Essentiale N injections 250mg/5ml 5ml #5


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Instruction for Essentiale N

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How to protect the liver?

One of the options for maintaining the liver and restoring its functions after a series of injuries is Essentiale N. Today it is included in the list of the most demanded hepatoprotectors with a fairly wide range of uses.
One of the forms of Essentiale N is a solution for intravenous administration in ampoules.

General information about the drug

Any form of Essentiale N contains phospholipids (substances necessary for the formation and proper functioning of the cell membrane). Phospholipids are substances that are not synthesized in the body and are obtained exclusively from the outside. Moreover, they are important for the body no less than amino acids.
Essentiale N uses natural phospholipids derived from soybeans. The high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids in soy makes the phospholipids isolated from it especially useful. Once in the human body with the drug, they help to restore receptor connections in liver cells, "triggering" their renewal.
Also, phospholipids:
    They inhibit the formation of connective tissues in the hepatic ducts.
    Reduces the risk of gallbladder sand and stones.
    They improve the work of enzymes of the cell membrane, which are responsible for transporting some substances into the cell, and removing others outside of it.
    Promote the improvement of protein and lipid metabolism.
    They accumulate glycogen (the main form of glucose storage) in the liver.
    Convert cholesterol and other fats that cause arterial disease into more harmless and beneficial forms.
    Helps reduce the amount of energy the liver needs to function properly.
    Reduces or prevents the accumulation of fat in the cells of the organ.
    Reduces the risk of cirrhosis and many other pathological changes in the liver.
Thanks to such a diverse and comprehensive effect of the drug on the body, its intake increases the liver's resistance to negative influences, allows it to quickly neutralize harmful substances entering the body.


In addition, Essentiale N is able to positively influence other vital organs and systems of the human body. Additional effects of the drug include:
    normalization of metabolic processes in the body;
    reducing the number of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels and reducing their size;
    improvement of the clinical picture in case of diabetes mellitus (its manifestations become less pronounced);
    improved blood quality (becomes less dense).
    Important. All this allows Essentiale N to be included in complex therapy for various diseases.
As for the difference between the various forms, when the drug is injected, it has a stronger and faster effect on the body. Therefore, this version of the drug is prescribed for the treatment of acute and advanced stages of disease.
Capsules are recommended to be taken for prophylaxis and as part of therapy at the initial stage of the disease. Sometimes both forms of the drug complement one another and be prescribed simultaneously.
In addition to differences in the forms of administration, medicines also differ in their composition. So, Essentiale N contains only phospholipids. Essentiale N is additionally enriched with B vitamins and nicotinamide, which enhance the effect of the main component.

Indications for use

Considering the effect of Essentiale N, injections are prescribed for:
    Acute and chronic hepatitis, regardless of their origin.
    Fatty hepatic dystrophy, which appeared due to various reasons.
    Pathology that has arisen due to disturbances in the circulation of the hepatic vessels and the function of the bile ducts (cirrhosis).
    Necrotic processes in cells.
    Hepatic failure.
    Hepatic precoma and coma.
    Disorders in the liver, resulting from the development of various diseases.
    Increased activity of the enzymes AsAT and ALAT in pregnant women.
    Prophylaxis to prevent recurrence of gallstones.
    Cholestasis (a decrease in the flow of bile into the duodenum due to disturbances in the processes of bile formation and excretion).
In addition, the drug is included in preoperative therapy. Most often, the drug is prescribed before operations on the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts.
    Important. Its reception is also included in the complex of therapeutic measures for postoperative recovery.
In addition to direct indications for the use of Essentiale N, there are some other diseases in which injections are used as an additional therapy. Among them:
    various types of disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system;
    disruptions in the functioning of the digestive system;
    skin diseases;
    oncological diseases.
Also, the drug is prescribed for prophylactic purposes to prevent premature aging, reduce intoxication of the body due to alcohol and various chemical poisoning.


Despite all the positive characteristics of the drug, the use of injections (as well as other forms) Essentiale N is contraindicated if the patient is hypersensitive to at least one of the components that make up its composition.
According to the instructions, it is strictly forbidden to give injections to newborns and children born prematurely, since the benzyl alcohol (excipient) contained in Essentiale N can cause the development of Gasping syndrome in a child. The latter is a lethal breathing disorder with suffocation.
    Important. The restrictions on use apply to children under 3 years of age.
For the same reason, the medicine should not be taken by nursing mothers. In addition, Essentiale N should be taken with extreme caution by people prone to allergic reactions, especially those who have previously been allergic to soy products.
If signs of allergy appear while taking the drug, you must discard it and immediately consult a doctor.

Side effects

When used correctly, Essentiale N injection solution is well tolerated by the body, without causing side effects.
However, in some cases (for example, as a result of an overdose of the drug), its intake is accompanied by:
    disorders of the digestive system (for example, diarrhea);
    redness of the skin at the injection site.
You should definitely notify your doctor about the appearance of such symptoms.

Applications and dosage

Essentiale N - is solution intended for intravenous administration. Each ampoule contains 250 mg of phospholipids + auxiliary components.
Instructions for use the drug determines the optimal dose for patients over the age of 12 years in the amount of 5-10 ml per day. In severe forms of the disease, the daily dose is increased to 20 ml.
As a rule, the daily dose of the drug is divided into two doses (inject up to 10 ml at a time). However, both the dosage and the daily number of injections vary, depending on the condition and characteristics of the patient's body.
The entire course of treatment takes 10 to 30 days. Subsequently, doctors recommend replacing the injections with an encapsulated drug.

Taking the drug for psoriasis

In psoriasis and some other diseases of the external skin, treatment begins with the intake of Essentiale forte N capsules. The daily dose of the drug should be 1.8 g. The general course of administration is up to 14 days.
After that, the patient is prescribed injections with the drug. Injections are made once a day, 1 ampoule. In total, 10 injections should be given, after which they return to oral administration again, and drink it for 2 months.
In parallel with intravenous injections, it is recommended to use the main treatment for skin diseases.

Use in Infectology

Standard dosage injections are often used in the treatment of many intestinal infections. Taking the drug contributes not only to the speedy cleansing of toxins from the body, but also gives additional protection to the liver from the effects of medications.
Most often, Essentiale N solution is used in conjunction with other drugs for cholera, shigellosis, brucellosis, botulism, etc.

With oncology

It is prescribed for paraneoplastic syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by the formation of a tumor that produces toxins and biologically active substances. In this case, Essentiale N also protects the liver from exposure to toxic substances.
Included in complex supportive therapy, the solution helps to reduce damage to internal organs, normalizes the amount of bilirubin in the blood and stabilizes the patient's condition.
As a rule, in this case, the drug is used in preparation for surgery or during chemotherapy.

With Guillain-Barré syndrome

Due to the large accumulation of toxic substances released during acute demyelinization, the functionality of the cells of the hepatic parenchyma is impaired, which causes serious pathologies in the liver.
To avoid such a situation, Essentiale injections are prescribed. While creating reliable protection of the liver, the drug simultaneously minimizes damage to other organs and systems of the body. Correctly prescribed therapy avoids the most serious consequence of the disease - damage to the peripheral nervous system.

In endocrinology

Intravenous drug is widely and successfully used in the treatment of a number of autoimmune diseases. This allows you to avoid complications and increase the effect of the therapy.

In nephrology

A good effect is given by the use of Essentiale N in the treatment of renal failure of any form (chronic or acute). It is known that with impaired renal function, an even greater burden is placed on the liver to cleanse the body of harmful substances. Supportive therapy in the form of hepatoprotective injections not only reduces the level of toxins, but also improves the prognosis for the patient. The drug acts similarly for pyelonephritis, as a result of which many enzymes and compounds formed during suppuration enter the bloodstream.

In pediatrics

In pediatrics, Essentiale N solution is often used as an adjunct therapy for various diseases that give complications to the liver or threaten to severe intoxication of the body.
Starting from the age of 12, with a body weight of 43 kg, the drug is administered to children in normal dosages. For children 3-6 years old, the daily dose is calculated so that the daily intake does not exceed 2 ml. The drug is administered once. Children over 6, but under 12 years of age, are administered up to 5 ml of the drug per day.
In very rare cases, Essentiale N is prescribed to children under the age of 1 year. Such exceptions are made for mild forms of hemolytic disease in a child, for severe infectious diseases - to protect the liver, prevent complications and reduce damage from the use of drugs.

In obstetrics

First of all, during pregnancy the drug helps to cope with attacks of toxicosis.
Also, the remedy can provide irreplaceable help in gestosis, in which the functions of blood vessels, kidneys and even the brain are seriously impaired, which negatively affects the development of the fetus.
Essentiale N helps to weaken the unpleasant state, reduces the amount of antibodies in the body due to the conflict between the Rh factors of the mother and the fetus, while simultaneously promoting the correct assimilation of all necessary trace elements and valuable substances by the child.
Also, the use of the drug reduces the risk of complications during pregnancy in women who have previously had jaundice or have liver problems.

In surgery and radiology

The drug brings significant benefits in surgical methods of treatment. It is prescribed, for example, after removal of the gallbladder or after partial liver transplantation. Reception of Essentiale N after organ transplant accelerates tissue regeneration and significantly reduces the risk of rejection of the transplanted organ.
In radiology it is used as one of the means for the treatment of radiation sickness. The solution increases the body's resistance to radiation and relieves and diminishes symptoms.

For the beauty and health of hair

In addition to traditional methods of application, Essentiale solution is used and not quite standard. One option is to use it to strengthen hair.
    To strengthen the hair follicles, it is necessary to make a mask from the preparation added to a mixture of egg yolks with sour cream (or kefir).
    For a mask for short hair, it is enough to use a third of the solution from one ampoule. For long hair - half an ampoule.
    The preparation of the healing strengthening composition is very simple: having collected the solution with a syringe, it is mixed with the rest of the ingredients (1 yolk and 1-2 tsp / l sour cream or kefir).
    Apply the mixture to washed and slightly dried hair. Keep the mask on your hair for an hour. After that, it is washed off with water without shampoo.
The frequency of the procedure is once a week. The course is 5 weeks. Subsequently, the mask can be applied for prophylaxis once a month.
    Important. Dimexide will help to enhance the effect of the strengthening mixture.

Rules for using Essentiale solution

For the drug to bring maximum benefit, it must be used correctly. To do this, you should adhere to some rules:
    Inject only with clear solution. If, during mixing or during the introduction, the slightest signs of turbidity appear in it, then the procedure must be interrupted, discard the container with the cloudy contents. The rest of the dose of the drug must be administered from another ampoule.
    Essentiale N and other drugs cannot be combined in one syringe.
    No normal saline solution is used to dilute the drug. It should be diluted with the patient's own blood in a 1: 1 ratio. Instead of blood, it is allowed to use electrolyte-free solutions (5% xylitol, 5 or 10% glucose). An exception is made only when blood cannot be used.
    The drug is administered exclusively intravenously. It cannot be used intramuscularly. Also, you can not make subcutaneous injections, since there is a high probability of irritation at the injection site.
    The medicine is administered very slowly.
    If the patient is prescribed a large number of injections, then the injections are replaced with droppers.


As with any drug, the effectiveness of Essentiale N solution depends on many factors. Therefore, the action of the remedy is not always the same.
However, most of the patients who underwent the course of treatment note that the drug really helped them cope with the disease with minimal losses.
The positive effect of Essentiale N is also noted by doctors in various fields of medicine. The great advantage of the drug is that it allows not only to create a reliable shield for the liver itself, but also has a beneficial effect on many systems and organs, allows you to minimize the effects of intoxication with severe inflammation, infections and other unfavorable factors.

Terms of sell

You don't need a prescription to buy Essentiale N.