Tansy Flowers 75gr


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User manual for Tansy Flowers

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Properties of flowers: publicly available facts

In official medicine, tansy is positioned as an antiparasitic. This property is known by the people for a long time. Powder from all parts of the plant can be used as an effective drug in the fight against insect pests. But for the plant to really take root in the home medicine cabinet and to be useful, it is important to study the healing properties of tansy flowers and dosage forms that can be made independently.

Tansy Dosage Forms

Depending on the dosage form, it is treated with tansy flowers, much less often with leaves. The use of inflorescences is more advantageous in terms of the concentration of active substances. It should be noted that the popular forms - decoction and infusion are not dosed, they can be prepared independently. Extract is better to buy at the pharmacy, paying attention to the expiration date.

Decoction of tansy flowers

Prepare a decoction of flowers of tansy as follows:
    two tablespoons of vegetable raw materials (dried) pour two cups of water;
    after boiling the liquid languishes for 10 minutes;
    infusion is infused for an hour;
    filtered and consumed, the residue is stored in the refrigerator.
The decoction is best taken before meals.

Infusion of tansy flowers

There are experimental data proving that the infusion of tansy flowers has a positive effect on the heart. However, there are several reservations: the experiment was conducted on animals, the study of this issue on the human body was not carried out. But at the same time, it was found that the amplitude of the heartbeat increases, the blood pressure rises, the heart rhythm slows down.

Tansy flower extract

Tableted extract of tansy flowers for pharmaceutical action enhances the secretion of bile. It is an antispasmodic for the gallbladder and ducts, intestines. Thus, herbal medicine with a minimum list of contraindications is effective as an antispasmodic and choleretic agent.
In cosmetology, the use of tansy flowers is due to the properties of the resulting liquids. The essential oil and extract have antibacterial and antimycotic effects. Effective in inflammatory processes. The same property is used in medicine, especially in relation to the duodenum and stomach (an acceptable dosage form in this case is an infusion). The extract of flowers has a reparative and sedative effect, promoting the accelerated growth of healthy cells, soothing the irritated skin.

Other dosage forms

From time to time, the flowers of the plant are used somewhat differently. As a compress, tansy can be useful for gout, for the treatment of poorly healing suppurative wounds. An interesting recipe for wine from tansy. It is used by patients with rheumatism. Prepared on nutmeg wine, which poured 50 grams of inflorescences. Insist wine needs 8 days. Drink 30-40 grams only after meals.

Tansy as an active doctor

    The numerous beneficial properties of tansy flowers make it possible to use the plant extensively.
Sometimes it is the main medicine (for example, in the fight against certain parasites), and sometimes acts as an effective assistant in a large complex of drugs.
Self-treatment with tansy flowers for serious diseases of the body is not acceptable. It is important to consult a doctor or even several specialists. The plant is a good accomplice to alleviate the condition for hepatitis. This property is explained by the ability to reduce the amount of mucus that can be found in the secretions secreted by the liver. Tansy as a choleretic agent is known for its flavonoids.
Toning the muscles of the entire gastrointestinal tract, strengthening the work of all secretory organs is observed with regular use of decoction. Various dosage forms prepared from plant components are also used for:
gastritis (hyperacid type);
    hypotonic disease;
    nervous excitement.
Fresh flowers of tansy from tremor of the head can be used even to alleviate the condition of children. This treatment is considered one of the most effective. This method involves the use of fresh flowers (quite a few pieces) that need to be chewed. In the process of mechanical effects on the plant juice will be released with healing essential oils. It is necessary to swallow only the juice, and spit out the cake. A positive result can be expected in a week and a half. The procedure is done daily.
The sap of the plant is used not only in tremor. Drug description of tansy flowers indicates that the juice is effective in removing toxins. Dosed it after fever, tuberculosis. During the active treatment phase, tansy juice can be drunk together with the main therapy for epilepsy, menstrual pain, ulcer, headaches, for cold, joint pain, rheumatism. A small amount of the product helps to fall asleep faster for insomnia.
Herbalists recommend flowers of tansy and yarrow as a powerful tool for the treatment of liver diseases. Choleretic properties of yarrow in combination with the protective effect of tansy give a synergistic effect, most pronounced in the decoction of herbs. Liquid is consumed during the day in small portions, and is prepared in the usual way in a one-to-one ratio of ingredients.

Contraindications to the use of tansy

Confirmed contraindication - pregnancy. Any form of taking tansy can act as an abortive drug. Contraindications of tansy flowers for children are controversial. The fact is that the results of studies on the toxicity or toxicity of plants differ. But the thujone in the flowers is still recognized as poisonous.
Therefore it is necessary to limit the reception of tansy. There is evidence that 500 grams of tincture per day is the maximum safe dose for an adult. Overdose can manifest as indigestion, depression, kidney damage. Upon the occurrence of the described reaction, it is urgently necessary to wash the stomach using manganese solution.

Tansy in the fight against parasites, pests

The most popular use of plant components is the fight against parasites. They are effectively kicked ascaris and pinworms. Dried flowers of tansy from worms are used in many cleansing author's programs. The plant is effective both individually and as part of antihelminthic plant mixtures.

Tuna with pinworms

Enterobiasis is often accompanied by a disorder of the nervous system. This is especially true for children. Dried tansy flower for the treatment of worms is used as an independent means. It is used in the form of infusion periods for three to four weeks. During this time, all parasites-pinworms, even young individuals, should be excreted.

Ascaris tansy

Nematodes inhabit the small intestine. When invasions penetrate the stomach and can leave the human body through the mouth or penetrate the respiratory tract, liver, gallbladder. Pain caused by ascariasis, are numerous. Having diagnosed these parasites, treatment should begin as soon as possible.
An effective remedy for ascaris is prepared on the basis of a mixture of tansy, chamomile, wormwood:
    one tablespoon of crushed collection is filled with a quarter of a liter of water;
    not cooked, but only brought to a boil;
    cools down;
    grated garlic clove added;
    liquid infused for three hours;
    filtered and used as a microclyster before bedtime.
After entering the medication can not get up 40 minutes.

Tansy blends for general antiparasitic treatment

In complex deworming during the cleaning of the body from worms, tansy acts as a component in an effective mixture, also consisting of oak bark and buckthorn, wormwood.
All herbal ingredients are taken in equal shares. Liquid is being prepared from evening to morning: the day before you need to pour one teaspoon of the collection with half liter of water. The morning to drink before eating 100 ml.
Drink infusion for six days. The seventh day is the most important and large-scale in the fight against parasites and their safe withdrawal. Herbal preparations are also taken on this final day. The complex includes 300 grams of pumpkin seeds, washed down by the mood of oak bark and buckthorn (prepared as the main composition). After 2 hours, 25 grams of English salt, diluted in half a cup of warm water, are added. Additional liquid on this day should not come. A composition containing tansy flowers from parasites is no longer accepted.
Regardless of which particular parasite (or several species at once) is expelled, it is important to remember about their removal from the body. If possible, a system of cleansing measures (in particular, enemas) should be introduced into systemic deworming. The digestive system and the condition of the intestine is recommended to maintain vegetable oils. Effective in this case, pumpkin and flaxseed.

Pests that are afraid of tansy

Plant components have a devastating effect on a number of pests. Tansy is effective against moths, bugs, cockroaches, flies. Sometimes it is enough to simply arrange dried bouquets around the house or beautifully decorate the interior with them. To prepare the bait in the form of a sweet syrup, you will also need sugar. Tansy and sugar are boiled down to a volatile state, poured in containers that are placed in problem areas of the room. Such a composition is safe even for children's rooms.

Terms of sell

You don't need a prescription to buy Tansy flowers.