Bronchicum TP elixir 130ml


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  • 2 or more $17.59
  • 3 or more $17.47

Instruction for Bronchicum TP elixir

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Instructions for use

According to the instructions, the elixir Bronchicum is used as an expectorant in the complex treatment of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. It is indicated for relieving coughing attacks, accompanied by the release of thick viscous sputum.


The main active substances in the composition of the elixir Bronchicum - extracts:
    thyme (thyme);
    primrose roots.
In 100 grams of the drug, their content is 5 and 2.5 grams, respectively. Additional substances: water, fructose sweet syrup, sodium benzoate. The extractant (solvent) is 70% ethyl alcohol, water, glycerin and 10% ammonia solution.

Mechanism of action

Normalization of sputum excretion is a prerequisite for the effective treatment of bronchial and pulmonary diseases. Thyme reduces the viscosity of mucous secretions, and primrose root extract enhances the contractility and secretory function of the bronchi and lungs.
Their combined effect enhances the elimination of liquefied sputum from the body.
Elixir Bronchicum TP through receptors located in the gastric mucosa, stimulates the bronchial glands, resulting in increased mucus secretion. It also increases peristalsis of the smooth muscles and bronchial epithelium. This helps to remove mucus from small bronchioles, first to larger ones, and from there to the trachea. In this way, sputum is completely removed from the bronchi.
    By cleansing the airways, the elixir alleviates the symptoms and course of the disease, shortens its duration and improves the general condition of the sick person.

What cough is prescribed?

The drug does not help cough caused by allergies. An elixir of Bronchicum is prescribed for a productive cough with the release of poorly departing viscous, thick sputum, accompanying infectious and chronic respiratory diseases in the acute stage. And also when coughing with a normal consistency of secretions, to facilitate the process of expectoration.

How to use?

The phyto-drug is taken orally. Drinking water for the entire treatment period should be increased to 2 liters per day.
    Often, Bronchicum TP is prescribed in combination with other medicines: with antibacterial agents, antibiotics, immunostimulants, anti-inflammatory drugs.

Dosage and regimen

The course of treatment with a phyto-drug is 10-14 days. Adults and adolescents take it after meals at regular intervals of 5 ml. (1 teaspoon) 6 times a day. Double the dosage is unacceptable even if the previous dose was missed.

Important notes

Instructions for use and experience using the drug allows you to make the following important general notes:
    Elixir Bronchicum TP is not recommended for people with alcohol addiction, patients suffering from heart failure, impaired liver and kidney function.
    Plant substances sometimes cause allergic reactions. In this case, you must immediately stop taking the elixir.
    Pregnant and lactating women to use the medicine only with the permission of the doctor and in those dosages that he will prescribe.
    It is unacceptable to use this elixir with antitussive drugs and drugs that reduce the formation of sputum. Simultaneous administration with medicines that suppress cough will worsen well-being, increase the duration and severity of the course of the disease, and lead to serious complications.

Features of treating children

Self-administration of the drug to children, without the permission of the pediatrician, leads to an increase in the duration of the disease, the occurrence of various complications.
According to the instructions for use, Bronchicum TP Elixir for the treatment of children under 1 year of age is not prescribed. The duration of the course, the dosage of the drug depend on the type and severity of the disease. The elixir has a pleasant sweet taste, so the children drink it with pleasure.
    Acceptance of the elixir Bronchicum TP, for children from 5 to 12 years, 4 r / d is allowed. The intervals between the use of the drug should be at least 4 hours. The total daily dose is 20 ml.
    The dosage prescribed for babies from 12 months to 4 years is 2 times less. She is 2.5 ml. in one go. Young children take the medicine three times a day. In this case, the daily dose should not be higher than 7.5 ml.
Keep elixir out of the reach of children.


Analyzing reviews of the Bronchicum TP elixir, you can see that the people who use it pay attention to the speed of improvement. Already on 3-5 days, patients feel relief. Spasms, pain behind the sternum cease to torment, there is an opportunity to cough, the general condition of the body improves.
Parents whose children took the elixir are pleased with the natural plant components, the absence of "chemistry" in its composition, as well as the pleasant taste that children like. Kids take the medicine with pleasure.
    Some consumers are alarmed by the ethanol content of the elixir. Also do not like the high price of the bottle.

Which is better - syrup or elixir?

To figure out which is better - an elixir or Bronchicum syrup, you will need to compare these drugs. The concentration of the main active substance, which is the thyme extract in the elixir, is 2 times lower, but it has a second active substance that enhances the expectorant effect - the primrose root extract.
However, the elixir can not be used for children under 12 months, and syrup is recommended even for six-month-old babies. The latter has a cherry flavor. Thus, we can conclude that with a similar effect, syrup is better to choose:
    for children from 6 months to a year;
    people with intolerance to primrose;
    lovers of cherry flavor.

Terms of sell

You can buy Bronchicum TP elixir without a prescription from a doctor.