Solgar Lipotropic Factors tabs #50


  • Availability: In Stock

  • 2 or more $32.80
  • 3 or more $31.90

Instruction for Solgar Lipotropic Factors

You can buy Solgar Lipotropic Factors here

Those who monitor their weight and figure are advised to take Solgar, Lipotropic Factors. This drug will not only save you extra pounds, but also help to cope with anxiety, protect the liver from diseases, and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on stimulating the biosynthesis of phospholipids, reducing the production of fatty acids. Biologically active additive (BAA) also prevents premature aging of the body.

Product information

Solgar, Lipotropic Factors accelerates the excretion of fat from the liver, stimulates its oxidation, and also reduces the risk of developing hepatosis. The drug is included in group A05 - "Medicines for the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract."

Release form, packaging variations

The supplement comes in the form of pale pink oblong tablets. They are large - 2 cm long and 0.5 cm wide. They have a smell reminiscent of hydrogen sulfide.
The tablets are packed in dark glass jars with a screw cap. There is no first opening control and protection from children.
The volume of the package is 100 tablets. This number of pills is enough for a course of treatment lasting 33 days, provided that the recommended dosages are observed.

Composition and useful properties

Lipotropic Factors from Solgar is absolutely safe for health. The product is kosher, gluten, wheat, dairy and GMO free.
The manufacturer uses microcrystalline and vegetable cellulose, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, silicon dioxide, glycerin as auxiliary substances. All components are natural, there are no carcinogens, dyes, preservatives, flavors, allergens in the composition.
Choline, inositol and methionine are responsible for the rate of breakdown and removal of fats from the body, normalize cholesterol metabolism, protect the liver, and neutralize the harm of toxins formed in the process of burning lipids. Let's take a closer look at the impact of each nutrient.


It is vitamin B8, which is essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Thanks to him, we endure daily stress, get enough sleep, and stay in a good mood.
Inositol also produces the following actions:
    increases the production of lecithin in the body;
    restores the cell membrane;
    reduces insulin resistance;
    regulates ovulation.
Under the influence of the nutrient, the level of cholesterol also normalizes, plaques on the walls of the arteries are absorbed, and the work of the cardiovascular system improves.
    Attention! The substance stimulates the process of burning and oxidizing fats even with insufficient physical activity, so doctors recommend taking it for those who are losing weight.
The combination of inositol with choline gives a particularly good effect. Together, they cleanse the liver of fat accumulation, slow down the formation of free radicals, and prevent the destruction of the cell membrane and subsequent inflammation of its tissues.


It is an essential amino acid. The substance is involved in the formation of choline and phospholipids, as well as:
    produces a lipotropic effect;
    accelerates fat burning;
    has hepatoprotective and detoxifying effects;
    cleanses the liver, prevents the development of cancer, hepatosis.
Methionine also has antidepressant properties. And with a course application, this substance improves the functioning of the digestive tract, normalizes the hormonal background, cleanses the body of toxins and helps to lose weight.


Choline is a building block of methyl groups (switches within the body that control any response). This substance is involved in all stages of metabolism. With its help, phospholipids are synthesized, which are responsible for the rate at which fat moves through the body and stimulates the breakdown of cholesterol. In addition, choline improves the nutrition of the brain and central nervous system, strengthens memory, and controls the level of insulin in the blood.

Indications for use

The drug is recommended for those people who want to lose weight or cleanse the liver. However, hepatoprotective and lipotropic effects are not the only useful properties of dietary supplements. Doctors advise using the remedy for Solgar also for other disorders in the body, such as:
    obesity, especially of the visceral type;
    severe menopause;
    nervous disorders;
    arthritis, rheumatism, osteoporosis;
    Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease;
    liver pathologies (cirrhosis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, pigmented hepatosis, fatty degeneration).
It is also useful to take a course and drink a supplement for people who often have pustules, boils or wen on the skin, hair falls out.
    Interesting! Lipotropic Factors is used by athletes to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat during drying.

Contraindications and warnings

Doctors do not recommend taking pills that accelerate the burning of fat in the following conditions:
    pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
    individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
    children under 16 years old.
Solgar Lipotropic Factors are used with caution for thyroid and mental health problems. By accelerating metabolic processes, as well as increasing the activity of a large number of enzymes, the remedy can provoke a deterioration in well-being.

Reception and dosage

On the packaging in the instructions for use it is said that the supplement must be taken 3 tablets once a day with a little water. However, on the Russian-language site Solgar it is written that the drug is recommended to be consumed 1 pill three times a day. Therefore, it is better to discuss the reception with your doctor. We especially recommend to follow the advice of losing weight people.
    Attention! All the beneficial properties of the additive declared by the manufacturer are manifested only if the instructions are followed. It says that during the use of the drug, the energy value of the diet should not exceed 2000 Kcal.
To achieve calorie restriction, you need:
    reduce the intake of fats and active carbohydrates;
    stop drinking sweet, as well as carbonated drinks, alcohol;
    increase the consumption of clean water up to 2 liters per day (if there are no heart or kidney diseases);
    eat often and in small portions;
    increase physical activity.
Only when these conditions are met, the effect of taking Solgar, Lipotropic Factors, will be felt.

Special instructions

Fat burning agent from Solgar is not recommended to be taken without consulting a gynecologist. The nutrients included in its composition, of course, improve reproductive functions, but if used incorrectly, they can cause ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. The drug also increases the likelihood of conception in overweight women.

Side effects, allergies

The drug rarely produces side effects. But they exist and appear in the form:
    digestive disorders;
    stool disorders;
    flatulence, swelling;
    general malaise.
In losing weight with individual intolerance to the components, the drug can cause allergic reactions: itching, swelling of the mucous membranes, rash. If these symptoms appear, you should stop taking the pills and consult a doctor.

Drug interactions

The instructions do not say anything about the combination of the drug Lipotropic Factors from Solgar with medicines. The supplement is not expected to interfere with the effectiveness of the drugs.
The effect of the dietary supplement taken for weight loss is enhanced in combination with chromium picolinate, tonalin and psyllium husk. Plant fiber slows down the absorption of fats, conjugated linoleic acid (tonalin) speeds up their breakdown during digestion and transports them to muscle cells. And chromium picolinate reduces sugar cravings.


Overdose cases after using Solgar Lipotropic Factors Supplement are not mentioned in the instructions. However, if the manufacturer's recommendations are not followed, unpleasant sensations in the gastrointestinal tract, deterioration of general well-being, and sleep disturbances may appear.
    Attention! Women may show signs of ovarian hyperstimulation - bloating, swelling, pain in the suprapubic region, and problems with urination.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store Lipotropic Factors out of the reach of children, away from heat and moisture. The shelf life is 36 months.

Terms of sell

You don't need a prescription from a doctor to buy Solgar Lipotropic Factors.