Ateroclefit BIO caps #60

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Ateroclefit BIO user manual

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Ateroclefit BIO is not a drug and belongs to the group of biologically active additives (BAA). It is a composite complex of vitamins, plants and other components that are beneficial to the body. It is used as a regulator of the level of cholesterol in the blood, for its proper assimilation, stabilization of the state of blood vessels and indicators of blood clotting. Some people have to constantly monitor the level of organic compounds such as lipids. Statins also perform this function, but they are not indicated for everyone, since they have a negative effect on the liver. Due to environmental safety, low toxicity, doctors recommend using Ateroclefit BIO for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis.

Composition and form of release

The composition of the preparation includes the following main components:
    red clover extract;
    hawthorn (flowers);
    ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
    nicotinic acid (vitamin PP);
    folic acid;
    amino acids;
The auxiliary components are:
    silicon dioxide;
    microcrystalline cellulose;
    calcium salt and stearic acid.
The drug comes on sale as:
    251 mg capsules in a package of 30 or 60 pieces;
    drops (liquid of light or dark brown color with a characteristic odor). The capacity of the glass bottle is 30, 50 or 100 ml. The extract contains 40% ethyl alcohol.
The active substance is meadow hawthorn, as well as additional agents have a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels, clearing them of microscopic blood clots that impede normal blood circulation. As a result, atherosclerotic congestion is significantly reduced, the capillaries and coronary arteries become stronger and more elastic.

Pharmacological properties

Despite its belonging to dietary supplements, Ateroclefit BIO has an efficiency comparable to that of medications. Doctors and pharmacologists have already raised the issue of classifying this drug as a drug. The results of clinical studies prove the beneficial effect of the supplement on the vascular system and the body as a whole. Symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus, heart palpitations are significantly reduced, and after prolonged use they practically disappear. The normal rhythm of the heart is restored, blood pressure is normalized, and harmful toxins are neutralized. The instructions for use indicate that the agent improves liver functionality, restores and increases its ability to neutralize intoxication, and also strengthens the immune system.
The lipid-lowering properties of the drug have a moderate effect on lipoproteins, increasing the concentration of high-density compounds in the blood. Cholesterol metabolism begins to take place in the active phase, thanks to which the balance of the total cholesterol content is maintained and metabolic processes are activated. Biological components contribute to an increase in the viscosity (rheology) of the blood. The risk of blood clots is minimized. The daily intake of the supplement fully provides the body's daily requirement for vitamins C and PP, including flavonoids. In general, the use of the drug solves three problems:
    stabilizes lipid metabolism and lowers cholesterol levels;
    helps to improve the rheological parameters of blood;
    strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Indications for use

Ateroclefit BIO is an effective remedy for combating diseases such as atherosclerosis and its consequences. Treatment with a remedy prevents the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Violation of lipid metabolism entails the accumulation of cholesterol in the form of plaques on the inner walls of blood vessels. As a result, the free lumen narrows, blood flow becomes slower, and this leads to serious consequences. Indications for the appointment of Ateroclefit BIO:
    imbalance in the metabolism of cholesterol and fats;
    high cholesterol level;
    stressful condition;
    diet therapy.
As a rule, capsules are used for therapy. With mild hyperlipidemia of the second type according to Frederickson, it is recommended to take drops.

Method and features of reception

The dietary supplement is used orally, with meals. Drops should be diluted in a small amount of water at the rate of 1 dose. The instruction defines the following dosages:
    Drops: half a teaspoon three times a day for 25-30 days. A repetition of the course is possible with an interval of one week.
    Capsules: One capsule twice a day. Resumption of therapy is allowed after a ten-day break.
During the course of the course, you must observe the diet. Fried and smoked foods, animal fats and oils, strong broths, chocolate, and alcoholic beverages are excluded from the diet. Smoking is not recommended. Patients suffering from excess weight need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed: sweet, starchy foods, grapes, bananas. Shown are natural vitamins and protein-containing dishes, dairy products with a low fat content, lean fish, fruits, cereals.


The medication is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.

Interaction with alcohol

The presence of ethyl alcohol in the composition is an obstacle to the prescription of Ateroclefit BIO to persons who have been diagnosed with alcoholism.

Side effects

Ateroclefit BIO refers to environmentally friendly products, does not have a pronounced side effect. Its advantages include the absence of addiction for a long time of use, the main condition for its reception is compliance with medical prescriptions and recommendations. This moment is especially important for patients with a history of such a disease as atherosclerosis, and who have to constantly take medications. In some clinically recorded cases, the following symptoms may be observed:
    nausea, vomiting;
    bitterness in the mouth;
    allergic manifestations in the form of itching and rash.

Contraindications and overdose

An unconditional contraindication to taking the drug is individual intolerance to the main and auxiliary components. The rest of the list of obstacles mostly refers to the liquid form due to the addition of alcohol to it, which can cause depression of the central nervous system. It is forbidden to prescribe an additive:
    persons under the age of 18;
    with diseases of the liver and kidneys;
    with craniocerebral trauma and pathologies.
As for the excess dosage, there is no information about this in medicine. The only thing that can happen is alcohol poisoning as a result of using a large amount of tincture.

Interaction with other medications

The tool does not have a detrimental effect on the body when used simultaneously with other medicines. The combination of the drug with statins and cardiac drugs is allowed.

Storage conditions

Storage of Ateroclefit BIO should take place in a cool place out of the reach of small children. The shelf life is 2 years, after which it is required to dispose of the product.

Terms of sell

You can buy Ateroclefit BIO without a prescription.