Strepsils Children tabs #16


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Tags: baby

Strepsils Children user manual

You can buy Strepsils Children here


The active ingredients of Strepsils Children are 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol and amyl methacresol.
Other substances are added depending on the purpose. For example, Strepsils with menthol and eucalyptus contains levomenthol, and Strepsils with vitamin C contains ascorbic acid. Spray and Strepsils Plus contains lidocaine hydrochloride monohydrate, which provides an anesthetic effect for sore throats. In Strepsils-Intensive, the active ingredient is flurbiprofen.
Lollipops and spray also contain additional substances. So, children's Strepsils - tartaric acid, flavoring, coloring, sodium saccharin - sweetener, and some others. Strepsils-Intensive contains levomenthol, honey, sucrose, acrogol, Stresils-plus contains peppermint leaf oil, anise seeds, and citric acid and purified water in the spray. Lollipops with honey and lemon contain citric acid and honey, and lollipops with menthol and eucalyptus contain leaf-eucalyptus leaf oil.
Herbal supplements as part of Strepsils products are proven medicinal plants that are used in traditional medicine, modern pharmaceuticals and are good for pain, redness in the throat, dry irritated cough, dryness and burning sensation in the throat.
For example, eucalyptus is very much appreciated due to the high content of essential oils, which give the plant expectorant, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. Eucalyptus also contains a natural antiseptic - cineol. Interestingly, rod-shaped eucalyptus grows only in southern Australia and on the island of Tasmania.
Another plant component of Strepsils Children - peppermint, on the contrary, grows almost everywhere in Russia, but is grown on an industrial scale in the Krasnodar Territory and Voronezh Region. Peppermint essential oil, which is contained in the leaves of the plant, has a calming, antiseptic and coughing effect.
And, of course, from ancient times the healing properties of honey have been known. Russian mothers with cough and severe sore throat give children milk or tea with honey, which softens and soothes the mucous membranes, stops coughing, and reduces pain.
Thus, in Strepsils products, substances developed by pharmacologists are supplemented with drugs known by traditional recipes. Their effectiveness and safety do not need confirmation.

Operating principle

Strepsils Children is an antiseptic drug for topical use. This means that it has an antimicrobial effect at the place of use - the throat and pharynx. The main components have an inhibitory effect against various microorganisms and fungi. Various additives have a softening, warming, anesthetic and tonic effect.
A few minutes after resorption, an anesthetic effect appears, the sore throat subsides, including when swallowing. The mucous membrane softens, the patient's condition improves.


Strepsils Children lollipops are recommended for sore throats of various origins, including infectious. The drug is effective for tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis. With severe pain during swallowing, lollipops and spray greatly facilitate the condition.

At what age are they prescribed?

Children’s strawberry flavors are allowed for children from 5 years old, with lemon flavors - from 6 years old. But children can also be given adult pastilles: honey and lemon, menthol and eucalyptus, orange and sugar free - from 5 years old, with a warming effect - from 6 years old. Lollipops and spray line Strepsils-intensive and Strepsils-plus are designed for age over 12 years.


Instructions for use indicate that you can not use Strepsils Children lozenges for the treatment of children who have an increased sensitivity to components - primary or secondary, for example, fructose intolerance. Also, lollipops with honey and eucalyptus are not recommended for children suffering from bronchial asthma.
Strepsils-intensive lollipops have a list of contraindications: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hematopoietic systems, some types of rhinitis. Preparations containing sucrose are not given to children with diabetes.
    For those suffering from this disease there is a special form - sugar free.

Side effects

Since candies and spray contain herbal ingredients, allergies are possible. If a child has nausea, vomiting or a skin rash, then you need to stop taking the medicine, call a doctor and make sure that the reaction is caused precisely by Strepsils.

Instructions for use

Lozenges and lozenges do not need to be swallowed. Before giving the child a lollipop, teach him to dissolve, rather than chew or swallow a lozenge. In this case, the active substances will fall on the mucous membrane of the throat and ease the condition of the child. If swallowed, the effect will not be achieved.
Usually children are given one candy every two to three hours. Make sure that the daily dose does not exceed 8 candies. The lozenges taste good and the child can eat them like sweets. To prevent this, remove the packing of the candy out of the reach of the child.


The active ingredients of Strepsils Children are practically not absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, and auxiliary substances are contained in small quantities in candies and sprays. Therefore, cases of overdose in medical practice are not fixed.
    If the child feels uncomfortable after resorbing the candy or applying the spray, inform your doctor. You also need to seek qualified help if the child has bitten a large number of candies.

Interaction with other drugs

During clinical trials of the drug, there was no inhibitory or negative interaction with other drugs, so Strepsils Children in all forms is compatible with antibiotics and other drugs.

Storage conditions

At home, candy should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C, and the spray can should be protected from direct sunlight. Shelf life of candy is 3 years.


Of course, the most indicative are always the reviews of doctors and parents about a particular drug. For example, a well-known pediatrician, Yevgeny Komarovsky, recommends rinsing with medicinal plants for sore throats, but alternating them with taking medications that alleviate the condition of the child. The doctor recommends both sprays and tablets, including Strepsils products.
Parents also confirm the effectiveness of Strepsils Children candies. On one of the specialized sites, my mother said that treatment with candies did not allow the onset of purulent tonsillitis in a child of 5 years. Within 3 days, the baby absorbed 3-4 candies with an interval of about 3 hours. As a result, purulent plaque disappeared, swelling of the throat mucosa subsided, the child began to swallow calmly not only drink, but also solid food.
Another mother notes that her child liked the delicious lollipops, he accepted them with pleasure, including before bedtime. The drug not only relieved pain, but also facilitated breathing, the baby slept calmly all night and quickly recovered. It is important that one pack of 16 pieces is enough for a full course of treatment.

Terms of sell

You can buy Strepsils Children without a prescription.