Plantex 5gr #30


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Tags: baby

Instruction for Plantex

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Unfortunately, many babies suffer from recurring bowel pain. This phenomenon is nothing more than the natural process of adapting the baby’s stomach and intestines to the conditions of existence outside the mother’s belly.
Most likely, you have already been recommended to give him Plantex to reduce unpleasant pain in the child during colic. What is this drug, and what principle of action does it have? How effective and useful is Plantex for newborns?

Why plantex?

As for colic in newborns, there is much debate and a clear reason for their occurrence has not yet been found.
Most often, there is an opinion that this problem occurs in newborns in view of the immaturity of their digestive system. In the first months of a child’s life, he has:
    decreased intestinal motility;
    processes of digestion and absorption of food are not adjusted;
    lack of digestive enzymes.
Due to all these factors, a number of problems periodically arise in the digestive tract of a baby:
    food stagnation may occur and fermentation processes may develop;
    increased gas formation;
Bubbles of gas that appear in the intestine press on its walls, causing discomfort and pain. The child in such periods is very restless, he actively moves his legs, squeezes them to his stomach, pushes and, of course, cries loudly.
A period of colic and gazik lives every child.
But, you must admit that it is impossible to calmly observe the suffering of the baby and wait until all this goes by itself. How can I help the baby in this situation?
Important! There is not a single medicine that can completely relieve seizures and prevent the occurrence of colic.
The action of many medicinal and folk remedies is aimed only at reducing the intensity and number of painful cramps with colic. A fairly publicized drug in this series is Plantex.
Plantex is a medicine based on plant components contained in fennel, which have many properties beneficial for the digestive system:
    improve intestinal motility;
    increase the secretion of gastric juice;
    stimulate the discharge of gases;
    reduce wall tension and intestinal discomfort.
With such beautiful words, manufacturers describe the effect of their drug. They recommend giving the child to reduce the discomfort of bouts of colic and their quantity.
On a note! This tool is referred to as a prophylactic drug with unproven effectiveness.
It is advised to give it to the newborn regularly, during the first four months of life, in order to accelerate and facilitate the formation of the digestive system of the child. Count dear mother, how much money will you spend on this drug in the first months of a child’s life?
But! only one remedy helps the baby’s stomach and intestines to form well and correctly - breast milk.
It contains all the necessary lactos and bifidobacteria that protect the intestinal wall from harmful microorganisms.
What do the manufacturers of this drug forget to say? Read on very carefully!

Instructions for the drug

Actively acting components are:
    dry water extract of fennel fruits;
    fennel essential oil.
My friends, a baby always has a special relationship with lactose. Many children have difficulty absorbing lactose in breast milk and suffer from abdominal pain if, for example, you withstand 2-3 hours intervals between feedings.
Or the baby incorrectly grabs the chest and sucks only the front milk.
It is not necessary for the child of the first 3 months to give additional lactose, as this will happen if you give Plantex.
The price tag of the drug is clearly not cheap. It belongs to the most expensive drugs used against colic in newborns. However, it does not have proven effectiveness.
In order not to harm the baby’s fragile stomach and intestines, and not give drugs that can only make it worse because of the lactose contained in them, learn how to help the baby in natural ways.

Indications for use

Plantex is designed to correct violations of the digestive system in a child. It is used for:
    digestive disorders;
    transferring a baby from breastfeeding to artificial feeding.
The intake of the drug should prevent the formation and accumulation of gases in the intestines, accelerate their excretion from the body and thus relieve spasmodic pains, but it can also lead to such conditions due to the lactose that it contains.
Doctors prescribe Plantex for colic from two weeks of age. and after all, no one will warn you that because of this drug the child may become worse. Villains.

How to give the drug?

Here is one more point because of which I, as a breastfeeding consultant, do not recommend giving Plantex at all.
We read the instructions: before giving Plantex to a child, it is necessary to prepare a drink or tea from the granules.
To do this, the contents of the bag should be poured into a container that is used to feed the baby. Then add 100 ml of boiled water or milk there and shake the contents thoroughly until completely dissolved. The temperature of the fluid used should be between 80 - 70 °.
Attention! Before giving prepared tea to a child, it must be cooled.
If a bottle is not used to feed a nursing infant, it is better to give a diluted Plantex to the baby with a syringe or a special baby spoon.
They give Plantex colic to the baby after eating and in between meals. The daily dose for a child under 1 year is 5 - 10 g of dry matter (contents of 1 - 2 sachets). The kid should drink the prepared tea for 2 - 3 times during the day. You can’t leave an unused drink the next day (well, this is understandable for what, yes? More departures - more buy).
Important! It is recommended that newborns only offer freshly made tea each time!
If after applying Plantex there is no noticeable positive result, in no case should you increase the dose of the drug! Most likely, due to the individual characteristics of the child, such a medicine does not suit him and should try something else.

What does all this mean for a baby?

Drinking 100 ml. Plantex, the child will not receive 100 ml. breast milk. Namely, breast milk provides an increase in weight, growth and full development of the baby.
    The volume of the stomach of the child at this age is very small, therefore, drinking the medicine, the baby will simply be malnourished;
Thus, his crying can mean not only the onset of colic, but also indicate that the child is hungry.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug Plantex, despite the content of only natural components, has some contraindications. These include:
    individual intolerance to the individual constituent substances of this drug, which can lead to an allergic reaction;
    lactose deficiency;
    malabsorption of glucose.

Mom reviews

    The practice of using Plantex against colic suggests that there are no sharply negative reviews on the use of this drug;
    However, mothers note the absence of a pronounced result. In most cases, it is indicated that after taking the medicine for colic, the newborn calms down only for a short time and soon begins to cry again;
    Isn't it easier to learn how to calm a child in simple and safe ways?

Terms of sell

You don't need a prescription to buy Plantex.