Castor oil 30ml


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  • 3 or more $3.32
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Castor Oil Properties

Interestingly, young people often did not hear anything about castor oil. This is due to two factors: firstly, young people are less likely to get sick, respectively, it makes no sense to look for some cheap panacea; secondly, drug advertising, which has flooded the entire media space, is constantly promoting expensive modern drugs.
But the older generation knows about castor firsthand. And not only thanks to such pillars of Russian culture as Chekhov or Marshak, who mentioned castor in their works. Castor oil was mandatory in almost any home medicine cabinet. And they used it back in ancient times, considering castor oil almost a cure for all diseases.
Now let's list the properties of castor oil. But first, we emphasize that it is one hundred percent natural product, that is, vegetable oil. Castor oil is obtained by squeezing the fruit of a plant called castor bean. It grows almost all over the world, including Russia. Most of the fruit structure of this plant is made up of fats (of course, vegetable).
    - One of the unique properties of castor oil is that castor oil does not dry out, but does not form a film.
    - Castor oil is not hygroscopic, that is, it does not absorb moisture from the air.
    - Castor has a rather specific smell, which initially seems unpleasant. But if you regularly use this tool, then you can get used to the unpleasant odor.
    - Castor does not have an aggressive effect on the skin. Accordingly, it does not corrode rubber; due to this, by the way, castor-based products were once used as special fluids for automobile brakes.
    - Castor oil is part of so many ointments and creams. For example, castor oil is an essential ingredient in Vishnevsky ointment.
    - Due to its excellent lubricating properties, castor oil has an excellent anti-corrosion effect.
    - It is believed that castor oil has the highest viscosity coefficients among all vegetable oils.
    - Castor oil used for medical purposes has a fairly long shelf life of five years. Many argue that even after that it does not really lose its properties, it only acquires a specific rancid taste. However, guidelines developed by the Ministry of Health do not recommend the use of oil after the expiration date. And is it worth saving on a penny product?
    - Castor oil is a source of vitamin E; however, this product does not contain carbohydrates, proteins and minerals.
Here, in fact, all the properties in a general form are worthy of mention. It is worth, perhaps, to add that the basis of the composition of castor oil is esters of several types of fatty acids (including ricinoleic (80% of the composition), linoleic, oleic and so on). It is noteworthy that ricin, contained in the seed kernel of castor oil, is an extremely toxic substance.
To people far from chemistry, this information is unlikely to say anything. However, for many who have become acquainted with the few properties of castor oil, a legitimate question may arise - and what is so unusual about it? After all, in fact, this is an ordinary vegetable oil, more like a lubricant.
Well then, let's move directly to the medical and cosmetic use of castor oil. At the same time, it will not be limited to unfounded allegations, but we will try to prove the justification for using castor oil for various purposes. But before ...

Who discovered castor oil?

    It is impossible to say for sure when people discovered the amazing properties of castor oil, guessing to use it for their many needs. However, it is precisely known that castor oil is mentioned in the famous medical treatise of ancient Egypt - Papyrus Ebers.
In this oldest medical manuscript there is an indication that castor oil was actively used for several centuries before writing the manuscript itself! The well-known American organization, the Food and Drug Administration, recognized castor as a “safe and effective” over-the-counter laxative.
A huge contribution to the popularization of the use of castor oil was also made by the Americans. And the most significant was the contribution of the American professor and practicing physician Jarvis Deforent Clinton (1881-1966), who studied the effect of numerous traditional medicine on the human body.

Castor Oil Application

Castor oil is a laxative

Indeed, most often castor oil is prescribed as a laxative for constipation. Actually, due to this property, castor oil initially gained great popularity.
The fact is that an enzyme called lipase is produced in our pancreas. One of its functions is to aid in the absorption of fats. The reaction that occurs upon the interaction of castor oil with lipase in the interaction of fats leads to the release of the same ricinoleic acid, which acts on the intestines as an irritant.
Due to the specific properties of this acid, castor oil causes irritation of the intestine, and throughout its length! The effectiveness of the drug is amazing - the resulting reflex increase in the reduction of the walls of the intestine (that is, increased peristalsis) invariably solves the problem of constipation.

How to apply castor oil against constipation?

    Castor does not act immediately, but after some time. According to existing recommendations, the oil should be taken one hour before a meal, or 2-3 hours after a meal. Keep in mind that castor oil is a very powerful tool! And here it is extremely important to observe the dosage.
In general, it is recommended that 1 gram of castor oil is needed per kilogram of weight. Take the medicine once a day for three days. It should be noted that castor oil is not used if the constipation is prolonged or if the cause of constipation is mechanical bowel obstruction! In this case, you need to see a doctor, look for the cause of the problem, prescribe individual treatment.
By the way, for short-term constipation, one tablespoon of castor oil is enough, which should be taken before bedtime. So to say, a side effect of this treatment is that castor oil literally within a few hours frees the intestines from various toxins and toxins.
However, it is impossible to specifically clean the body with castor, taking it in the above doses in the absence of constipation. For this, there is another recipe and method of use, which we will talk about a little later. As for castor against constipation, this type of treatment requires some preparation.
It's not that complicated, actually. In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary to change your so-called eating behavior three days before taking castor oil. You should eat healthy food, adhere to the rule of fractional nutrition (that is, at least five meals a day, in small portions).

Castor oil for children with constipation

Children under 12 years of age should not be given castor oil. If the child is younger, then for the treatment of constipation with castor oil it is necessary to have an appointment with a pediatrician. Children over 12 years old should be given one teaspoon of castor oil once a day. This is approximately 5 grams of medication.
The medicine should be given either at night or 30 minutes before a meal. In some cases, it makes sense to increase the amount of castor oil three times, up to 15 grams.
    When it comes to constipation in a child, it makes sense to try to do with milder means! For castor oil to be given, serious reasons are necessary, therefore, consultation with pediatricians in such cases will be far from superfluous.
The reason is not only that the medicine has a fairly strong effect. Castor in itself has a rather nasty taste (yes, yes, all useful medicines usually taste bad!). Even adults are advised to drink it in one gulp to suppress the gag reflex. And for children this is not always the case.
However, the taste of castor oil can be interrupted, as they say. To do this, some experts recommend drinking milk with milk. You can also make tea with ginger. In any case, a large amount of fluid is necessary, because after taking the constipation can be replaced by temporary diarrhea, which, as you know, leads to serious loss of fluid by the body.

Castor oil to cleanse the body

It is one thing to use castor oil in shock doses to combat constipation. A passing effect is really expressed in cleaning the intestines, of toxins. However, it is impossible to use castor oil at such doses solely to cleanse the body of toxins, as as a result, not only the accumulated "dirt" is washed out of the body, but also beneficial bacteria.
Moreover, the well-known fact is as follows - polyunsaturated acids contained in castor oil contribute to the so-called lipid metabolism in cells. In simpler terms, castor oil helps to improve the metabolism of nutrients in the body at the cellular level. And this leads to an improvement in the function of our liver.

Castor oil for the intestines

    A healthy intestine is normal digestion. Good digestion is almost always excellent skin. And it doesn’t matter what kind of complexion a person is! The cleansing of the body of toxins and toxins is inextricably linked with the processes of metabolism taking place within us.
To decide whether castor oil will be able to become part of a diet for you personally, you need to consult a specialist. By the way, if we are talking about dietary nutrition, it is obvious that from the diet should be excluded (or significantly limited) foods such as fatty meat, salt, sugar, alcoholic beverages.
In order to gradually clean the intestines without disturbing the internal balance of substances in the body when taking castor oil, it is necessary to take 1-2 capsules (this medicine is available in this form) 3 times a day. Capsules should be taken with meals. In this case, the course of treatment can reach one month. The minimum age of the patient is 12 years.

Castor oil from corns

One of the big problems that concerns many of us is the presence of corns and corns. Even children suffer from these troubles! Often this problem is not paid attention until there is only one way to deal with corns and corns - surgical intervention.
In fact, castor oil can greatly facilitate our lives. To do this, twice a day, lubricate the skin of the feet and toes with castor oil - in the morning and at night. The effectiveness of castor oil for combating corns and corns has been proved by the very same Jarvis Deforent Clinton, which we mentioned earlier.
However, castor possibilities are not limited to this. Often, because of uncomfortable shoes, microcracks appear on our skin, small wounds, and sores. In this case, Jarvis also recommends treating problem areas with ordinary castor oil. In this case, the scientist relied on the results of his own research, which he, as a practicing physician, had a lot.

Castor oil for age spots and freckles

Many people find freckles cute. Maybe this is so when the skin pigmentation is moderate enough. However, freckles very often merge into an unsightly cluster of age spots. Something similar can be observed on the skin of older people, whose skin is covered with so-called senile buckwheat.
Such changes are the result of various reasons that lead to the instability of a pigment such as melanin. For example, "aged buckwheat" on the hands occurs due to a spasm of small arteries entering the skin cells (arterioles). Due to this phenomenon, antioxidant mechanisms of cells are blocked.
By the way, vitiligo, which is characterized by the disappearance of melanin in certain skin areas, also occurs due to spasm of arterioles. This same spasm can be removed with the help of castor oil, which starts the processes of self-regulation in the cells.

How to use castor from skin pigmentation

Oil heated to body temperature (just hold the jar in your hands for a while), apply to a cotton swab, and then fix it on the problem area, for example, with an ordinary plaster. This procedure must be done twice a week, leaving the swab overnight.
If you have very oily skin, then just repeat this treatment once a week. If the skin is hypersensitive, then castor oil is better not to use in its pure form. For this purpose, you can mix castor oil and sea buckthorn in equal proportions. The effect will not be so quick and pronounced, however, your skin will remain intact.

Castor oil for dry skin

Dry skin occurs due to the fact that blood circulation in the skin cells is disturbed. Reduced blood circulation leads to a slowdown in cellular metabolism. Cells with reduced metabolism begin to divide more slowly, so old cells are not replaced by new ones as often as before.
The mechanism that makes castor oil work in this case is completely analogous to the mechanism that allows using castor oil to combat pigmentation disorders. Oil relieves spasm of not only arterioles, but also spasm of blood vessels, through which oxygen-depleted blood flows from capillaries to veins (venules).

How to use castor to dry skin

You can eliminate dry skin and smooth wrinkles with a mixture of olive oil and castor oil. Also, a portion of peach oil can be added to the solution, which will give the product the aroma of a cosmetic product. The solution must be heated in a water bath, and then applied to problem areas. Rinse off the mixture after a quarter of an hour.
This procedure can be repeated twice a day. If the skin is very dry, then it is recommended to make a cream of castor oil and peach oil, diluting them in a ratio of one to two. The cream is applied to problem areas, after which it is allowed to soak. You do not need to rinse off the cream, but you can wet its excess with a napkin.

Castor oil for warts and papillomas

A wart, like a papilloma, are benign neoplasms, which are the most common microorganisms. In order for these microorganisms to die, it is necessary to shut off the oxygen they receive. This is done using castor oil, but in a specific way.

How to use castor from warts and papillomas

In order to get rid of neoplasms, it is necessary to rub castor oil into a wart or papilloma for a certain time. In this case, it’s important not the force with which you will rub the castor oil (otherwise you can cause irritation!), But the duration of exposure. It should be 20 minutes.
Isn't this approach reminiscent of how many of us act with a tick that has digged into the body? The bite site is also treated with oil (and it may well be castor oil), after which the insect, dying from a lack of oxygen, itself falls off slowly (ideally).

Castor oil for eyelashes

Do you want long eyelashes? Lubricate the upper eyelid with castor oil at night. Mothers have given this advice to their daughters in India, Russia, China, the United States of America and many, many other countries since time immemorial. And if you are not lazy, but regularly treat the eyelids with castor oil, then the result will manifest itself in a month, which is pretty good for a natural increase in the volume of eyelashes.

How to handle eyelashes with castor oil

Apply alcohol-free castor oil to the eyelashes of the upper eyelid exactly as mascara is applied - that is, from the tip of the eyelid to the tips of the eyelashes. Treat your eyelashes at night two to three times a week, and in the morning rinse your eyes with warm water. Spring and fall treatment courses are recommended (for two to three months in each season).

Terms of sell

You can buy Castor oil without a prescription.