Metromicon-Neo supp 500mg + 100mg #14


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Metromicon-Neo instruction

You can buy Metromicon-Neo here

In the fight against fungal infections and venereal diseases, women use different drugs. According to the reviews, Metromicon Neo, thanks to two active substances, effectively treats thrush and other ailments in 1-2 weeks. The drug begins to take strictly on doctor's prescription, given its features, contraindications, possible side effects.
This drug is available in the form of vaginal suppositories, has an antibacterial effect, and effectively kills the fungus. The composition contains two main components: metronidazole and miconazole. Recovery occurs due to the death of bacteria that trigger the disease. Vaginal suppositories begin to apply strictly after prescribing a doctor. The tool is cheap and effective, as evidenced by the large number of positive reviews.
In addition to the antifungal effect, it is worth noting the devastating effects of the drug on the simplest parasites, such as Giardia, amoeba, Trichomonas and others. Metromicon-Neo has proven itself in the treatment of infections caused by gram-negative and gram-positive anaerobes. The drug is widely used in gynecology for the treatment of diseases of the sexual sphere, including vaginal bacteriosis and vaginitis. Before you start taking suppositories, it is worth studying the instructions and contraindications.

Release form

Metromicon-Neo is available in the form of white torpedo-shaped vaginal suppositories. suppositories have an air core and a funnel-shaped recess. Packed suppositories in blisters of 7 pieces. The drug is sold in cartons with instructions for use and two contour blisters. 1 pack is designed for a full course of treatment for 7-14 days.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The death of microorganisms as a result of the use of this tool is provided by the active ingredient - metronidazole. It belongs to the 5-nitroimidazole. The substance reacts with deoxyribonucleic acid. Metronidazole acts on the recovery of the 5-nitro group, after which the process of nucleic acid synthesis is inhibited. The result of this biochemical process is the death of pathogenic bacteria.
Metromicon-Neo destroys gardnerella, gram-positive microorganisms, Trichomonas, gram-negative bacteria and other pathogens. Mixed flora and the combination of metronidazole with antibiotics provoke synergism of substances, thereby inhibiting the development and livelihoods of insensitive anaerobes. Another component of the drug called miconazole is an antifungal agent (an azole derivative). With intravaginal use, the substance effectively fights with fungi of the genus Candida, gives a fungistatic and fungicidal effect.
The bioavailability of metronidazole in the treatment of these drugs is 20%. The components of Metromicon Neo are processed by the liver to form active hydroxyl metabolites. About 20% of the suppository taken in 6-11 hours is excreted in the urine unchanged. Miconazole when used in the form of suppositories in the blood is not determined.

Suppositories Metromicon-Neo - indications for use

This antifungal drug is prescribed for diseases of the vagina, genital organs, mixed infections. The indications for using Metromicon-Neo may be as follows:
    vaginal candidiasis;
    genital infections;
    acute or chronic vaginitis;
    vaginal bacteriosis;

Metromicon-Neo - instructions for use

Treatment must begin after a doctor's appointment. In addition, it is important to familiarize yourself with the photo instructions, which are attached to the preparation. suppositories are inserted deep into the vagina, usually at bedtime. During the entire course of treatment, it is important to carefully monitor intimate hygiene in order to normalize the microflora. Before you enter the suppository, it is important to wash and clean your hands with an antiseptic. The desired result of therapy allows the use of 1 candle per day. After the introduction of the suppository should be about 30 minutes to remain in a horizontal position.
The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and the specific diagnosis. The standard treatment times are as follows:
    acute vaginitis - 7 days;
    bacteriosis vaginal - 7 days;
    vaginal candidiasis - 7 days;
    chronic vaginitis - 2 weeks.

special instructions

During the entire course of treatment, patients should refrain from sexual intercourse. This rule must be observed without fail to avoid infecting a partner or reinfection. In addition, infectious and fungal diseases are recommended to be treated simultaneously with the sexual partner (for example, if Metromicon-Neo suppositories are prescribed for Trichomonas vaginitis to the patient, then oral medications containing metronidazole are prescribed to the partner).
Metromicon Neo and alcohol are incompatible. During treatment with suppositories and another 24-48 hours after it is worth refraining from drinking alcohol. With strong irritation of the vagina, treatment is stopped. During menstruation, the effectiveness of this drug is significantly reduced, so the course is better to interrupt or move. These suppositories are used only intravaginally, other methods of using the means are unacceptable.

Metromicon-Neo during pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, this drug can not be prescribed to patients. In exceptional cases, the doctor may prescribe Metromicon-Neo suppositories for the treatment of the expectant mother, but only in the second or third trimester. suppositories are prescribed in the absence of a safe analogue or the ineffectiveness of using other drugs. Pregnant women during treatment must be in the hospital under the supervision of their gynecologist or obstetrician.

Interaction with drugs

Before taking other drugs at the same time with the use of Metromicon-Neo suppositories, you should familiarize yourself with the information about the drug interaction of the composition. Metronidazole enters the bloodstream and reacts with medications. The effectiveness of anticoagulant drugs of indirect action is enhanced. If you use suppositories with Disulfiram, you can cause disorders of the nervous system. Therefore, it is recommended to take a two-week break between taking the medication.
The simultaneous use of Metromicon-Neo suppositories with phenytoin increases the concentration in the blood of the latter and reduces the level of metronidazole. In addition, this tool enhances the toxicity of some drugs. Phenobarbital in conjunction with the use of suppositories reduces the level of the active substance metronidazole in the blood. Against the background of treatment with cimetidine, the opposite effect is observed. Ethanol together with Metromicon-Neo causes negative reactions of the body. suppositories inhibit the metabolism of Terfenadine and Astemizole, which leads to an increase in their concentration in plasma.


Before taking suppositories, it is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications of the medication. Metromicon-Neo is not prescribed in the following cases:
    first trimester of pregnancy;
    integrity of the hymen;
    sensitivity to medication components;
    age under 18 years old.
After a thorough examination of the patient, the doctor may limit the use of this drug, due to an increased risk, when the following conditions are detected:
    disorders of the kidneys / liver;
    violation of blood formation processes;
    improper microcirculation;
    disorders of the nervous system;

Side effects

Treatment with Metromicon-Neo suppositories is associated with manifestations of adverse symptoms. They can be divided into local and systemic. The following signs may appear directly in the area of ​​suppository administration:
Among the systemic side effects after using Metromicon-Neo suppositories, the following are noted:
    bowel problems (constipation or diarrhea);
    loss of appetite;
    loss of taste;
    coordination disorders;
    mild psychosis.


Do not neglect the instructions and recommendations of the doctor in the treatment of this drug. Metromicon-Neo suppositories in case of overdosing can cause systemic effects. Cases of headache, dyspepsia, the appearance of metallic taste in the mouth, abnormalities of the digestive tract on the background of long-term treatment and drug abuse have been reported. If the above signs of an overdose appear, the doctor should prescribe symptomatic therapy. Cancellation of treatment with Metromicon-Neo suppositories is not necessary.

Storage conditions

suppositories are stored at a temperature of 15-20 degrees, which prevents damage to the drug. The maximum shelf life from the date of manufacture of the drug is 3 years, after which the suppositories cannot be used.


    She treated thrush before with advertised means, but nothing helped, the disease turned into a chronic form. The doctor prescribed Metromicon-Neo suppositories and chamomile douching. I used all the packaging according to the instructions, followed all the recommendations of the doctor on hygiene. When I went for a re-examination, I learned that the illness had disappeared without a trace.
    The doctor prescribed Neo-Penotran Forte for candida from the doctor, but he wasn’t at the pharmacy, so she took an analogue on the advice of the pharmacist - Metromicon-Neo. Took 2 times every day during the week. Suppositories are small, comfortable, low price. After a week, the symptoms of the disease disappeared. After the examination, the doctor said that I am healthy.
    I read reviews about this drug, all praise suppositories. I, on the contrary, have a negative impression. Suppositories are inconvenient, they strongly leak, so there is no effect from them. Not only this, they also worsened the condition, causing great irritation. It feels like a plaster used, and not antifungal suppositories!

Terms of sell

You don't need a prescription to buy Metromicon-Neo.