is prescribed to the patient. An injection is recommended in parts of the body where the thinnest skin is. The shoulder and thigh are best suited for this. If the drug is administered intravenously, then the drop rate should be minimal. Regardless of the patient's condition, it should not exceed 20 drops per minute.
After the patient's condition stabilizes, a form such as ampoules ceases to be used. Instead of injections, pills are prescribed. Calculation of the dose is carried out by weight of the patient. If there are no contraindications, then the daily dose is 6-12 mg per 1 kg of patient body weight. The average dose is 300-900 mg (1-2 units). The intake of tablets should last at least 2 weeks. To achieve the best therapeutic effect, a treatment course of up to 2 months is recommended. Before starting therapy, the doctor explains to the patient how to take the pills, clarifies what side effects injections Heptral can give, the procedure for their occurrence. In order for the medicine to be well absorbed, it must be drunk after eating. Tablets should not be chewed or pre-crushed. They must be swallowed whole, washed down with plenty of water, to prevent adhesion to the esophagus.

Side effects

Heptral injections is a powerful medicine. In addition to restorative function, the drug can cause disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and the brain.
During treatment, such side effects may be observed in patients:
    Indigestion. Patients experience abdominal pain, nausea, and dry mouth. Bloating, diarrhea, and vomiting are not uncommon.
    Complications of the brain. They are expressed in weakness and dizziness, severe headache and blurred consciousness. Loss of coordination of movements and numbness of the limbs are possible.
    Impaired motor function. There are pains in the joints and muscle tissue. There are cramps even at rest.
    Weakened immunity. This violation manifests itself in the development of inflammatory processes in the urinary tract. The risk of cystitis, candidiasis and the formation of sand in the bladder increases.
    Lesions of the skin. Patients suffer from excessive sweating, spots appear on the skin, a rash. In the most severe cases, necrosis develops.
Common complications are a slight increase in body temperature, deterioration in well-being and decreased performance.


Heptral injections and alcohol are incompatible concepts. With the regular use of alcohol, the active components of the drug are neutralized. The therapeutic effect is not achieved, and the disease continues to progress.
The medicine in the form of injections and tablets is contraindicated in the following cases:
    Poor heredity, in particular a violation of the methionine cycle, homocysteinuria or hyperhomocysteinemia.
    Individual intolerance to the drug as a whole or one of its components. It is detected at the stage of development of the course of treatment.
    Low levels and poor absorption of vitamin B12.
    Age to 18 years.
    The first 2 trimesters of pregnancy.
    Lactation period.
If there are such restrictions, the attending physician prescribes similar drugs to treat the liver or relieve depressive syndrome.

Drug Release Form

Heptral injections is manufactured in the US by the Abbott pharmaceutical company. For each product, the manufacturer attaches detailed instructions with recommendations for the use of the drug. However, it is allowed to use the medicine for its intended purpose only after an examination and consultation with a specialist
The basis of the drug is the synthetic substance ademethionine. To enhance its effect and complex effects on diseased organs, substances of a different spectrum of action are added to all dosage forms.
The medication contains such auxiliary components:
    colloidal silicon dioxide;
    microcrystalline cellulose;
    sodium carboxymethyl starch;
    magnesium stearate;
    methacrylic acid;
    ethyl acrylate;
    sodium hydroxide;
    a piece of chalk;
    distilled water.
Heptral tablets are available in the form of a volume oval. They are coated with a white solid shell, which dissolves under the influence of gastric juice. Each tablet contains 400 mg of ademetionine. Packed tablets in blisters containing 20 units. Blisters are packed in a cardboard box that does not allow light to pass through.
Injections go on sale in the form of a set of bottles with powder and glass ampoules with a solvent. The powder is a synthetic preparation ademethionine in its pure form. The weight of the active component is 400 mg. Ampoules contain purified water in which lysine and sodium hydroxide are dissolved. These substances are the stabilizer of the ready-to-use solution. Injections are delivered to pharmacies in cardboard boxes, in which 5 bottles and ampoules are packed.
The medicine is sold freely without a doctor’s prescription.

Storage conditions

Keep the medicine in a tightly closed box. The temperature in the room or storage place should not go beyond + 5 ... +25 ºС. Storage conditions should ensure that animals, children and persons with mental disabilities do not have access to it. If there is a drinker in the house, then the drug must be hidden so that it was impossible to find it. In a state of extreme intoxication, a person can use everything to maximize the feeling of euphoria.
The date of manufacture and shelf life of the medicine are indicated on the package. After the expiration date, the drug must be disposed of.

Terms of sell

You don't need a prescription to buy Heptral injections.