Treatment of bronchitis at home: acute, chronic, folk remedies


As a result of this, the patient, in addition to high fever and runny nose, feels a constant and strong cough, during which it is impossible to cough up. If the patient comes to the rescue in time and conduct treatment of acute bronchitis at home, then the patient's well-being can be significantly improved by eliminating the unpleasant and often painful symptoms of the disease. If this is not done, constantly violating the observance of bed rest, the acute form of inflammation will quickly become chronic, which will significantly increase the duration of recovery and worsen the patient's well-being.
Bronchitis most often begins in the influenza or ARVI program or as their complication, when a dry, debilitating or wet cough joins the head and reddened throat, and if you help your body during a fast, wet cough, the bronchitis can be cured faster than in 10 days.
However, in case of late treatment, violation of the quiet half-bed mode, or even worse - to go sick to work, acute bronchitis easily becomes chronic.
How to treat bronchitis at home, so that it does not become protracted or chronic, we will tell in this article.
Any treatment should be comprehensive:

    Actively fighting the virus and infection
    Improving bronchial patency, dilution of sputum and its maximum rapid excretion
    Elimination of provoking factors

Regimen for bronchitis

At the very beginning of the disease, you just need to maintain bed rest for 2–3 days, then you can do half-bed rest for another 3-4 days, when it becomes better, the temperature will be normal, you can go out and take small walks in the fresh air, better in the park and not along the highway.
It is necessary to observe mainly vegetable - cereal, dairy diet, during the period of illness the body especially needs vitamins, it is better if these are natural vitamins - fruits and vegetables.
If a person smokes, quitting smoking should occur as if by itself, because smoking increases and provokes a dry cough so much, and postpones the day of recovery that it’s not even worth talking about it. Very many heavy smokers who think about their health quit smoking after acute bronchitis, pneumonia or obstructive bronchitis!
One of the options for quick recovery from bronchitis is the quickest dilution of sputum and its elimination from the body, and this is very easily achieved by abundant warm drinking. This is a trivial advice, but the most correct and correct one, the more liquid a patient with bronchitis drinks, the faster the sputum is liquefied, and hence the release of bronchi.
Also, during inflammation during intoxication, a lot of harmful toxic substances are formed, which poison the body, and drinking plenty of up to 2-3 liters per day is a way to eliminate toxins and speedy recovery.
You can drink any drinks, it is best if they are fortified with natural vitamins - rosehip decoction, raspberries, lindens, mint, chamomile tea, milk and mineral honey cocktails (mineral water without gas Borjomi, Narzan + milk + honey). And you should refrain from strong tea and coffee, because caffeine dehydrates the body, which is not desirable for any disease.
With dry air, cough is much stronger, so try to humidify the air in the room where the patient is. The best way to use for this purpose air cleaner and humidifier. It is also desirable to carry out daily wet cleaning of the patient's room, to clean the air.

Are antibiotics needed for bronchitis?

There are cases of very severe bronchitis with obstructive syndrome and respiratory failure, in this situation, hospitalization in the pulmonology department is indicated. In mild form of bronchitis, uncomplicated other pathologies, after consulting a doctor, you can treat acute bronchitis at home, with the help of various medicines or traditional medicine.
Usually, it is not advisable to use antibiotics for bronchitis if it is caused by the flu virus, a cold. Strong immunity copes with inflammation of the bronchi. In the absence of appropriate changes in the blood and in the absence of purulent sputum, antimicrobial agents cannot be used for bronchitis, since they not only do not have an anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect, they also increase allergization and can provoke broncho-obstructive syndrome. But in case:

    lasts a long time, with cough purulent sputum
    or after an acute period of the disease, after 4-5 days, the state suddenly deteriorates, a new leap of high temperature appears, cough causes purulent sputum (yellow or green), the patient’s general condition worsens

one should again consult a doctor who will examine, listen to patients, send for tests and X-rays, after which he recommends a course of antibiotics aimed at destroying a bacterial infection that has joined. You should never start taking antibiotics without a doctor's recommendation.

How to quickly cure bronchitis at home

Antiviral drugs

If bronchitis occurs against the background of the flu, then antiviral medications can be included for therapy. Interferon preparations can be used intranasally, i.e., instillation into the nose for both children and adults, the use of other antiviral drugs for ARVI and flu is widely advertised and recommended, however, there is no conclusive research and evidence of their effect and safety, therefore the decision on their use - a personal matter of each.


To improve sputum discharge, the doctor prescribes expectorants, mucolytic drugs, there are many of them in the pharmacy chain - the most popular and effective among them are: Lasolvan, Ambrohexol, Bromhexin, Gerbion, herbal chest preparations (which can be used in the absence of allergy to medicinal herbs). With a prolonged cough and elements of bronchial obstruction prescribed Ascoril (Djoset, Kashnol) containing salbutamol.
At the very beginning of bronchitis, the patient usually has a long, dry, unproductive cough. Therefore, to alleviate the condition, it is necessary to take means, such as Glaucin, Libeksin, Tusuprex, Levopront, which suppress a dry cough, and expectorant drugs are taken later when the cough turns into a wet one. You can also use and combination drugs, such as Sinekod - instruction, Bronhikum, Bronholitin. For the treatment of bronchitis folk remedies, with dry cough apply thermopsis, licorice, coltsfoot.
After 4 days, as a rule, the phlegm begins to move away, therefore the means suppressing cough should be canceled and the means should be taken to thin the sputum:

    Mucolytics - these include acetylcysteine ​​- ACC, Mukoneks, Fluimucil, and carbocysteine ​​- Fluifort.
    Expectorants - means that improve expectoration of sputum, that is, the reflex effect, these include the well-known plantain (Gerbion), ivy leaves (prospan), Altea, thyme, anise drops, and Chest collection.
    Mukokinetic - means that facilitate the promotion of sputum, for example, Bromhexin. Such popular medicines as Lasolvan (Ambroxol tablets), Ambrobene, also have the property to thin the sputum, making it not so viscous, easily remove it from the body.


It is very effective to treat bronchitis with various inhalations. If you want to quickly cure bronchitis, then you should definitely do inhalation. Just first make sure that there is no heat and no heartbeats.
There are many prescriptions for steam inhalation for bronchitis - salt and soda solutions, and essential oils of eucalyptus, pine, myty, herbal preparations, inhalation of phytoncides, which are rich in essential oils of garlic, rosemary - reduce cough tremors and facilitate the process of coughing. However, it is not uncommon that allergic reactions occur to essential oils and medicinal herbs, and therefore people prone to allergies (pollinosis) are better off not taking risks and avoiding the use of various herbs and essential oils.
Also for those who have a home inhaler, it is possible to carry out inhalations for bronchitis with a nebulizer with Lasolvan, Ambrobene, etc., with special medicinal solutions designed to improve the release of bronchi from sputum.
In case of obstructive bronchitis in children or adults, the drug Berodual is an effective bronchodilator, special solutions are available for inhalation.

Massage, breathing exercises

It always helps to cope with virtually all diseases effectively and quickly - with massage, with bronchitis it can be done only if the body temperature is normalized, you can do it yourself, with the help of various massagers, Kuznetsov applicator, or vibratory massage. To date, various types of massagers are many, so you can buy any of them.
After the acute period of inflammation is over and there will be only residual effects in the form of a rare cough, you can begin to do therapeutic breathing exercises, for example, Strelnikova. Women can try to perform simple exercises from breathing exercises Bodyflex, which strengthens not only the respiratory system, but also normalizes metabolism and promotes weight loss.
On the recommendation of a doctor, you can also undergo a course of physiotherapy.
Strangely enough, but the old proven tools are forgotten by modern man, and such methods as banks, mustard plaster, warming compresses rarely began to be used by people. But these are safe and very effective procedures.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis folk remedies

In each family there are grandmothers, great-grandmothers, who used to treat all diseases, using exclusively folk remedies. Among all the methods of treating chronic bronchitis with folk remedies, we will talk about the most simple and accessible to everyone:

Radish honey

A very old and effective recipe is a radish, a small depression is made in it, in which a teaspoon of honey is put. After some time, radish gives juice and you can use it 3 times a day. This is a good way to relieve cough if you are not allergic to honey.

Chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, calendula, calamus

Such medicinal herbs as chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, calamus, calendula have anti-inflammatory properties and in the absence of allergy, you can make infusions - enough 1 tbsp. spoon for a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour and drink 3 p / day.

Garlic, dill, butter

Sandwiches with garlic, dill and butter - to make such a sandwich should take 5 cloves of garlic, squeeze through the garlic press, mix with butter 100 gr., You can add finely chopped dill or parsley. Eat a sandwich 3 times a day.

Medicinal plants

    Plantain has always been valued by folk healers for its excellent expectorant properties. Therefore, for the treatment of bronchitis, you can buy plantain leaves, 4 tbsp. chop the spoons of leaves, pour half a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 4 hours, strain and drink this amount during the day.
    Such medicinal plants as thyme, eucalyptus, pine buds, cumin, St. John's wort, fennel have an expectorant effect, so you can also make infusions and inhalations from them.
    To improve the immunity in chronic bronchitis help medicinal plants such as decoctions of plantain, yarrow, violets, Altea roots, mother-and-Machichi.
    Acceptance of natural mummy, echinacea tincture, licorice root syrup also contributes to an increase in immunity.
    Broths of parsley, juniper, horsetail, birch, lingonberry leaves. These funds are not direct methods of treating acute bronchitis at home, but they are very helpful for strengthening the body and speeding recovery.


To relieve symptoms of intoxication with viral and infectious diseases, to quickly remove toxins from the body, you can use pharmaceuticals sorbents - Polysorb, Enterosgel, Filtrum STI, Polyphepanum, etc., but they should be taken in between medicines and food, best Once a day at night, 2 hours after the last meal and medication and a short course.

Psychological attitude

It is possible that many will seem strange and unacceptable, but the psychological, emotional, positive attitude towards recovery is always of great importance, especially in chronic diseases. Belief in healing - gives the brain a very strong impetus to enhance the body's struggle with the disease. Daily reading of positive attitudes that you can think up for yourself, pronouncing affirmations, self-suggestion exercises, meditation - can help more than some medications. The main thing to believe that it works, to believe in the strength of your body and the disease will go away.

Juice therapy

Juice therapy has long been considered the most powerful way to heal the whole body. Vegetable juices are especially useful:

    Beet juice is considered the most highly effective juice for cleansing the blood of toxins, it helps to normalize the blood composition, especially improves platelets, the only condition for its reception is that you can not drink freshly squeezed juice, first rub the raw beet grated, squeeze the juice, and then put in refrigerator, after 3-4 hours you can drink it.
    Carrot juice - it is not recommended to drink a lot of beet juice, no more than 100 ml., It is better to dilute it with useful carrot fresh juice. It is both delicious and extremely healthy.
    Lingonberry juice - very good for sputum.
    Cabbage juice is freshly squeezed, it is not very pleasant to drink, but if you add a little sugar, it is very effective as an expectorant. In addition, cabbage juice helps with diseases of the stomach.

To speed recovery in time of bronchitis, it is important to adhere to certain rules:

    immediately after the onset of the disease, it is recommended to carry out bed rest for 2-3 days, which after this time can be loosened by replacing it with a half-bed bed, which must be observed for a couple more days;
    to facilitate the breathing of the patient during the treatment of bronchitis in adults will succeed by using humidifiers or by constantly wetting the battery with water;
    clean the air in the room and destroy harmful bacteria in it by observing frequent wet cleaning;
    as soon as the body temperature is restored and will not exceed the permissible rate, the patient will be able to walk outside to breathe fresh air, while choosing places for walks away from the highways.

It must be remembered that the treatment of bronchitis at home should be conducted while maintaining a diet that will allow you to fill the body with vitamins. You also need to stop smoking at least for a while.
In order to cure bronchitis at home in a short time, you need to drink a lot, which will provide the patient with a quick recovery. Besides the fact that drinking plenty of fluids helps cleanse the body of toxins, it also helps to thin the sputum. You can drink anything during the course of inflammation, but decoctions made from medicinal healing fees, such as chamomile, peppermint, linden, raspberry and rosehip, have the greatest benefit. Also of great health benefit are honey shakes based on soda and milk made from Borjomi or Narzan. At the same time, those who are interested in how to properly treat bronchitis, you need to remember that during it is undesirable to drink coffee, as caffeine contributes to dehydration.

Chronic bronchitis - treatment of folk remedies

Bronchitis is a disease that is successfully treated with folk remedies at home. There are a large number of different recipes that help to conduct an effective and "complete" treatment of chronic bronchitis with folk remedies in adults.
The most famous and easy ones are the following recipes:
Collection on the basis of healing herbs. Folk remedies for chronic bronchitis imply the use of herbs such as calendula, sage, calamus and chamomile as a treatment. These herbs are endowed with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, so they can be safely used as a treatment if the victim does not have allergies to them. To make a medicinal infusion, you need to take a spoonful of herbs, then pour it with water (one glass). Infuse the liquid with the lid closed for an hour. Doctors advise to drink healing infusion 3 times a day.
    Honey and radish. This is an old, but effective method of combating inflammation of the bronchi. To cook it, you need to squeeze the juice from the radish, and then mix it with honey in the same proportion. After that, this mass is used to treat chronic bronchitis. If the patient does not have an allergy to honey, this recipe will ease the flow of dry cough and will also allow curing chronic bronchitis in a short time.
    Dill, butter and garlic cloves. How to treat chronic bronchitis? An excellent national expectorant for bronchitis is a sandwich on which oil will be spread, as well as garlic and dill sprigs. To make it, you need to chop 5 cloves of garlic, as well as take 100 g of butter. There is such a sandwich recommended 3 times a day until the complete cure of the disease. Among other ways to treat a disease, this one is considered the easiest and most accessible. It is important to note that this method of treatment can be prescribed by the attending physician, as it helps to quickly get rid of inflammation, having only a positive effect on the human body.

Even with the popular treatment of bronchitis, it is important to observe the dosage of products and medicinal plants, because otherwise it will cause a deterioration of the patient’s condition and cause complications of the pathology.
    Positive attitude of the patient at the psychological level. Traditional medicine claims that the positive of the victim is of considerable importance - especially for people with chronic diseases. In this case, the brain receives a strong impetus to optimize all human powers for healing.

The above-mentioned folk remedies for bronchitis successfully fight the disease, especially if such treatment is combined with traditional medicine.
It is especially important to comply with all medical recommendations, which will allow effective treatment not only in a hospital, but also at home.

Nontraditional treatment of acute bronchitis in adults

How to treat bronchitis in an adult at home? Bronchitis, the treatment of folk remedies which has proved itself well, is considered to be a quick option to get rid of inflammation of the bronchial cavity.
Treatment of bronchitis folk remedies is important to coordinate with your doctor, because otherwise you can greatly aggravate the state of health.
The most proven methods of treating pathology include:

    Honey with radish. This recipe is ancient and widely known these days. To carry it out, you need to make a hole in the radish with a sharp knife, where to put some honey. After a couple of hours, the vegetable will give juice, after which this mixture can be drunk several times a day. However, we should not forget about the traditional treatment of the disease, since radish can only alleviate the symptoms of the disease, but is not able to completely protect the patient from bronchitis.
    Aloe juice It is known that aloe is a useful flower, with which it is possible to treat acute bronchitis without side effects. To do this, the patient will need to combine the juice of the plant with any animal fat, and then add a piece of butter to the mass. Optionally, for the taste of the mixture is allowed to pour cocoa. To eat a lot to cure bronchitis folk remedies, one spoon, which can be quickly dissolved in a glass of milk. Drink this medicinal drink should be a couple of times a day.
    Milk mixed with lard. Another useful folk remedy for the treatment of bronchitis, which is allowed to take not only during the course of the disease, but also at a time when the pathology has already receded. Fat helps to perfectly restore the strength of the patient, as well as to normalize his general condition. Drinking milk is recommended 4-5 times a day, as there is no harm from such a drink.
    Onions mixed with honey. 0.5 kg of onion mixed with 400 grams of sugar, then add to the mass of 2 tablespoons of honey. Fill the products with water (1 liter) and boil for 3 hours. Folk remedies for treating bronchitis on the basis of onions should be drained, poured into a container and then placed in a cold place. Before taking the liquid should be slightly heated, so as not to aggravate the course of the disease. Drink a decoction is one sip 6 times a day.

How to treat the disease in acute form? You can also use the most common method of treating bronchial inflammation - milk with soda and honey. We treat with this composition bronchitis for 2-3 weeks, without missing a single day.
Getting rid of bronchitis in adults with folk remedies is not difficult - the main thing is to comply with the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor.

Additional treatments

Also cure acute bronchitis at home can be in other ways. These include the use of folk recipes based on plants and warming. Using a particular method of treatment, you need to consult with your doctor.
Warming up How to quickly overcome bronchitis? Warming up is an important treatment for bronchial inflammation. After all, heat allows you to restore the damaged mucous membrane, as well as normalize the general state of health.
The scheme will be as follows:

    Boil some potatoes, then mash it with tolkushki, add a spoonful of oil and a couple of drops of iodine.
    After that, thoroughly mix the mixture, lay it in a bag or rag, and then apply to the chest or back.
    Then we wrap up in a blanket or wrap a scarf to enhance the effect of treatment.

Such warming is worth doing at night, because during sleep a person certainly does not fall under the draft.
In order not to burn the skin, this folk remedy for bronchitis is applied to the skin lubricated with any animal fat.
After the rubbing, you should wear a warm sweater, and also drink warm milk to enhance the thermal effect. If desired, mustard plaster is applied to the calves during warming up.
After cured bronchitis, it is possible to warm up the chest for a few more days to avoid recurrence.

Treatment with herbs

To quickly overcome bronchitis and its unpleasant symptoms, you should prepare an infusion based on one of the herbs, such as:

    St. John's wort;

We take one spoon of any herb and fill it with a glass of water. We give a brief insistence until the water gets a brighter shade.
Drink this infusion need throughout the day in small doses. Leave the liquid the next day should not be, because it will disappear all the healing properties.