Bak-Set Baby 1gr #10


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Bak-Set Baby instruction for use

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The baby supplement Bak-Set Baby is an important source of prebiotic, bifidobacteria, probiotic, and lactobacilli. The drug is available specifically for children from birth to 12 months. Effectively established itself in the rapid restoration of the disturbed microflora of the digestive tract and the healing effect on the state of the whole organism.
In infants, the digestive processes are often disturbed, and arise when there is a sharp transition to artificial feeding, when the first teeth erupt, weaning, stress, drug treatment, climate change, the introduction of the first feeding.
Multiprobiotic has a perfectly balanced composition, and is recognized as an active biological nutritional supplement of the new generation. Supplements are available in convenient powder form (sachet, weighing 1 gram), manufactured in the UK by a leading pharmaceutical manufacturer.

Composition of Baby Set

    Streptococcus thermophilus;
    Bifidobacterium breve;
    Lactobacillus casei.

pharmachologic effect

    A universal remedy for any violations of the gastrointestinal tract, including with atopic dermatosis of young children.
    Increased vital activity and a large concentration of necessary microorganisms reinforce each other's interaction.
    Compared with other similar means, the Bak-Set Baby independently cope with such a problem as dysbiosis. The biological supplement quickly eliminates the symptoms, restoring the intestinal microflora to normal.
    Due to the restoration of digestive processes, metabolism improves, the body's defenses increase.
    Natural fructooligosaccharides are beneficial prebiotics. When it enters the intestines, it quickly promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms, suppressing "harmful" bacteria.

Indications for use

The multiprobiotic completely compensates for the shortage of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the body of a young child. Their deficiency can cause not only problems with the intestines, but also lead to disruption of the proper functioning of other organs.
Bak-Set Baby recommended:
    To enhance immunity;
    With dysbiosis;
    To normalize metabolic processes;
    Restoring the body's supporting forces after taking antibiotics or a disease;
    Frequent spitting up;
    Change of diet;
    When stunted, underweight;
    Supplements normalize stool, relieves diarrhea;
    Intestinal diseases;
    Food allergic reactions;
    When introducing complementary foods, teething;
    The drug is indicated for emotional stress, a change of residence;
    To normalize the normal balance of intestinal microflora.

Features of food supplement

In the Bak Set Baby there are all the necessary beneficial bacteria with a high concentration. 1 powder of the product is enough to provide the baby with a useful dose of the necessary bacteria for a day! Special manufacturing technology allows you to maintain viability by the microorganism along the entire path to the intestines, they do not die in an acidic stomach.
The tool is convenient to use, it does not lose active properties both in a cold environment and at room temperature. The contents of the food supplement can be diluted in breast or plain milk, infant formula, boiled water.
Not every prebiotic is used in the treatment of infants. Supplements are completely safe, as confirmed by clinical studies. This is the only tool approved by the international association of pediatricians for use in infants.
The product is manufactured in accordance with all necessary international standards, and has an award for achievements in the field of pharmaceuticals.


Supplements are well tolerated. Contraindicated in case of intolerance to any component that is part of it.

Method of application, recommended dosage

It is given from the first days of the life of babies.
One pack with a meal. Previously, the contents must be diluted in juice, tea, milk, infant formula, water. The course is 10-14 days.
For prophylactic purposes or during teething, a prebiotic is given for one week.
When treated with antibiotics, the food supplement is taken immediately. Before a trip, a change of residence, the beginning of a visit to a kindergarten, the reception should begin two weeks before the upcoming events.

The effect of the drug

    acceleration of the digestive system adaptation process;
    elimination of symptoms of increased flatulence and flatulence;
    replenishment of the stock of microorganisms necessary for normal digestion;
    normalization of intestinal microflora;
    stopping infant colic;
    normalizing appetite and improving sleep;
    Improving the metabolism and absorption of vitamins;
    increasing the resistance of the digestive system to germs and infections;
    improving the functional properties of the digestive system.

Interaction with other drugs

The only restriction in the use of the supplement is the use of Bak-Set Baby with drugs of the same category. An excess of bacteria from the composition of this drug can provoke side effects and the development of intolerance to individual components in the child. Baby Bak-Set is especially recommended when carrying out antibacterial therapy. The supplement eliminates the negative effects of antibiotics on the digestive system of children.

Terms and conditions of storage

Shelf life of Bak-Set Baby is limited to two years. The date of manufacture of the drug is indicated not only on a cardboard pack, but also duplicated on each bag of powder. It is recommended to store the additive in its original packaging. The optimal storage temperature is 20-25 degrees. Children's access to the drug should be limited. Exposure to heat sources can shorten shelf life and disrupt the pharmacological properties of the additive.


We started having bowel problems in two months. At first I thought it was an allergy to food, we started complementary foods. It turned out that this was how the intestines reacted to new foods. The baby was constantly crying, did not want to eat, slept badly. The pediatrician recommended that we drink the Bak-Set Baby supplement. The course appointed 10 days. The result was noticeable on the second day - the daughter's chair returned to normal, she ate with appetite and slept calmly the first night. Colic completely disappeared, rashes too! Nothing helped before that.
We began to take the pre-set Bak-Set Baby when the first teeth began to erupt. I never thought that it could cause diarrhea, digestive problems, temperature. Thanks to the pediatrician for recommending this particular remedy. The effect was impressive. After several sachets, diarrhea disappeared, the baby was active, eating with appetite, we are actively gaining weight. The doctor recommended this drink before we give the baby to kindergarten - for preventive purposes.
We used the Bak-Set Baby Supplements in connection with the illness of our baby when she was three months old. The problems began as soon as she stopped feeding her breast milk. At first they tried other means, helped, but not for long. Diarrhea occurred periodically. After the course of this prebiotic, everything returned to normal. We got rid of the problem! Now I recommend the supplement to all mothers.

Terms of sell

You can buy Bak-Set Baby without a prescription.