Vitrum Kids plus tabs #30

$20.99 $28.50

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Vitrum Kids plus instruction

You can buy Vitrum Kids plus here

Release form

Vitrum Kids Plus made in the form of chewable tablets in the form of funny cubs, their color ranges from gray-pink to pink-red. Sold in a bottle made of polymeric materials, which is placed in a bright cardboard packaging.

Indications for use

These lines of Vitrum are intended for the treatment and prevention of vitamin and mineral deficiencies in children during the period of active growth. They will also be useful for speeding up recovery, filling the shortage of nutrients with poor appetite, unbalanced and inadequate nutrition.


Among the contraindications should be noted:
age up to 2 years;
increased individual intolerance to any component;
hypervitaminosis A, D and other substances from the composition of drugs;
kidney disease;
chronic heart failure;
taking selenium and retinoids simultaneously with this drug;
carbohydrate metabolism disorders;
disorders of the thyroid gland (need a pediatrician consultation).

Effect on the body of children

Vitamin A is needed to normalize metabolism, regulate the development and growth of the child. Responsible for the normalization of the organs of vision, the integrity of the structure of tissues, increases the body's resistance to the negative effects of substances.
D3 improves the absorption of calcium in the intestines, the reverse absorption of phosphorus in the tubules of the kidneys, normalizes the process of formation of bones and teeth, and helps preserve their structure.
E - this is an active antioxidant, reduces lipid oxidation, increases in many diseases, helps prevent the destruction of cell structures by free radicals. It is a participant in the process of tissue respiration, protein and iron biosynthesis, the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, and many others.
Ascorbic acid has a pronounced regenerating property. It is a participant in the processes of oxidation and reduction, carbohydrate metabolism, affects the metabolism of thyroxine, insulin biosynthesis, catecholamines, steroid hormones. It is also necessary for the production of collagen, blood clotting, bone tissue repair. Normalizes capillary permeability, helps the gland to absorb in the intestine. Increases body resistance.
B1 is required for normal functioning of the digestive, endocrine and nervous system, cardiac muscle.
B2 helps to normalize the growth process. Affects the central and autonomic nervous system, helps to maintain adequate work of the organs of vision, the production of hemoglobin. Increases the secretory function of the stomach, improves the absorption of carbohydrates in the small intestine, liver function, the formation of insulin.
B5 stimulates the production of corticosteroids. It is important in the process of metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, the production of acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter necessary for normal learning and memory). Improves recovery processes.
B6 - a substance that is involved in the breakdown and transfer of amino acids, lipid metabolism. Required for the operation of the central and peripheral nervous systems.
B9 is required for normal functioning of the hematopoietic system, maturation of blood cells, stimulates the production of red blood cells, is involved in the synthesis of important acids and the metabolism of vitamin B4.
B12 is distinguished by high bioactivity, an important component in metabolic processes, improves cell repair, blood formation, and the functioning of the liver and nervous system.
Vitamin PP activates the production of substances that are involved in the majority of oxidative and reducing processes, ensuring the correct metabolism, including energy exchange.
Vitamin H is included in the composition of enzymes responsible for the regulation of lipid and protein metabolism. Required for the processing of fatty and oxalic-acetic acids.
Calcium is important for ensuring the transmission of nerve impulses, contraction of the myocardium, smooth and skeletal muscles, blood coagulation, creation and preservation of the integrity of bones.
Magnesium regulates metabolism, neurochemical transmission and muscle excitability, reduces the amount of acetylcholine in the central and peripheral nervous systems.
Iron is known for its influence on the composition of the blood, it is necessary to support hemoglobin levels. It is important for the course of redox reactions, the formation of blood cells.
Zinc is a participant in the synthesis of DNA, insulin, the breakdown and synthesis of RNA, the metabolism of lipids and proteins, contributes to the normal functioning of T-lymphocytes, improves immunity.
Iodine is an important component of thyroid hormones involved in the regulation of metabolic processes, the brain, central nervous system, heart and blood vessels, development and growth of the baby.
Manganese acts as an activator of many enzymes, including superoxide dismutase (the main antioxidant for the cellular mitochondrial enzyme).
Selenium supports the function of selenium-containing enzymes and those that are involved in the deiodination of thyroid hormones. It acts as an antioxidant, works in tandem with vitamin E.
In this, the effect of vitamins and minerals of these drugs on the body coincides. But there are two more important elements in Vitrum Kids plus:
Chromium is involved in the metabolism of glucose, increasing the effect of insulin.
Phosphorus is included in the composition of nucleotides, nucleic acids, phosphoproteins and phospholipids, that is, those enzymes that are part of the enamel of the teeth and bone tissue.

Instructions for use

Tablets Vitrum Kids plus are taken after or during meals, chewed thoroughly. If necessary, you can drink a small amount of water. If the child cannot chew on the vitamin itself, then it can be pre-crushed and dissolved in a small amount of water.
Vitrum Kids plus is prescribed 1 tablet per day.

Possible adverse reactions

Perhaps the manifestation of allergies to the components of Vitrum Kids plus. Urine may acquire an intense yellow color, but this is due to the content of vitamin B2 and does not require treatment.

special instructions

Do not exceed the recommended dosage of the drug.

Drug interactions

It is not recommended to take Vitrum Kids plus with other multivitamins that contain iron, vitamins A, E, D, because this is fraught with the development of hypervitaminosis.


In case of accidental overdose, you should consult a doctor. Treatment of overdose: ingestion of activated carbon and other absorbents, gastric lavage.

Storage and shelf life

Shelf life - 5 years. Store in a dark place at a temperature of 10-25 degrees and humidity up to 60%.

Composition of Vitrum Kids plus

One tablet contains:
Vitamin A0.333 (0.3 - 0.499) mg
Vitamin D36 (5.4 - 9.0) mg
Vitamin E6.25 (5.6 - 9.4) mg TEQ
Vitamin C60 (54 - 90) mg
Vitamin B11.05 (0.95 - 1.57) mg
Vitamin B21.2 (1.08 - 1.8) mg
Vitamin B61.05 (0.95 - 1.57) mg
Vitamin B122 (1.8-3.0 mg)
Vitamin PP
(niacinamide) 13.5 (12.2 - 20.2) mg
Pantothenic acid
(vitamin B5) 4 (3.6 - 6) mg
Folic acid
(vitamin B9) 0,266 (0,239 - 0,399) mg
Biotin20 (18 - 30) mg
Calcium100 (90 - 125) mg
Magnesium 40 (36 - 50) mg
Zinc 6.4 (5.76 - 8) mg
Iodine62.5 (56.3 - 100) mg
Iron8 (7.2 - 10) mg
Copper0.48 (0.43 - 0.6) mg
Manganese1 (0.9 - 1.25) mg
Selenium 12.5 (11.3 - 20)) mg

Terms of sell

You can buy Vitrum Kids plus without a prescription.