Neosmectin 3gr #30


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Instruction for Neosmectin

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Description of the drug and form of release

Neosmectin is a Russian-made drug, the active substance is Neosmectin. The tool is a natural natural product in the form of a powder, packed in heat sealable bags of the combined type in a dose of 3.76 g. Its color may have a gray-white, yellow or brownish tint. Powdered form increases the speed of its impact and effectiveness.
    To give the suspension a pleasant aftertaste and aroma, vanilla, orange, lemon or raspberry flavor is added to the composition of the product.
The smell can be vanilla, or stated on the package (for example, raspberry).
The prepared suspension is the same color as the powder from which it was prepared. On sale there are packages with 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 and even 30 one-time sachets (sachets).

The composition of the drug

The active substance is smectite dioectadric (3 g.).
Auxiliary components:
    dextrose monohydrate (glucose monohydrate) - 0.726 g .;
    saccharin sodium (sodium saccharinate) - 0.007 g .;
    vanillin - 0.004 g .;
    flavoring - 0,023 gr.
Saccharin sodium, which is part of the drug, which is a sugar substitute, allows the suspension to be taken by people suffering from diabetes.

Pharmacological effects

The structural particles of the powder have a disco-crystalline structure, due to which they can bind a variety of toxins, viruses and bacteria. The tool is able to absorb harmful substances from liquids and gases, which fill the digestive tract, remove toxic compounds and bile salts from the body.
In addition, the drug causes a therapeutic effect:
    makes the mucous barrier of the walls of the empty structures of the digestive system stable;
    creates polyvalent molecular bonds of mucous glycoproteins, which leads to an increase in its protective qualities;
    increases the volume of mucus produced, which positively affects its gastroprotective properties (helps to resist mucus against microorganisms, bile and hydrochloric acid, alcohol and harmful chemical compounds);
    used to stop diarrhea;
    bowel movement is better;
    digestion is normalized;
    with prolonged therapy, heartburn may occur, but the medication prevents flatulence, which helps to reduce discomfort in the digestive system;
    does not stain callas.
The drug does not have a significant effect on intestinal motility, if used in the recommended dosage. Neosmectin does not affect the concentration of attention and the speed of psychomotor reactions, therefore, it can be used when driving motor vehicles or other mechanisms.

Indications for use

There are no age restrictions for taking the drug. This drug is not dangerous even for newborns, but the baby should only be given it after consulting a pediatrician.
The main reasons for the appointment of Neosmectin:
    allergic bowel disorder;
    dyspeptic disorders provoked by the use of drugs;
    nutritional disorder associated with poor nutrition and poor quality food;
    infectious diseases;
    excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines;
    heartburn, bloating, feeling of heaviness;
    discomfort in the stomach;
    poisoning by spoiled food;
    intestinal colic in newborns;
    bacterial or viral infection of the digestive tract.
The suspension is recommended to be taken after a meal with esophagitis, between meals with other indications.
There is currently no reliable data on how safe the drug is for pregnant women and embryos. There is also no information on whether the active component with breast milk penetrates the baby's body. But despite this, Neosmectin does not apply to drugs that are prohibited for use during pregnancy. After taking the suspension, the active substance does not enter the bloodstream, therefore it is not metabolized and leaves unchanged with feces.
The duration of the suspension depends on how quickly the gastrointestinal tract begins to function normally and the symptoms of diarrhea disappear.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

The drug can not be used in the following conditions:
    hypersensitivity to the drug and its components;
    obstruction of the small or large intestine;
    bowel movement problems;
    with caution can be taken by people suffering from diabetes, due to dextrose;
    for people with liver or kidney diseases, Neosmectin is prescribed after checking the compatibility of the drugs against the background of already ongoing therapy;
    due to glucose, it is not recommended for patients with fructose intolerance.
In one sachet with the drug contains 0, 06 bread units. The daily dosage (3 packets) contains 0.19 XE.
Some patients during the period of taking Neosmectin may experience side effects in the form of constipation, which may appear after a dosage reduction. In rare situations, this may require completion of therapy. Vomiting and flatulence are rare. An allergic reaction is possible: rash, itching, urticaria, angioedema.

Instruction for use

The powder is used for internal use in the form of a suspension. According to the instructions, before use, the powder from the dosed packet is poured into a bowl with 50 ml of boiled cooled water (for children) and 100 ml of water (for adults). The powder is poured gradually, the mixture is thoroughly mixed.
The daily dosage is distributed between 3 or 4 doses, the resulting suspension is stored in the refrigerator in a closed form at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees. Before each use, the mixture must be shaken, since the suspension settles to the bottom. The prepared solution must be used within 16 hours.
    If necessary, it is allowed to take with a clean spoon the required amount of powder from the bag and prepare a suspension, and the rest can be diluted the next time.
For babies up to 1 year old, the contents of one packet are diluted in a bottle in a volume of 50 ml.
After that, the suspension is divided into 3 doses, which must be taken during the day. If the child does not want to take the medicine, then milk or other semi-liquid baby food can be added to it.

Dosage for adults and children

The recommended course of therapy is from 3 to 7 days. The daily dose of Neosmectin is prescribed to the patient in accordance with his age.
In the treatment of acute intestinal upset:
    children from 1 month to 1 year - 2 packets per day for 3 days, after which 1 packet per day;
    children from 1 year - 4 packets a day for 3 days, after 2 packets a day;
    children from 2 to 12 years old - 2-3 packets per day;
    adults approximately 3 packets per day. At the beginning of treatment, you can take a double dosage.
Other indications:
    children from 1 month up to 1 year - 1 packet per day;
    children from 1 year to 2 years - 1-2 packets per day;
    children from 2 years old - 2 or 3 packets per day;
    adults about 3 packets per day.
For babies up to 1 year old, the contents of one packet are diluted in a bottle in a volume of 50 ml of warm water. After that, the suspension is divided into 3 doses, which must be taken during the day. If the child does not want to take the medicine, then milk or other semi-liquid baby food can be added to it.

Drug overdose

In clinical practice, situations with an overdose of Neosmectin were not noted. This is due to the fact that systemic absorption of the drug does not occur, since it does not enter the bloodstream when absorbed. Therefore, it does not pose any danger to other organs and tissues. However, in some situations, constipation or minor skin rashes may occur, accompanied by a rash.

Interaction with alcohol and other drugs

The drug can be used to eliminate alcohol intoxication. It helps to remove chemical compounds from the body that are dangerous to life and health. In addition, Neosmectin effectively relieves hangover.
The simultaneous administration of Neosmectin, along with other pharmacological drugs by the oral route, can significantly affect their absorption.
The medication should be divided in time and maintain the interval between them for at least 1-1.5 hours.

Storage conditions

It is necessary to store the drug in a cool place where children cannot penetrate, at a temperature regime of up to +25 degrees. Thanks to the waterproof packaging, the drug will not suffer from dampness. The packaging should be kept away from heaters and not allowed to come into contact with UV rays.
The shelf life of Neosmectin is 4 years.

Terms of sell

You don't need a prescription to buy Neosmectin.