Normobact Junior tabs #20


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Tags: baby

Normobact Junior instruction for use

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Normobact Junior is a dietary supplement. Used as a supplement to food. It can be combined with the use of other drugs, including antibiotics.
An upset stomach and intestines in a child is accompanied by acute pain sensations of a spasmodic nature. The baby’s digestive system is sensitive to “large” trace elements, complex fats of milk origin. Such components are worse digested by the intestines. The effect of Normobact Junior is built on this phenomenon.
Normobact Junior is a source of live cultures designed specifically to normalize intestinal motility. Thanks to simple cultures of lacto and bifidobacteria, the absorption of substances and their assimilation at the cellular level improves. Metabolites and food debris are washed out of the body, broken down into the simplest components.
Thanks to these processes, microflora are adapted to external conditions, and, at the same time, problems associated with the assimilation of “foreign” food, other than substances obtained from the mother’s womb.

Pharmacological properties

The tool is an addition to the main complex of treatment. The neutralization of the effects of potent drugs, including antibiotics, is an additional feature of Normobact Junior. The product belongs to the category of biologically active additives. There are no official confirmations, studies from the side of medicine.
Efficacy depends on the dosage and combination of probiotic strains:
    Fructo oligosaccharide group;
    Lactobacillus acidophilus;
    Bifidobacterium lactis.
The composition is involved in the formation of the immune system, the creation of antibacterial flora in the digestive tract. From the first days of life, a number of useful cultures are formed in the baby's body that protect the digestive tract in pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic structures.
The relationship between pro and probiotics is actively used to prevent dysbiosis and diseases that have arisen due to this phenomenon. Normobact Junior is considered a natural protector that inhibits the growth and division of harmful microorganisms.

Composition and form of release

The dietary supplement is in the form of tablets, white in color. For children, special dragees in the form of a teddy bear are issued. A pronounced taste similar to white chocolate was noted. It is completed in blisters and cardboard packaging. The instruction is attached. One plate contains 20 tablets.
Supplements contain such active components:
    groups of active lacto and bifidobacteria;
    fructo oligosaccharides (plant fibers);
    maltitol sweetener;
    skimmed milk powder (possible contraindications for patients sensitive to lactose, suffering from malabsorption syndrome);
    natural vanillin flavoring.
The combination of live bacteria and fructooligosaccharides is safe for infants from the first weeks of life. Supplements are manufactured in the laboratory, passing a series of tests and clinical trials. Each tablet is packaged in a separate capsule (blister) or individual bag.


Tablets Normobact Junior are prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of dyspepsia, including epigastric pain, persistent loose stools, bloating, flatulence. Also used for:
    restoration of intestinal microflora, after the use of antibiotics;
    stimulation of immunity, the formation of a natural protective barrier;
    treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal disorders.
The final norm is prescribed by the attending physician. The additive is used for the complex treatment of infectious bowel diseases. Actual for recovery from complications, surgical intervention.

Side effects

The interaction of bifido and lacto bacteria often leads to uncontrolled gas formation. An aggressive reaction to components containing lactose is possible. Indications for allergies to a number of active and additional components have been identified.


Dragees are not prescribed for babies suffering from a lack of amylase. For complete assimilation of Normobact Junior, a standard dose of this substance is needed. Amylase breaks down sugar and polysaccharides. The reason for refusing medication may be a fungal infection of the digestive tract.
The tool is used only to support the main course of therapy. A combination of Normobact Junior and antibiotics is allowed.


The action of dietary supplements is allowed to infants. The dosage is determined by the attending physician, or, according to the instructions for use. Negative effects on the body of infants and babies sucking more than one month have not been identified. Theoretically, short-term itching, redness of the skin is possible.
With prolonged use, dragees cause heartburn. A high enzymatic activity of the gastrointestinal tract was recorded, even after a single dose.

Method and application features

Normobact Junior dragees are dissolved in dairy products, including non-filler yogurt, nonfat milk, fermented baked milk. For monthly children use porridge. The amount is determined by the attending physician, pediatrician.
Babies from half a year are prescribed half a tablet 2 times a day. Children under three years of age drink one bear 2-3 times a day.
The maximum course of therapy is 14 days. It is recommended to monitor the condition of the child after each week of admission. If the baby does not feel relief, the drug is canceled, an analogue is sought.
During the intake of Normobact Junior, too sharp, salty foods, fried pastries in oil, snacks, and chemical sweets are excluded. With constant irritation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa, the effectiveness of dietary supplements is minimized.


Uncontrolled use of "bears" causes prolonged diarrhea, persistent abdominal pain. The medicine is very attractive, in taste and shape. Possible non-standard complications in children suffering from pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

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You don't need a prescription to buy Normobact Junior.