Hexoral solution 1mg/ml 200ml


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  • 2 or more $32.39
  • 3 or more $32.33

Instruction for Hexoral

You can buy Hexoral here

For adults

Hexoral solution is applied undiluted topically to gargle the mouth and mouth. The standard single dose for adults is 15 ml.
    15 ml is one tablespoon of the solution.
Instructions for rinsing with Hexoral:
    Measure out 1 tbsp. solution.
    Pour the contents of the spoon into the mouth.
    If you gargle, then throw your head back a little and make an “And” sound as you exhale.
    If you rinse your mouth, make a few rinsing movements so that the liquid is distributed throughout the mouth.
    Rinse your mouth or throat for 30 to 60 seconds.
    Spit out the solution.
Rinses are carried out in the morning and in the evening after eating.
    The drug is very well preserved on the mucous membranes for at least 10 hours (in trace amounts - up to 65 hours). For this reason, the use of funds more than 2 times a day is impractical.
After rinsing, you should refrain from eating and drinking.

Hexoral solution for children

The possibility of using Hexoral solution for children is limited by the lack of rinsing skills without subsequent ingestion. The drug cannot be swallowed: it will cause vomiting. In addition, the drug contains 96% medical alcohol. Although its concentration is low - 4.33% - in very young children a slight toxic effect is possible. For this reason, instructions for the use of Hexoral solution for children limit the age of use to 3 years. The restriction is conditional, because a child and at 4 years old can, in most cases intentionally, swallow a medicine.
Despite the fact that the instruction allows the use of the solution for children from 3 years old, it is more advisable to use:
    For the treatment of diseases of the throat - spray;
    for the treatment of inflammation in the oral cavity - lubricate the mucosa with a cotton swab.
    By its therapeutic effectiveness, lubrication with a cotton swab is similar to rinsing. This method is safe for the child and can be used to treat children of any age.
Hexoral lubrication instructions:
    Pour a small amount of the drug into a teaspoon.
    Take a cotton swab. Or use tweezers with a little cotton.
    Dip a cotton swab in the solution.
    Lubricate the oral mucosa, not limited to the places of lesions, including tongue, root of the tongue, under the tongue, upper gum, etc.
    Repeat steps 3-4 until you disinfect the entire oral cavity.
After lubrication, as well as after rinsing, the child should refrain from food and drinks.
The drug may cause a slight burning sensation. It should be explained to the child that after rinsing or lubrication, unusual sensations in the mouth are possible.

Hexoral solution during pregnancy and lactation

The drug enters the systemic circulation in a microscopic amount. The instructions for use indicate that there is no data on the negative effects of Hexoral. However, it is not known whether the drug is able to penetrate the fetus and breast milk. Doctors presume that even if it is capable, the concentration of substances in the blood and milk is so low that it is unlikely to cause any harm to the fetus or child. Therefore, Hexoral is one of the few remedies recommended for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Instructions for use of the solution of Hexoral during pregnancy does not differ from the standard (see above).

The composition and form of Hexoral

The main substance of the solution is hexetidine (0.1%).
Hexetidine is an antiseptic and antifungal agent that destroys the shell of bacteria and fungi, which leads to their death.
Additional constituents of Hexoral solution:
    Alcohol (3.83 vol.%);
    oils - peppermint, anise, cloves, eucalyptus;
    lemon acid;
    food coloring;
The solution has a red color, it is transparent to light. The smell is mint. The taste is specific, due to citric acid, sweetener, vegetable component and levomenthol.
The solution is available in 200 ml vials. One bottle is designed for 6 days of treatment, subject to the dosage and frequency of use specified in the instructions.

Indications for use

Hexoral is indicated for inflammatory diseases of the throat. However, rinsing with a solution as a method of exposure is inferior in its therapeutic effectiveness to a spray.
Rinsing is indicated mainly for diseases of the oral cavity:
    Inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa;
    inflammation of the root shell of the tooth and adjacent tissues;
    inflammation after tooth extraction;
    tongue inflammation;
    ulcers on the mucosa;
    after dental operations.

For sore throat

Hexoral solution is used as an additional remedy for sore throats. Its anesthetics (levomenton and methyl salicylate) have a weak analgesic effect.

With a cold

Hexoral solution is used for colds as an additional medicine.
The drug does not affect the replication of viruses in the cells of the mucosa. Therefore, it is useless for a cold of the viral type. At the same time, a viral cold is often complicated by a bacterial. In this regard, rinsing is a good preventive measure, leading to the removal of pathogenic flora from the oral cavity, and, therefore, to a decrease in the likelihood of developing a bacterial infection.

With angina

In accordance with the instructions for use, the solution of Hexoral is indicated for angina in combination with other antibiotics.
It should be noted that rinsing does not have a significant effect on the microflora of the throat. The instructions for use indicate that the antiseptic effect is manifested after 30-60 seconds. effects of the drug on the mucosa. Gargling is not able to provide contact of the throat mucosa of the required intensity and duration.
With angina, it is recommended that the solution be applied directly to the tonsils and the back of the throat with a hygienic cotton swab or tweezers with a cotton swab. An easier way is to use Hexoral spray.

With pharyngitis

Rinsing with Hexoral solution is indicated for pharyngitis as an auxiliary medical procedure. For the reasons described above, it is more efficient to use an aerosol form of the product (spray).


Hexoral is contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity to its constituent components.
Rinsing is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age and older in cases where the child does not understand the meaning of the procedure and there is a risk of swallowing. If necessary, use the solution in such cases, it is applied to the mucosa with a cotton swab.

Side effects

The drug remains almost all on the mucosa. Suction is minimal. Systemic side effects are not described.
Locally, the development of irritation of the mucosa (redness, burning) is possible.
Due to the analgesic components of the solution during systematic use, the ability of tongue receptors to distinguish taste is reduced.

Reviews about the solution Hexoral

In general, the drug receives good reviews. Rinse solution Hexoral with proper use effectively fights bacteria and fungi.
Some patients report an unpleasant taste of the drug.
A review of the instructions of Hexoral in the form of an aerosol, which is used for the complex treatment of tonsillitis, tonsillitis and other ENT diseases.


Instructions for the use of rinse solution Hexoral recommends using it in inflammatory processes in the mouth and throat caused by bacteria and fungi.
Rinsing is carried out with a volume of 15 ml for 30 seconds.
The solution cannot be swallowed (vomiting is possible). For this reason, children who do not know how to rinse their mouths on their own are prescribed a drug lubrication of the affected areas of the mucosa.

Terms of sell

You can buy Hexoral without a prescription.