Normase syrup 200ml

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Instruction for Normase

You can buy Normase here

What is it needed for

Normase is prescribed if there are the following pathologies:
    constipation, in which there is difficulty, deceleration, or systematic insufficient bowel movement when stool is absent for several days;
    a condition in which you can’t push: with hemorrhoids, after surgical treatment of the colon or rectum, in this case, Normase is drunk to soften feces;
    hepatic encephalopathy in adults, with this disease, the drug is drunk for the purpose of therapy and to prevent the development of hepatic precoma and coma.


The therapeutic effect of the medication is explained by lactulose. This is an artificially obtained stereoisomer of lactose (milk sugar). It is a disaccharide, which is formed by the remains of the molecules of galactose and fruit sugar (fructose).
In addition to lactulose, the composition of the drug includes the following inactive components:
    Lemon acid. This is a food supplement E-330, it is used as a preservative, to enhance the taste and regulate acidity.
    Creamy flavor. It contains propylene glycol (E-1520), which is a viscous liquid with a sweet taste. It is used as a solvent and allows you to mix the remaining components to form a syrup. In addition, the creamy flavor contains dihydrocoumarin and vanillin, which are added to enhance aroma and taste.
    Purified water.

In what form is produced

The drug is produced in syrup (packaging - a bottle of 200 ml). In appearance, it is a pale yellowish thick liquid with a sweet taste. The syrup is poured into a brown bottle, a measuring cap is included. The medication along with the annotation is placed in a box.


Normase (instructions for use clearly regulates the type of pharmacodynamics) refers to osmotic laxatives.
The drug reduces the ammonia content in the body, improves the adsorption of calcium and salts of phosphoric acid. Due to the medication, the number of lactobacilli increases, as a result, the acidity in the lumen of the colon decreases and intestinal motility improves. In addition, the chair becomes softer and larger in volume.
The medicine has a laxative effect, remaining latent to the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and its smooth muscle fibers.
Taking the drug facilitates the infiltration of ammonia from the bloodstream into the lumen of the colon, where its ionic form is formed, and it is excreted from the body naturally. In addition, due to taking the drug, the amount of toxic nitrogen-containing compounds is reduced.
This is due to the fact that lactulose stimulates bacteria that use ammonia to form protein in microorganisms, resulting in its utilization. That is why Normase is effective in hepatic encephalopathy, coma and precoma.
Lactulose belongs to prebiotics, it promotes the multiplication of normal intestinal microflora, increases the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, and simultaneously inhibits the growth of potentially dangerous infectious agents, such as:
    Escherichia coli;
The instructions for use of the drug Normase said that the drug does not cause hypo- and vitamin deficiency, addiction.


After oral administration, Normase is poorly absorbed in the digestive tract. Lactulose enters the colon, where it undergoes biotransformation with the participation of microorganisms that break down carbohydrates, as a result, mainly lactic acid is formed, in a smaller amount methane and ethane.
If Normase is used in dosages of 40–75 ml, the medication is completely metabolized, and the medicine taken at higher doses is partially excreted from the body in its original form along with feces. Up to 3% of the dosage taken is excreted in the urine.


Normase (instructions for use involves the use of various concentrations of the drug) can be drunk both diluted and undiluted. A single dosage should be swallowed immediately, without holding it in your mouth.
The dosage regimen should be selected individually, depending on the patient's age, diagnosis and severity of the clinical picture. If the daily dosage needs to be taken at a time, then it is recommended to drink it at the same time, for example, at breakfast.
    During the period of taking Normase, you need to drink from 1.5 to 2 liters of pure water per day.

For children under 18 years old

For children, the drug for constipation is prescribed in the following dosages:
Infants younger than one year. It is recommended to give the drug 5 ml per day.
Preschoolers 1-6 years old. Depending on the effect, the medicine should be given to the child from 5 to 10 ml per day.
Children from 7 to 14 years. In the first 72 hours, Normase should be given 15 ml per day, after which time the daily dosage should be reduced to 10 ml.
Adolescents over 14 years old For patients over 14 years old, the initial daily dosage can vary from 15 to 45 ml, after 3 days it is reduced to 10-30 ml.
It is possible to give a daily dosage to a child with constipation for 1 time or by dividing it into 2 doses. For this purpose, use the measuring cap that comes with the kit.
It is not recommended to exceed the dose of the drug even if there is no stool, as this will lead to an overdose. It must be remembered that the laxative effect can occur only after 48-72 hours from the start of therapy. If after this time there is no stool, you should consult a doctor.
Normase can be given (in the absence) of defecation to a child aged 4 weeks to 3-4 months.
But to use a laxative in children's practice is possible only in exceptional cases, when it is not possible to normalize stool with a diet. In children, due to taking the medicine, natural bowel movement may be impaired.
    The child throughout the course of therapy should be under the supervision of a doctor.
After surgery, the medicine is prescribed after 18-24 hours. twice-thrice a day for 3-5 days in the following dosages:
Infants up to a year For babies in their first year of life, a single dosage is 5 ml.
Children over 12 months Children who are 1 year old are prescribed a single dose of 5-10 ml.

For pregnant

Normase (instructions for use give an answer to this question) can be taken without restriction by the patient in position. It is relatively harmless to pregnant women. For people of an older age group, adjustment of the treatment regimen is not required.


Normase should not be taken if the following pathologies are diagnosed in a patient:
    Hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug. In this case, it can cause an allergic reaction.
    Intestinal obstruction. Her treatment should be handled by a surgeon in a hospital setting. Self-administration of laxatives is fraught with the development of various complications, such as:
    rupture of the walls of the intestine;
    internal bleeding;
    blood poisoning and death.
    Bleeding from the anus, not associated with hemorrhoids.
    Symptoms of appendicitis, since taking a laxative increases the amount of feces and, in combination with increased intestinal motility, can accelerate the rupture of the appendix.
    Colostomy and ileostomy (surgical procedures, during which a hole is made in the intestine for the release of feces).
In general, lactulose preparations are not recommended for abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting until they are accurately diagnosed, as in some pathologies, the use of laxatives can cause dangerous complications.
Syrup Normase should not be drunk in patients with the following congenital pathologies:
    intolerance to fruit sugar and galactose;
    malabsorption of dextrose and galactose;
    lack of an enzyme that breaks down lactose;
    galactosemia (impaired conversion of galactose to glucose).
Reception of lactulose with these hereditary diseases will cause their progression, which can provoke a number of dangerous complications:
    cirrhosis of the liver;
    mental retardation;
With caution, Normase should be drunk to patients with diabetes. If, in the treatment of constipation, dosage adjustments of hypoglycemic agents are usually not required, then higher doses of a laxative are used to treat hepatic encephalopathy, coma, and precoma, which should be considered by people with diabetes mellitus.


If therapeutic doses are exceeded, Normase can cause the following phenomena:
    abdominal pain;
If symptoms of an overdose appear, you need to consult a doctor, who, depending on the severity of the poisoning, either reduce the dosage of a laxative or cancel it altogether.
With lactulose intoxication, you can give the victim an enterosorbent, for example, activated charcoal in a dosage of 1 tab. per 10 kg of weight. Instead, you can take Smecta, Neosmectin, Enterosgel. These drugs are allowed from the first days of life, women in position and supporting breastfeeding.
In case of an overdose of a laxative, the patient should not cause vomiting, since it, together with diarrhea, will lead to even greater dehydration of the body. Dehydration is especially dangerous in young children, since in them it can cause death.
Dehydration can be suspected by the following symptoms:
    intense thirst;
    decrease in daily diuresis;
    dark yellow color of urine;
    Sinking of fontanelles in infants.
Severe dehydration can cause adverse reactions such as:
    confusion of consciousness;
    weak pulse;
    blue skin and mucous membranes;
    drop in blood pressure.
When these symptoms appear, they must be reported to the doctor, who will prescribe drugs that restore the body's water-salt balance. In mild cases, he may prescribe oral rehydration agents, for example, Regidron. With severe dehydration, salt solutions in the form of infusions can be prescribed.

Side effects

Treatment with the drug can cause a number of undesirable reactions, such as:
    increased flatulence and bloating;
    abdominal pains;
    stomach upset;
    violation of water-salt balance.
Increased gas formation is often observed in the first days of therapy, usually everything normalizes on its own within a few days.
If the patient has gastrocardial syndrome (a pathological condition in which a dysfunction of the cardiovascular system is associated with irritation of the digestive tract receptors), then in order to prevent excessive accumulation of gases in the intestine, the dosage of the medication should be increased gradually.
Violation of the water-salt balance occurs in patients with hepatic encephalopathy, in whom taking the drug in large doses for a long time has caused an upset stomach. If the course of treatment with a laxative lasts more than six months, then it is necessary to check the level of carbon monoxide, potassium and chlorine in the blood.
The following symptoms may indicate a violation of water-salt metabolism:
    headaches and muscle aches;
    heart rhythm disturbance;
    fast fatiguability.
If an unwanted reaction occurs during treatment with a laxative, consult a doctor. If diarrhea and allergies occur, Normase is canceled.
The combination of Normase with other means
    You can not take a laxative at the same time as antacids and antibiotics, since they weaken the effect of lactulose.
Normase lowers the pH of the intestine, as a result, the release of active substances from enteric-soluble drugs may be impaired. If the patient, in addition to the laxative, needs to take other medications, then the time interval between them should be 2 hours.

Terms and conditions of storage

Normase, the instructions for use of which, in addition to the application, contains instructions for proper storage, must be stored at a temperature of 15-25 degrees in a place inaccessible to children.
Storage is permissible for 36 months from the date of manufacture. Syrup should not be frozen, since lactulose can crystallize.

Terms of sell

You can buy Normase without a prescription.