Mense caps #40


  • Availability: In Stock

  • 2 or more $22.62
  • 3 or more $22.49

Instruction for Mense

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The drug belongs to the group of dietary supplements - the natural support of the female body and a dietary supplement containing a complex of soy isoflavones, amino acids beta-alanine and 5-hydroxytryptophan, and vitamins.
Useful substances that are part of Mense will help level the manifestations of menopausal syndrome and reduce the risk of undesirable effects of menopause. Mense maintains hormonal balance, reduces the frequency of hot flashes and eases other symptoms of menopause, normalizes sleep and emotional state.
To compensate for the lack of their own estrogens also used phytoestrogens - soybean isoflavones, clover, or some other plants. They are similar in structure to estrogen and therefore in the female body perform some of the functions of estrogen. In particular, they improve the condition of the female reproductive system, help avoid hot flashes, slow down age-related changes in appearance and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.


Form release - capsules weighing 595 mg.
Each capsule contains:
- Vitamin B12 1.5 µg;
- Vitamin B9 260 mcg;
- Vitamin C 60 mg;
- Vitamin E 7.5 mg;
- Vitamin B6 1.0 mg;
- Vitamin B5 2.5 mg;
- Soy isoflavones 25 mg;
- Beta-alanine 200 mg;
- 5-hydroxytryptophan 25 mg.
The beneficial effect of the biologically active components of Mense:
1. Soy isoflavones alleviate the negative manifestations of menopause, incl. “Hot flushes”. Normalize hormonal balance, replenishing the lack of "own" estrogen.
2. Beta-alanine suppresses “hot flashes” 30 minutes after ingestion. It has a long lasting protective effect.
3. 5-hydroxytryptophan (from the extract of griffonia) normalizes the emotional state, reduces anxiety, irritability. Improves sleep, normalizes biorhythms.
4. Folic acid (vitamin B9) supports hormonal balance.
5. Vitamins of group B increase vitality, stimulate the production of energy.
6. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is involved in the synthesis of estrogen, improves the body's ability to absorb calcium and folic acid, reduces the risk of developing urinary system infections.
7. Vitamin E (fat-soluble tocopherol) improves thermoregulation, reducing the severity of “hot flushes”.


1. Does not contain hormones.
2. Low and affordable price.
An additional advantage of the drug is its safety: the vitamins are sold without a prescription, and all the ingredients are of plant origin, therefore “Mense” is suitable even for women who cannot take standard hormone replacement drugs.
    Do not neglect vitamin complexes that will help provide the body with the daily rate of vitamins. The drug "Mense" begins to work within 30 minutes after administration. It does not contain GMOs and is safe for long-term use.


It is recommended as a biologically active food supplement - an additional source of vitamins B12, B9, C, E, B6, B5, a source of isoflavones, contains beta-alanine, 5-hydroxytryptophan. Mense is appointed by gynecologists during menopausal syndrome.

What makes the drug Mense?

    It maintains hormonal balance, compensating for the deficiency of its own estrogens.
    Reduces the frequency and intensity of hot flashes.
    Improves emotional state, including reduces fatigue, gratuitous irritability and nervousness.
    Normalizes biorhythms and sleep.
    Reduces muscle pain.

Instructions for use Mense, dosage

Inside (orally, drinking plenty of liquids during a meal).
Adults on 1 caps. 1-2 times a day, depending on the severity of menopausal manifestations. Reception duration - 1 month.

Application features

Simultaneous intake of Mense with multivitamin complexes is undesirable.
If necessary, the use of other drugs required consultation with specialized experts.
When taking the drug allowed to drive and work with the exact mechanisms.
    Alcoholic beverages can neutralize the action of the herbal components of the drug, reducing its effectiveness, so it is advisable to abstain from drinking alcohol during the period of therapy.

Side effects and contraindications of Mense

Side effects of the drug Mense not identified.


Episodes of overdose Mense product are not described.


Contraindications to the use of the drug Mense are: individual intolerance to the components of dietary supplements, pregnancy and breastfeeding, infancy.
    Before use, consult a doctor.

Terms of sell

To buy Mense you don't need a prescription.