Ascoril tabs #20


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Instruction for Ascoril

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The modern combined drug with a pronounced expectorant, as well as bronchodilator effect - the drug "Ascoril". What does this medicine help from? Instructions for use indicate that tablets and syrup have excellently proven themselves in the treatment of pathologies accompanied by sputum production.


The following composition of Ascoril is indicated in the attached instructions:
    in 1 tablet - 100 mg of guaifenesin, 8 mg of bromhexine hydrochloride, 2 mg of salbutamol sulfate.
It is this composition that helps to achieve a therapeutic effect.

Provided pharmacological effects

Since the medicine "Ascoril" is a complex remedy, the effects it has on numerous times:
The salbutamol present in the composition has a stimulating effect on beta2 - adrenergic receptors of the bronchial tree, as well as blood vessels. Due to this, the bronchodilator effect of the drug “Ascoril” is achieved. The instructions for use report that, in addition, salbutamol prevents or eliminates bronchospasm, quickly lowers the resistance in the tissues of the respiratory structures, and maximizes the vital volume of the lung structures. Changes in pressure parameters, however, do not occur.
Bromhexine, as one of the active components of the drug, has not only mucolytic, but also an expectorant, as well as an antitussive effect. Significantly decreases the viscosity of bronchial secretions. In addition, the activity of cilia of atrial tissue is activated. Sputum loses its viscosity, its total volume increases significantly, and excretion improves.
Guaifenisin, as a mucolytic component of the drug, has the ability to reduce surface tension in the structures of the respiratory apparatus. In addition, it stimulates the activity of secretory cells of bronchial tissue. Other effects include: production of neutral polysaccharides and activation of the ciliary apparatus of the bronchi, depolymerization of acid mucopolysaccharides, and facilitating the elimination of sputum. Against the background of the use of the drug, unproductive cough activity passes into a productive course.

"Ascoril": what helps and when is appointed

A specialist mucolytic drug "Ascoril" is included in the combined treatment of all forms of bronchopulmonary pathologies that form with the formation of difficult-to-exudate exudate. Indications for use include:
    obstructive variant of bronchitis;
    whooping cough;
    bronchial asthma;
    pulmonary tuberculosis.
Only a specialist should decide on the need for medication.

The medicine "Ascoril": instructions for use

Ascoril Expectorant is intended for oral administration. Adult patients, as well as babies over 10-12 years old, 1 pc. 3 r / s. Children 6–10 years of 1/2 pcs. either 1 pc. three times a day, according to indications.
The specialist recommends optimal doses, frequency of administration, total duration of treatment based on the diagnosed pathology, age category of the patient, his tolerance to the drug.

Absolute and relative contraindications

Based on the attached instructions, it follows that the medication has an absolute contraindication - individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
Other contraindications:
    heart disease;
    gastrointestinal ulcer defects;
    insufficiency of renal or liver structures;
    the moment of bearing the baby, his lactation.
When diagnosing the above contraindications, a specialist selects another pharmacotherapy.

Side effects

In most cases, the medication is well tolerated by people. In rare cases, the appearance of:
    pain impulses in various areas of the head;
    dyspeptic disorders;
    sleep disorder;
    persistent dizziness;
    hyper excitability;
    excessive nervousness;
    increased drowsiness.
After canceling the medication, all of the above unwanted effects are completely eliminated.

special instructions

With extreme caution, the drug is used in people who already have pathologies - hyperthyroidism or diabetes, decompensated conditions of the cardiovascular system, gastric ulcer in case of exacerbation. In addition, the simultaneous administration of the medication and representatives of the beta adrenoblocker subgroup is not recommended.


In numerous benevolent reviews of Ascoril, grateful patients indicate a quick elimination of such an unpleasant symptom as a cough. Against the background of taking the medication, it becomes productive, sputum painlessly leaves the bronchi. She feels better.
A good expectorant effect in children with tracheobronchitis is emphasized. It also attracts quite a democratic value. Rare negative reviews are quite explainable by not observing the recommendations of a specialist regarding doses, frequency of administration. After an appropriate correction, everything returns to normal.

Terms of sell

You can buy Ascoril without a prescription.