Natur Product Sage #24


  • Availability: In Stock

  • 2 or more $13.59
  • 3 or more $13.47

Natur Product Sage instruction

You can buy Natur Product Sage here

Composition of lozenges

The tool in shape resembles tablets, but differs in larger sizes. Active substances:
    dry sage extract - 12.5 mg;
    sage oil - 2.4 mg.
Additionally, the drug contains components:
    vitamin C;
    Apple acid;
    magnesium stearate;
    silicon dioxide colloidal;
    dyes, preservatives.
The composition includes a sweetener, which improves the taste of the drug, making it look like candy.

Pharmacological effects

Tablets are intended for resorption. This method of administration contributes to the prolonged release of active substances in the oral cavity. At the same time, the prolonged effect of the drug is ensured, due to which the effect on the tonsils increases, the general condition of the patient gradually improves.
The desired result is obtained due to the presence of concentrated sage in the composition. The plant, and hence the dry raw materials and oil from it, contains useful substances:
    vitamins A, C, B;
    essential oils;
    oleanolic acid.
Some of these components affect the blood vessels. At the same time, an increase in their elasticity is noted. At the same time, sputum elimination is facilitated, as a result, the intensity of the cough decreases. At the same time, vasospasm is eliminated, due to which the intensity of pain is reduced.
    Sage (Natur Product) lozenges and similar products of other brands are used as antiseptic agents.
They help reduce the activity of harmful microorganisms that provoked the disease. A general strengthening effect is noted. Thanks to sage, the body begins to fight pathogenic particles on its own, which helps to accelerate recovery.
The drug in the form of lozenges does not affect other parts of the respiratory tract. So, it should not be used as an independent remedy, for example, with bronchitis or flu. Sage lozenges are used as an auxiliary measure to alleviate the condition with such symptoms:
    a sore throat;
    perspiration in the tonsils in a calm state (in the absence of irritating factors);
    dry cough that occurs as a result of pain in the throat, respiratory tract.
Another advantage of Sage is its ability to accelerate tissue regeneration. Due to this, the mucous membranes recover faster after the disease. Timely intake of lozenges helps stop or slow the spread of infection. The drug based on sage manifests itself, also as an anti-inflammatory drug of local action. When using it, the dose of other drugs exhibiting a similar property can be reduced.
The inflammatory process is accompanied by painful sensations. If you take Sage tablets, along with signs of inflammation, the pain will decrease. As a result, swallowing function is restored, discomfort when eating food disappears, appetite normalizes. Relief with early admission (when the first signs of the disease only appeared) occurs in 1-2 days. The course of treatment should be longer. Pastilles are taken until the unpleasant manifestations of the disease are eliminated.


    diseases accompanied by an inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, etc .;
    pathological conditions with negative manifestations in the oral cavity: stomatitis, gingivitis.

Applications and dosage

Sage contains natural ingredients, therefore it is approved for use in the treatment of children. The drug is prescribed in accordance with the age of the patient. For children over 15 years of age and adults, a daily dose of 6 tablets is considered sufficient. The recommended break between receptions is 2 hours. The more often you take the drug, the higher its effectiveness in this case.
    The duration of treatment varies from 5 to 7 days. Often this is enough to eliminate the symptoms.
If for some reason the symptoms of the disease do not disappear, you can take the drug until they are eliminated. As a result, the duration of the course increases. When lozenges are applied irregularly, the treatment regimen is violated or the duration of therapy is limited to 1-2 days, positive changes in the patient's condition should not be expected. If you interrupt the course ahead of time, stop treatment with other drugs, the symptoms of the disease will appear again.
    Pastilles are intended for resorption. This means that if swallowed, the product will not provide the desired result.
During therapy, it is important to ensure the possibility of the release of active components in the oral cavity, so that the most intense effect is on the tonsils. Chew pastilles should not be. This reduces the duration of their action. As a result, the effectiveness of the drug is reduced.

During pregnancy

Despite the fact that the tablets do not contain aggressive substances, they are forbidden to use when carrying a child. This is due to the properties of sage:
    promotes uterine bleeding;
    sage is used in the absence of discharge during the menstrual cycle;
    in the early stages, the drug is not prescribed for pregnant women due to abortive effects (provokes a miscarriage);
    in the later stages, the risk of preterm birth increases, due to the ability of sage to affect the tone of the uterus, while the intensity of contraction of this organ increases;
    the drug can affect the hormonal background;
    sage disrupts placental circulation, which negatively affects the development of the fetus, causes hypoxia;
    due to the ability of the plant to affect blood vessels, blood pressure is disturbed.
Despite the fact that lozenges do not have a systemic effect on the body, they should not be taken during pregnancy.

For children

Instructions for use of tablets for children:
    patients from 5 to 10 years: no more than 3 lozenges, it is recommended to take the medicine at regular intervals (4 hours), more than the specified number of tablets are not prescribed due to the risk of developing an allergy to essential oils in the composition of the product;
    children from 10 to 15 years: the daily dose of the drug is increased to 4 lozenges, while the interval between doses of the drug is reduced to 3 hours.
Children under 5 years of age are not prescribed lozenges because of their large size. It is not always possible to explain to a child what the ban on the use of large-diameter tablets is due to, in this case, the drug can get into the respiratory tract.

Interaction with other drugs

Sage-based product is not recommended to be used simultaneously with the following products:
    iron preparations and medicines containing this and other minerals, simultaneous intake contributes to the violation of their absorption;
    hypoglycemic, anticonvulsants: sage interacts with them, which can lead to a change in the therapeutic effect, loss of properties of the drugs, weakening, or, conversely, increased their effect;
    sedatives: sage enhances their properties;
    drugs that affect the GABA receptors, in this case, the mechanism of action of such agents may be disrupted, they lose their properties, are absorbed more or less intensely.

Side effects and contraindications

Sage lozenges can not be used in some cases to avoid the occurrence of a negative reaction:
    pregnancy period;
    age up to 5 years;
    severe renal impairment: nephritis (acute form);
    individual negative reaction to any component in the composition;
    fructose intolerance;
    pathological condition caused by metabolic disorders (phenylketonuria).
The product contains natural ingredients. In addition, it is designed for resorption, which eliminates the risk of disruption of the internal organs. Of the side effects, only an allergic reaction is isolated.

Terms of sell

You can buy Sage Natur Product without a prescription.