Citrojex tabs 3.8gr #20


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  • 3 or more $8.85
  • 5 or more $8.79

Instruction for Citrojex

You can buy Citrojex here

Pharmacological properties

Citrojex contains the maximum allowable amount of ascorbic acid, as for a biologically active additive. Normalizes the natural balance of micro and macro elements, with a clear deficit, unbalanced diet. The complex action of dietary supplements normalizes the following processes:
    redox reactions in tissues, organs;
    increase in natural resistance to abnormal microorganisms;
    regeneration of connective, nervous tissue;
    blood coagulation level;
    daily need for folic, pantothenic acid.
All of the above factors are protection against infectious diseases. When used regularly, the additive speeds up the transport of positive hydrogen ions. It is relevant for biochemical reactions where glucose, tricarboxylic acids, tetrahydrofolic acid are used.
In combination with other active substances that the body produces, it is involved in the synthesis of collagen, procollagen, steroid hormones. Restores damaged tissue at the cellular level.
The colloidal state of intercellular substances depends on the correct dosage of dietary supplement. In turn, this affects the permeability of the walls of the vessels of the capillaries. Citrojex inhibits hyaluronidase and its derivatives.
Citrojex is actively used to treat chronic metabolic disorders, for example, obesity. Vitamin "C" activates a number of proteolytic enzymes responsible for the exchange and accumulation of glycogen (in the liver), cholesterol, aromatic acids.
As a result, the respiratory functions of the liver are restored, enzyme formation is stabilized, which positively affects the synthesis of prothrombin, protein-forming functions.
The effectiveness of Citrojex marked in relation to immunological reactions. Ascorbic acid is the main component of redox reactions. The substance is not produced by the body. Indications for oppression of mediators of inflammatory and allergic processes, including Pg, are noted.
Regular replenishment is needed in the form of a rapidly digestible complex. The number is selected individually, after consulting a nutritionist, attending physician.

Composition and form of release

Supplements are available in solid form, with the maximum allowable amount of vitamin "C". The concentration of the active ingredient does not exceed 900 mg. The dosage of the remaining ingredients is safe for continuous use.
Citrojex comes in plastic tubes. The weight of each tablet is 3.7 grams. In one package, 20 effervescent, instant tablets of large diameter. The basic composition is supplemented with natural dyes (riboflavin-5) and orange, lemon flavors. The instruction is attached.

Indications for use

Citrojex tablets are used for prevention and treatment:
    specific lack of vitamin "C";
    stressful situations, eliminating the consequence;
    drastic changes in daily diet;
    alcohol, nicotine addiction, as support for basic therapy;
    acute disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
    pathologies that impair absorption, absorption of ascorbic acid.
Ascorbic acid is widely used in case of significant physical overload, intellectual, emotional stress.


Effervescent tablets are prescribed for children and adolescents under 18 years of age. With uncontrolled use, hyper-vitaminization of the body is possible. This is one of the main reasons for the development of diabetes mellitus, nephrolithiasis, hemochromatosis. In rare situations, an aggressive reaction to individual components of Citrojex is observed, including the maximum permissible value of ascorbic acid (500 mg). In rare cases, there is a risk of phenylketonuria.


Citrojex is approved for use by pregnant women, especially in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. The maximum dose is 60 mg.
Caution! The fetus quickly adapts to a very high concentration of vitamin C in the mother’s blood. High risk of withdrawal syndrome in newborns. Ascorbic acid quickly spreads through the bloodstream throughout the body, freely passes through the placenta.

Method and application features

Citrojex tablets are diluted in 200 ml of cool water. Supplements are not recommended to chew or dissolve. The effectiveness of the active substance decreases significantly. This method of administration is a contraindication in patients suffering from hypersensitivity to ascorbic acid. After the first symptoms are detected, the supplement is discontinued.

Storage conditions

According to the instructions for use, effervescent tablets are stored at a temperature of +15 to +25 degrees. The active component is rapidly destroyed when exposed to direct sunlight. High humidity slows down the rate of absorption of the active additive.

Terms of sell

You can buy Citrojex without a prescription.