Oftalmoferon eye drops 10ml

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Oftalmoferon user manual

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Composition and form of release

Oftalmoferon eye drops are a combination drug. 1 ml of the medicinal solution contains 3 active components:
    Interferon α 2b human recombinant (at least 10,000 IU). The action of the ingredient is aimed at destroying viruses and bacteria, increasing local immunity.
    Diphenhydramine, or diphenhydramine (1 mg). This active ingredient has a powerful antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it also has a local anesthetic effect.
    Boric acid (3.1 mg). An important antiseptic (disinfecting) component of the drug. This property is necessary when a secondary bacterial infection of the eyes is attached, which often develops against the background of a viral lesion of the organ of vision.
    The active substances act according to the "artificial tear" principle, i.e. moisturize the conjunctivitis membrane, protect the cornea from the harmful effects of the environment.
When instilled, a viscous protective film is formed, which is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the eye. As a result, the contact time of the drug with the conjunctiva increases. This allows interferon to have a therapeutic effect for a longer period.
The auxiliary components are:
    disodium edetate (0.4 mg);
    sodium chloride (2.2 mg);
    povidone 8000 (5 mg);
    Trilon B (0.4 mg);
    sodium acetate (7 mg);
    macrogol 4000 (50 mg);
    hypromellose (3 mg).
Purified water is the basic element of the preparation. Oftalmoferon is released into the eyes in a cardboard box. Each box contains one polymer dropper bottle with a solution of 5 or 10 ml. The healing liquid is odorless and colorless.

Indications for use

Oftalmoferon drops have a local immunomodulatory, antiviral, bactericidal, anesthetic, antipruritic, decongestant, antihistamine, regenerating effect. This combination of properties allows them to be used for therapy and prevention of many ophthalmic diseases in adults and children.
Main indications for use:
    ophthalmic pathologies of an inflammatory nature (keratitis, conjunctivitis, uveitis, etc.) caused by herpes or adenovirus infection;
    allergic conjunctivitis (hay fever);
    dry eye syndrome (keratoconjunctivitis dry);
    corneal ulcers;
    prevention of herpes infection of the eyes and other infectious complications after ophthalmic surgery.


Oftalmoferon drops should be prescribed only by an ophthalmologist, who takes into account the type and severity of the disease, the individual characteristics of the patient's body. The instructions for the drops indicate the following dosages and methods of application:
    In the acute form of inflammation of the organ of vision, 1-2 drops are prescribed up to 8 times a day. As the condition improves, the frequency of use is reduced to 2-3 times a day. The course of therapy lasts until the inflammatory process completely disappears.
    With dry eye syndrome, long-term use of the agent will be required - 25-30 days. 1-2 drops are instilled into each eye 2 times a day.
    After ophthalmic surgery, drip 2 drops 3 times a day. The duration of use can be 2-6 weeks. The duration of the course depends on the type of surgery.
    To prevent a viral infection of the eyes (when there was contact with an infected person), 2 drops of the solution are instilled 2 times a day, the course is 7-10 days.
If no positive dynamics is observed during therapy with Oftalmoferon, then this should be reported to the attending physician. He will adjust the treatment or prescribe a new drug.

Terms of use

The instillation procedure is carried out strictly following certain rules, observing sterility. Experts recommend adhering to the following steps:
    before burying, hands are thoroughly washed with soap and wiped with a napkin (clean towel);
    a bottle with a medicinal solution is warmed in the palms;
    in the presence of purulent discharge, the eyes are washed with a cotton swab soaked in an antiseptic (chamomile or tea brew solution);
    the medicine is carefully instilled into the conjunctivitis sac (closer to the nose), without touching the mucous membrane;
    cover the eyelids, massage them lightly;
    the remains of the drug are blotted with a paper towel.
It is necessary to bury Oftalmoferon in a sitting position at the mirror, with your head thrown back. Children and the elderly need to bury the solution while lying down to avoid dizziness.

Special instructions

People who wear contact lenses should remove them before instilling the product. You can put on a corrective device 20-30 minutes after the instillation procedure. During the course of therapy, it is better to refuse to wear contact lenses. Sometimes, after the administration of the drug, a veil appears before the eyes. Therefore, after instillation, it is recommended to refrain from driving a car and work that requires concentration for 20-30 minutes. This condition does not require treatment and goes away on its own.
The components of Oftalmoferon do not penetrate the systemic circulation, which makes it possible to use drops for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. The appointment of an ophthalmic solution does not require refusal to breastfeed.
These drops can be prescribed to children from birth. Many parents are frightened off by diphenhydramine, which is part of the drug. But pediatricians and pediatric ophthalmologists claim that the component will not harm a child if their recommendations are strictly followed. The instructions for use for children indicate a specific dosage. As a rule, the dosage and frequency of use for babies from one year old and for newborns is reduced by 2 times.
Only the attending physician, pediatrician should determine the dosage and duration of therapy. It is strictly forbidden to use the medicine on your own. This is especially true for babies.
A specialist should accurately answer the question of at what age Oftalmoferon can be used.

Contraindications, side effects, overdose

Individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug and severe allergic reactions in the patient are the main and only contraindications for use.
Side effects do not appear when the instructions for use are followed. If you do not adhere to the frequency of use and exceed the dosage, then there is a risk of developing undesirable consequences. Side effects from the organ of vision include:
    feeling of discomfort;
    itching, burning, redness;
    swelling of the eyelids;
    temporary visual impairment.
    Overdose cases were not recorded.

Drug interactions

It has been proven that Oftalmoferon eye drops can and should be used together with other anti-inflammatory ophthalmic agents. This combination is used in the development of severe forms of eye diseases. When Oftalmoferon therapy occurs simultaneously with an antibiotic or corticosteroid drug, dosage adjustment will be required. Usually it is reduced.
If Oftalmoferon is prescribed together with other ophthalmic agents (ointments, drops), then the time interval between their use must be observed. Eye ointment is best applied after instillation in 30-40 minutes.

Storage conditions and periods

To preserve the medicinal properties of the drug, it should be stored at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees. It is best to store it out of the reach of children and in a dark place out of direct sunlight. Shelf life is 2 years, after opening the bottle - 1 month.

Customer reviews about Oftalmoferon

Ekaterina, 36 years old
Wonderful eye drops. In spring and autumn she often suffered from allergic conjunctivitis. Local doctors could not understand for a long time what was wrong with my eyes. After all, the symptoms (redness, burning, purulent discharge) did not respond to standard therapy. Recently I got an appointment with a new ophthalmologist, who prescribed Oftalmoferon. I dripped 2 drops into each eye 3 times a day. I felt relief after the second application. Now everything is fine and the disease no longer bothers me. My reviews are only positive.
Maria, 30 years old
I do not know what I would do without this drug. The fact is that my son (8 years old) is often sick. The common cold is accompanied by conjunctivitis. I tried a bunch of cheap and expensive products. The result was, but the disease came back again with a runny nose and cough. At the next appointment, the ophthalmologist prescribed Oftalmoferon. He explained that the drops not only eliminate the virus, but also increase local immunity, i.e. direct the body to fight the disease. During the day, the redness subsided, and in the morning the son woke up with "clean" eyes. For half a year, conjunctivitis has not returned. Therefore, I recommend these drops to everyone from conjunctivitis!
Dmitry, 36 years old
I work at the computer, I am constantly worried about dry eyes. Tried a lot of eye products. He drank vitamins and dripped various solutions. But the positive effect did not last long. Usually (2-3 weeks) after the end of treatment, the discomfort reappeared. Desperate, I made an appointment with an ophthalmologist. He carefully examined my eyes and prescribed drops of Oftalmoferon. Honestly, I didn't expect any result. And in vain! Literally on the second day, I felt that the pain in my eyes diminished. A month has already passed (after treatment), and unpleasant symptoms do not return. I note that the cost of Oftalmoferon drops is acceptable. I am very glad to have found such an effective and safe remedy!
Alexandra, 40 years old
I met Oftalmoferon drops at sea when I was on vacation. I have never suffered from any ophthalmologic diseases, but here on the fourth day of rest I caught some kind of infection. In the morning I woke up with a terrible runny nose and with sticky eyelids. There was so much pus in her eyes that she could not even open them. The pharmacy recommended buying Oftalmoferon. I applied drops strictly according to the instructions. Unfortunately, the drug did not help immediately, but after about 3 days. At first, pus ceased to stand out, the swelling of the eyelids went away, and then the redness disappeared. In my case, the drops helped, but not quickly. Perhaps the damage to the eyes was severe, and therefore the medicine did not immediately begin to act. Don't know if to recommend the drop or not. To prevent such situations from happening, it is best to see a doctor first.

Terms of sell

You can buy Oftalmoferon without a prescription.