Espumisan Extra granules 125mg #14


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Espumisan Extra instruction

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Dosage form

Espumisan extra is available in the form of classic granules. Detailed instructions for the use of Espumisan extra are in the package. For easy storage, in addition to standard packaging, a special sachet is used.

Active substance

Carminative and simethicone.


One standard sachet contains: • 125 mg of simethicone (it is he who is one of the main effective components of this tool); • Sorbitol - 648 milligrams; • Talc - 20 milligrams; • Malic acid - 6 milligrams; • Lemon flavor - 1 milligram; • Creamy flavor 0.1 milligram.


Espumisan extra effectively reduces both discomfort in the abdominal area and the amount of gas in the stomach. The therapeutic effect occurs almost immediately. The main active component of this agent is simethicone. After taking this drug, the following processes begin in the stomach: • The level of surface tension, which naturally occurs at the place of separation of the food liquid and gas formations, decreases; • The process of neutralizing the excessive amount of irritating gas bubbles is initiated and gradually completely neutralizes the bloating; • Intestinal gas is excreted in a completely natural and healthy way. It gradually dissolves or goes through a full cycle of processing along with food. This component Espumisan extra also allows for a complete diagnosis of the gastrointestinal tract at the highest level. If excess gases and foam are not removed from the abdominal cavity, visual defects in the image may appear on the medical equipment, which will greatly complicate the diagnosis and subsequent treatment.


All active components of Espumisan extra are completely inert. It is not absorbed into the body and does not disrupt the digestive tract. It also cannot affect the state of microorganisms or enzymes. After providing a therapeutically significant effect, the drug is excreted from the body in its original form.

Indications for use

You can buy Espumisan extra in our online pharmacy, and its use is indicated for patients with the following ailments: • Flatulence. This disease provokes severe bloating and constant discomfort. Excessive accumulation of gas in the stomach not only impairs digestion, but also creates a lot of inconvenience in any situation. Flatulence often appears after complex operations in the gastrointestinal tract; • Gastrocardiac syndrome. This disease is characterized by constant problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and discomfort in the region of the heart, which occurs immediately after each meal. It equally carries both physical discomfort and the direct threat of severe complications in the absence of timely treatment; • Diagnostic examination of the respiratory systems. Sometimes the presence of bubbles in the gastrointestinal tract makes it difficult to diagnose the work of the airways. Convenient form of release, the ability to purchase Espumisan extra with delivery, as well as a compromise price make it one of the most affordable and simple ways to solve this problem; • Examination of the gastrointestinal tract becomes impossible due to the abundant amount of gas bubbles inside the stomach. The main therapeutic effect of this drug is to solve this problem as soon as possible; • Dyspepsia. If the process of digesting food causes not just discomfort, but a constant feeling of heaviness and congestion in the stomach, then it is recommended to use a standard dose of the drug as soon as possible. Espumisan extra is one of the most effective and practical "foam extinguishers" on the domestic market. It minimizes the harmful effect of detergents and the gastrointestinal tract. Also, this drug is often used as one of the components when mixing a suspension of an X-ray contrast solution. With its help, the picture comes out much more detailed and informative.


According to the instructions for use of espumisan extra, it must be used exclusively as tablets for internal use. Rectal or injection use of the drug is not allowed. For a child under 6 years old, it can be prescribed exclusively in the form of an emulsion.

Method of administration and dosage

After opening the capsule package, the standard dose of the drug can be simply swallowed without further drinking. If you have problems with this use, then just wash it down with a glass of clean drinking water. It is highly discouraged to replace water with alcohol. The duration and intensity of the course of treatment is directly proportional to the severity of the patient's condition. Espumisan Extra should be taken either before or after meals. In certain cases, it is recommended to swallow the standard dose of the drug right before bedtime. If you experience regular discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, it is allowed to take Espumisan extra regularly for a long period. Dosage for the treatment of bloating and gas: • Patients over 14 years of age are most often prescribed the use of one standard sachet of the drug before or after meals. In case of acute discomfort, you can additionally take another dose before bedtime. On the recommendation of the attending physician, it is permissible to increase the dosage of the drug to two sachets. Even in the most extreme cases, the maximum daily intake of this drug should not exceed six sachets. This recommendation applies to both this drug and its analogues with similar simethicone content. • Patients aged 6 to 14 years can take the drug in a standard dosage on the recommendation of a pediatrician. At the same time, it is not allowed to exceed the daily intake in the amount of three standard sachets. It is recommended to use as preparatory procedures for ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs: • One standard dose of the drug three times a day after each meal. The course of admission is short and is only 1 day before the examination; • One additional dose must be taken in the morning before the examination.

During pregnancy and lactation

You can buy Espumisan extra on this page. The drug can be taken safely during pregnancy without any health risk.


The main active ingredients of this drug are completely inert. There was no significant interaction with other drugs.

Side effects

The only possible side effect from the use of this drug may be an individual allergic reaction to one of the components.

Special instructions

• Both pregnant and lactating women can safely use Espumisan Extra in moderate doses; • If the bloating and the formation of gas bubbles did not stop even after undergoing a long course of treatment with the drug, then the patient should contact the attending physician as soon as possible for qualified help; • The drug is completely contraindicated in patients with congenital fructose intolerance; • There is absolutely no sugar in the composition of this product, so that it can be safely consumed by patients suffering from any form of diabetes mellitus; • In pill form, this medicine can be given to children six years of age and older. A lot of positive reviews about Espumisan extra are due to the fact that it can be given even to babies (though only in the form of an emulsion or drops).

Storage conditions

The drug must be stored at room temperature out of the reach of children. Only closed storage in sealed packaging is allowed.

Terms of sell

You can buy Espumisan Extra without a doctor's prescription.