Ambroxol solution 7.5mg/ml 4ml #10


  • Availability: In Stock

  • 3 or more $6.79
  • 5 or more $6.72

Ambroxol solution instruction

You can buy Ambroxol solution here

Drug properties

    Strengthening the secretion of bronchial glands. By reducing the concentration of glycoproteins in the mucus of the respiratory tract, sputum liquefies and leaves the bronchi easier;
    Stimulation of the movement of the cilia of the internal epithelium of the respiratory tract. Sputum is excreted due to the translational movement of these structures;
    Improving mucociliary transport of substances. Microcirculation is stabilized, metabolic processes normalizing the state of the respiratory system are accelerated.
Fact! Ambroxol solution additionally affects the secretion of surfactant. The specified substance prevents the adhesion of the alveoli during breathing. The drug is widely used in the treatment of newborns suffering from a lack of surfactant in respiratory distress syndrome.
The purpose of the drug in the form of inhalation for laryngitis and pharyngitis helps to minimize symptoms and eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane.
A 2014 study by scientists from the city of Zaporozhye (Ukraine) showed that inhaled use of the appropriate medication in the treatment of respiratory diseases guarantees the elimination of cough and wet rales in 93-95% of patients of different age categories. Taking the drug additionally contributed to the elimination of dry wheezing and shortness of breath, if any.

Indications and contraindications to the use of the drug

Ambroxol for inhalation in a nebulizer is traditionally prescribed to eliminate wet cough, accompanied by a violation of the function of goblet cells of the bronchial mucosa. However, the drug is also effective in the symptomatic treatment of pharyngitis and laryngitis. Dry cough caused by an early stage of bronchitis is gradually transformed due to stimulation of secretion of the corresponding glands.


    pathology of the respiratory system, proceeding against the background of secretion of thick sputum, poorly separated from the bronchi;
    inflammatory processes in the lung tissue;
    acute or chronic bronchitis;
    bronchiectatic disease;
    asthma with frequent episodes of bronchial obstruction;
    respiratory distress syndrome and surfactant deficiency in infants.
The use of Ambroxol inhalation solution for the treatment of diseases accompanied by dry cough is possible only after consulting a doctor. Sometimes the prescription of the drug is not justified due to the lack of dysfunction of the bronchial glands. The result of illiterate use is the accumulation of excessive amounts of sputum in the respiratory tract with the addition of a secondary flora.
The use of Ambroxol for inhalation is contraindicated in the following situations:
    hypersensitivity of the patient's body to the components of the drug;
    peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
    convulsive syndrome (epilepsy);
    dysfunction of myocytes in the muscles of the bronchi, which is accompanied by pathology of expansion and narrowing of the lumen of the respiratory tract.
In patients with increased secretion of bronchial mucus, the appointment of Ambroxol solution is fraught with excessive accumulation of sputum. Against the background of stagnation, inflammation progresses, pneumonia with the corresponding clinical picture.

Instructions for use in the nebulizer

The use of Ambroxol for inhalation is possible only with a special device - a nebulizer. The device crushes the liquid fraction of the active substance into dust (fog), which penetrates deep into the respiratory tract, providing a topical (local) effect.

How to breed for children and adults?

Instructions for use of the solution for inhalation Ambroxol provides for the preliminary preparation of a medicinal fluid. Reception through the inhaler is carried out after mixing the active substance with physiological saline (0.9% NaCl) in a ratio of one to one.
1 ml of Ambroxol solution contains 7.5 mg of the base component. Calculation example: if for a sick child 13 years old the daily dose is 15-60 mg of active substance, then to achieve the desired result, the patient should take an average of 3 inhalations per day. For the procedure, 2 ml of Ambroxol and another 2 ml of physiological saline are used.

How to do inhalation - in stages?

To achieve the maximum effect from inhalation, you must correctly carry out the appropriate procedure. The patient action algorithm can be represented in the sequence of the following steps:
    open the package with a bottle of solution Ambroxol;
    study the instructions and check the expiration date of the medication;
    measure the required amount of the drug with a measuring cup;
    mix the medication with saline. A recipe indicating the method of how to dilute the drug is described above;
    plug the nebulizer into a power outlet;
    fill the container with liquid;
    inhale the vaporization of the medicine for 5-10 minutes.
Important! The key aspect remains the correct entry of the product into the patient's respiratory system. The patient needs to breathe normally. It is not recommended to forcefully retract the vapor of the drug due to the risk of a reflex cough.

Frequency of use

The dosage of the appropriate medicine depends on the age of the patient:
    adults and children after 6 years - 2-3 ml of solution Ambroxol mixed with the same amount of saline twice a day;
    children under 6 years - 1-2 ml twice a day.
The therapeutic course is 4-5 days. The extension of treatment is agreed with the doctor. Inhalation is recommended after eating.

Is it possible during pregnancy?

Pregnancy and lactation do not exclude the use of solution Ambroxol for coughing. In each case, the doctor assesses the risk and potential benefits for the mother and child. Scientists have proven that the medication passes through breast milk and the placental barrier. Because of this, in the absence of emergency, a cough medicine is not prescribed.

Side effects

Ambroxol solution is a drug that is well tolerated by patients. The occurrence of undesirable consequences is episodic in nature.
Possible adverse reactions:
    dry mouth
    weakness, dizziness, headache;
    pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting;
    diarrhea or constipation;
    allergy - urticaria.
Compliance with the instructions for using the appropriate drug minimizes the risk of developing these side effects. If undesirable effects occur, consult a doctor for symptomatic treatment of the problem.

Drug interaction

Important! Ambroxol for inhalation is not used in conjunction with centrally acting antitussive medicines - glaucine, butamirate, codeine. There is stagnation of mucus in the bronchi, a bacterial infection joins with the progression of the corresponding symptoms.
The drug increases the effectiveness of antimicrobials used in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Precautionary measures

With caution, Ambroxol solution is prescribed to patients suffering from impaired liver and kidney function. With a weakened cough reflex, the dose of the drug is reduced due to the risk of stagnation of sputum in the bronchi. The drug is not taken immediately before bedtime.
Patients suffering from diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by bronchial hyperreactivity, should use Ambroxol solution with caution in inhalation.


Ambroxol solution is the most common drug for treating cough. The medication has proven itself, as evidenced by the numerous positive reviews of patients and doctors. Below are a few of the comments.
Peter, 33 years old
“The doctor prescribed Ambroxol solution. Pleasantly surprised by the price of the medicine. The inconvenience was the need to visit the clinic for inhalation. However, I got rid of the cough in 3 days. ”
Valentina, 37 years old
“Three children at home. We use ambroxol solution regularly. Even bought a home nebulizer. The effect of therapy is always excellent. Recomend for everybody".
Igor, 56 years old
“Ambroxol solution is always treated. The cough goes away quickly. There are no claims to the medicine. ”


Ambroxol in the form of inhalation is an effective drug for the treatment of cough. The tool is popular among patients and doctors. Due to safety, the medication is used in children and even during pregnancy. Before use, you need to consult a doctor to minimize the risks of complications or unwanted reactions.

Terms of sell

You can buy Ambroxol solution without a prescription from a doctor.