Cifran tabs 500mg #10


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Cifran instruction for use

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The drug works against Gram-negative viruses at rest and Gram-positive - only during division. After administration, there is no resistance of the body to other antibiotics, which makes Cifran effective against viruses that are immune to tetracycline and penicillin.

Release form and composition

Three forms of the drug are available in pharmacy chains:
    Tablets with a mass fraction of ciprofloxacin 250 or 500 mg. The tablets are coated and packed in a cardboard box in the amount of 10 or 100 pcs .;
    Solution for infusions with the content of ciprofloxacin in the amount of 2 mg in 1 ml Cifran. The content of the drug in one bottle equals 100 ml. The bottle is placed in a box;
    Eye drops. 1 ml of drops contains 3 mg of ciprofloxacin. Drops are packed in a dark glass bottle, placed in a cardboard box.
Cifran is an antibiotic drug belonging to the fluoroquinolone group or, if taken broader than quinolones.

What is Cifran used for?

The preparation Cifran treats the diseases caused by a plurality of bacteria. The list of diseases for which the drug can be used:
    problems with the urinary system: the presence of cystitis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis;
    diseases affecting the respiratory system: all forms of pneumonia, pleurisy, lung abscess;
    injuries of the skin and soft tissues: various forms of ulcers, abscesses, burns;
    gynecological diseases: inflammation of organs in the pelvis, endometritis;
    damage to bones or joints: the presence of osteomyelitis, arthritis;
    infections associated with impaired immune system performance;
    infectious diseases: typhoid, cholera, cholecystitis, peritonitis;
    any form of gonorrhea;
    ENT diseases: sinusitis, otitis media.

pharmachologic effect

Cifran refers to a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent, the main active component of which is ciprofloxacin. The basis of the therapeutic effect of a drug is the mechanism of inhibiting the enzyme of bacteria and impaired synthesis of their DNA.
In addition, Cifran is able to increase the permeability of the cell wall of harmful microorganisms (in particular, bacteria) and exert a bactericidal effect on them. The action of the drug is susceptible to both bacteria in the reproduction phase and those in rest. Asteroides. The effect on Treponema pallidum is not well understood.

Instructions for use

Cifran can be prescribed regardless of the meal. However, to achieve better bioavailability, it is preferable to take it on an empty stomach. Against the background of treatment with Cifran, patients need to recommend adequate fluid intake. Dosage regimen Individual.
    Inside - 250-750 mg 2 times / day. The duration of treatment is from 7-10 days to 4 weeks.
    For the on / in the introduction of a single dose - 200-400 mg, the frequency of administration - 2 times / day; the duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks, if necessary, and more. You can enter in / in the jet, but more preferably drip introduction within 30 minutes.
    When applied topically, 1-2 drops are instilled into the lower conjunctival sac of the affected eye every 1-4 hours. After improving the condition, the intervals between instillations can be increased.
The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the infection, the clinical response and the bacteriological data. Typically, the duration of treatment of acute infections is from 5 to 7 days. In general, treatment should continue for at least 2-3 days after the symptoms and clinical signs of infection disappear. If necessary, the initial intravenous therapy can be continued by oral Digit. The maximum daily intake for adults when administered orally is 1.5 g.


Ciprofloxacin has a negative effect on bone growth, so it is prohibited to use it in the treatment of children under 18 and pregnant women. It is not recommended to take medication during lactation and in hematological diseases.
    In the presence of viral keratitis, the use of Cifran in the form of drops is contraindicated.
    Individual intolerance to Ciprofloxacin is possible.
There are the following groups of patients who can use the drug only under the strict supervision of the attending physician:
    patients suffering from pronounced mental disorders;
    patients suffering from frequent epileptic seizures;
    people with cerebral blood supply problems;
    men and women over 55-60 years old.

Side effects

The use of the drug Cifran can cause side effects of different nature. Patients sometimes have abdominal pain, flatulence, vomiting, nausea, cardiac arrhythmias, tachycardia. Also during treatment there are headaches, tremor of the extremities, depression, general weakness, excessive sweating, taste, smell, sight disturbances.
The drug can cause allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, rashes, point hemorrhages on the skin, allergic fever. For severe side effects, consult a doctor for advice.

Pregnancy and lactation

Contraindicated in pregnancy, during lactation. Ciprofloxacin penetrates the placental barrier, excreted in breast milk.
In experimental studies found that it causes arthropathy.


My friend had cystitis, but they didn't help her in the bolnice. After unsuccessful attempts to cure the problem, she turned to a paid clinic and there, besides Cifran, she was also discharged Monurel. It contains proanthocyanidins, which help to remove E. coli completely from the body, preventing it from multiplying in the urine. Thanks to the complex treatment with antibiotics and Monurel, cystitis went away very quickly.
For many years I have been using Cifran, it helps very well with colds, dental inflammations, boils and acne. Don't get carried away. After the course, it is necessary to restore the intestinal flora, kefir, ryazhenka, bifitobakterin. But the drug is effective and proven.

Terms of sell

You can buy Cifran without a prescription.