Codelac Neo tabs 50mg #10


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  • 3 or more $9.32
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Codelac Neo instruction

You can buy Codelac Neo here

Composition of Codelac Neo tablets

According to the instructions, the main component of the drug is butamirate citrate. The composition of the Codelac Neo tablet includes lactose.
White tablets with modified release (the components of the tablets allow you to program the rate of release of the drug substance) are packaged in blisters and cans of polymer material. Each packaging is accompanied by instructions for use.

pharmachologic effect

Based on the information on the instructions for use, Codelac Neo in tablets is an antitussive agent that has a direct effect on the cough center.
Also such effects are also inherent:
The components of the tablets help to reduce airway resistance and oxygen saturation of the blood.
    Important! Butamyrate citrate does not belong to opium alkaloids, and therefore does not cause dependence, does not accumulate in tissues with repeated use and can be used for a sufficiently long time.
Codelac Neo tablets are characterized by a fairly high absorption. Plasma is extremely saturated with the main metabolite 9 hours after use, which are subsequently excreted mainly by the kidneys.

Which cough helps - dry or wet?

According to the instructions, Codelac Neo tablets have an antitussive effect, and therefore are prescribed for any dry cough. Clinical trials have proven the positive result of tablets in the treatment of:
    ARVI and ARI;
    whooping cough, etc.
According to the instructions, Codelac Neo series can also be used to stop coughing before and after surgery and during bronchoscopy.
The use of tablets with a wet cough due to the lack of components that have a mucolytic effect will be useless and ineffective.

Instructions for use

The instruction does not recommend the use of Codelac (Neo series) in the presence of at least one of the following conditions:
    hypersensitivity to ingredients;
    lactose intolerance;
    lactase deficiency;
    malabsorption of glucose and galactose;
    1 trimester of pregnancy;
    under the age of 18.
It is not clear whether butamirate passes into breast milk. Therefore, its use in this period is better to exclude. There is also no information about the ability of the main component of the tablets to overcome the placental barrier. Due to the lack of results of clinical studies during pregnancy, according to the instructions, the medication is allowed to be used only after consultation with the doctor, if the expected result for the woman exceeds the possible risks for the baby.
In rare cases, the use of tablets can cause adverse reactions. Among them:
    stool disorders;
    redness of the skin;
The instruction notes that when the application is stopped or the dose of the drug used is reduced, such reactions of the body quickly disappear.
An overdose of the drug is manifested by vomiting, dyspepsia, drowsiness, irritability, decreased pressure and impaired coordination of movement.
To alleviate this condition, the instructions show the use of absorbents, saline laxatives and other symptomatic therapy. Gastric lavage is advisable only in the first hours after taking a dose in excess of the daily norm.

How to use?

In accordance with the instructions, the use of Codelac (Neo series) is administered orally before meals. Tablets should be taken in their entirety, excluding any type of preliminary grinding.
    Note! Before using the tablets, you must always consult a doctor and carefully study the instructions.

Dosage and administration

In each case of the disease, the necessary norm for the use of the medication is prescribed individually by the doctor. In the absence of specialist recommendations, the instructions assume taking 1 tablet every 8-12 hours.
If positive dynamics is not observed after 5 days of using Codelac Neo, you should definitely notify your doctor.
The course prescribed by a specialist is important to complete. Do not stop using Codelac Neo immediately after the first signs that the patient has recovered.

Important notes

The instructions do not describe the interaction of tablets with any medications. However, it is known that during therapy it is better to avoid the use of alcohol-containing products and drinks.
The instruction advises against using medications that depress the central nervous system. These include antipsychotics, sleeping pills, tranquilizers and other similar drugs.
Based on the instructions, 241 mg of lactose is present in 1 tablet. If you are intolerant of this type of carbohydrate, Codelac Neo is recommended not to be used.
The use of the medication in accordance with the instructions can cause drowsiness and dizziness, therefore during treatment it is worth refusing to drive vehicles and perform other obviously dangerous activities.
In the Codelac complex of the Neo series, mucolytics cannot be used. Due to the suppression of the antitussive reflex, this combination can provoke stagnation of sputum.

Features of treating children

Based on the instructions for use, Codelac Neo for children is not used until the age of 18. This is due to the lack of clinical trials of tablets with this category of patients.
However, there are references to cases of prescribing the drug by pediatricians. In this situation, the dosage should be selected by the doctor for each specific case of the disease, and the application process should be fully controlled by him.
Children developed the Codelac drops and syrup Neo series, the use of which is allowed from an earlier age.


Reviews about Codelac Neo tablets are quite contradictory. Some patients note a quick result and a convenient dosage of the drug. Consumers are also attracted by the relatively low cost of Codelac (Neo series).
This is a drug whose instructions indicate the possibility of use for whooping cough. Of course, the medication will not cure the disease itself, but a debilitating cough makes it much easier.
The remaining patients indicate a lack of therapeutic effect of the tablets. Butamirate effectively suppresses dry coughing attacks by affecting the cough center of the brain.

Terms of sell

You don't need a prescription to buy Codelac Neo.