Asparkam tabs #56


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  • 3 or more $4.82
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Instruction for Asparkam

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Asparkam belongs to a group of drugs that regulate metabolic processes. Diacarb and Asparkam are prescribed comprehensively for the treatment of increased intracranial pressure and other similar conditions.

Pharmachologic effect

Potassium and magnesium affect the electrolyte balance, contributing to its recovery. Asparkam eliminates the manifestations of arrhythmias, supports normal cardiac activity.

Release form

The drug is produced in the form of a solution for intravenous administration, solution for injection and for infusion. There are also Asparkam tablets.

Indications for use

The use of Asparkam is justified with a lack of potassium and magnesium, in complex therapy for chronic circulatory failure.
According to the instructions, Asparkam is also prescribed for ischemia and various shock conditions. Asparkam is used for heart rhythm disturbances caused by a lack of potassium and magnesium. According to the instructions, Asparkam is indicated for heart diseases such as: ventricular extrasystole, paroxysms of atrial fibrillation. The drug is also used in case of intolerance or toxic effects on the body of digitalis drugs.
Diacarb and Asparkam in combination are used for increased intracranial pressure (including in children from four months of age), with edema syndrome, epilepsy, glaucoma, gout, Meniere's disease, as well as with a lack of potassium and magnesium. Diacarb and Asparkam are prescribed only together to enhance the action of each drug.

Instructions for the use

The tablets are used orally, after meals, 2 tablets three times a day. For prophylaxis and as a maintenance dose, Asparkam tablets are taken 1 piece three times a day for a month.

Pharmacological properties

Potassium, which is part of the medication, plays an essential role in the human body. With its help, the water-salt balance is regulated, the activity of various enzymes is stimulated, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is improved, the blood pressure is stabilized, the process of heart contractions is supported. A deficiency, as well as an overabundance of this macronutrient, can cause hypertonicity of muscles and nerve endings, surges in blood pressure.
The element magnesium is involved in more than three hundred metabolic processes. It is important for the complete elimination of toxins from the human body, for the production of protein, for the complete absorption of vitamins C, B1 and B6. The role of this macronutrient is great in the normal functioning of the circulatory system, which is achieved by stimulating the walls of blood vessels and expanding the arteries. Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the rhythm of the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure, prevents pain in muscles and joints, improves the condition of tooth enamel, prevents the deposition of kidney stones, and helps to strengthen bone tissue.

Composition and form of release

The production of a medical product is carried out in the form of a liquid dosage form for parenteral administration, as well as tablets for oral administration. The injections are available in five milliliter glass ampoules. They come on sale in packs of cardboard of ten, wrapped in corrugated paper to preserve the integrity of the glass vessel.
White tablets are round. The tablets are packed in polyvinyl chloride plates of fifty pieces. Secondary packaging are rectangular cardboard boxes.
It contains elements potassium aspartate and magnesium aspartate.

Indications for use

The appointment of the drug Asparkam is carried out in the following situations:
    in case of problems with the blood supply to certain organs as a result of violations in the work of the heart muscle;
    with ischemic heart disease;
    with diseases of the blood vessels, expressed by the deposition of cholesterol plaques;
    with violations in the work of the heart of various etymologies;
    with arterial thrombosis of the heart;
    with an overdose of cardiac glycosides.

Side effects

The use of the medication can provoke the occurrence of side effects from various organs and systems of the body. These include the following:
    nausea, vomiting;
    dry mouth;
    hemorrhage in the gastrointestinal tract;
    lowering blood pressure;
    cramps, numbness of the limbs;
    labored breathing;
    allergies of various origins;
    involuntary muscle contractions;
    pain in the sternum.
Side effects usually occur when the body is oversaturated with potassium and magnesium. For their early elimination, it is recommended to immediately stop taking the drug, as well as to carry out the necessary supportive treatment by a competent specialist, which should include the introduction of calcium chloride and procedures aimed at stimulating breathing.


Among the contraindications that prevent the use of the drug Asparkam, the following are distinguished:
    hypersensitivity to substances contained in the medication;
    severe kidney disease;
    endocrine disorders, in which the adrenal glands stop producing hormones;
    extreme left ventricular failure;
    diseases in which the movement of blood through the vessels is disrupted.

Pregnancy and lactation

Prescribing a medication during pregnancy is allowed. This often happens in cases where the expectant mother has serious heart disease. It can be prescribed as monotherapy or as part of a complex treatment. However, it is forbidden to take the drug until the thirteenth week of pregnancy, as it can harm the embryo. In the second and third trimester, as well as during breastfeeding, the medication should be taken only as directed by the attending physician.

Application: method and features

The drug is taken three times a day. You can take no more than two tablets at a time. Course therapy continues for two or three weeks. The exact treatment regimen is established by the attending physician.

Alcohol compatibility

Many experts agree that alcoholic beverages and the drug Asparkam do not interact well with each other. This combination can lead to spasmodic contractions of blood vessels, disruption of water-salt balance. Moreover, alcohol is contraindicated in patients with heart and vascular diseases who are prescribed medication.
There is a widespread belief that this drug can help a person cope with a hangover. In part, this can be called true. Indeed, Asparkam is indeed included in the set of drugs that doctors use for emergency drug treatment. However, it is impossible to provide them with the support the body needs alone. Moreover, an excess of potassium in the body, which can lead to inaccurate use of the medication, can cause cardiac arrest due to thickening of blood in the vessels.

Interaction with other medicinal products

It is not recommended to use Asparkam in conjunction with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, beta-blockers, immunosuppressants that selectively act on T-lymphocytes, drugs that prevent blood clotting, due to the potential risk of increasing the concentration of potassium in the blood.
It is possible to reduce the absorption of the drug from the gastrointestinal tract when taken together with drugs containing phosphoric acid and calcium salts.
The medicine prevents the breakdown of antibiotics from the tetracyclines group, iron compounds, sodium fluoride. In this regard, the interval between applications should be at least three hours.
When taken together with drugs that cause surgical anesthesia, an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system is traced.
There is a decrease in the effectiveness of antibiotics from the group of aminoglycosides and antibiotics that disrupt the cytoplasmic membrane, when used during the course of treatment with Asparkam.
The drug is able to enhance the effect of medications that activate the processes of cellular nutrition, and also prevents a possible decrease in the content of potassium in the blood plasma caused by the intake of diuretics.


An overdose of a drug can occur due to a significant excess of the prescribed dosage with tablets or too rapid parenteral injection. In such cases, the body may become oversaturated with potassium or magnesium, which can cause irreparable harm to health. In particular, hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia are manifested by the following symptoms:
    muscle hypertonia;
    acceleration of the rhythm of the heart muscle;
    significant reduction in blood pressure;
    labored breathing;
    limb cramps;
    feeling of thirst;
    rush of blood to the skin of the face;
    pain in the abdomen;
    general weakness of the body;
    the taste of metal in the mouth.
If the above symptoms occur, it is recommended to wash the stomach, take activated charcoal, symptomatic therapy.

Special instructions

Rapid administration of Asparkam injections is prohibited due to the possible development of hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia.
Precautions should be taken in patients suffering from autoimmune neuromuscular diseases characterized by pathologically rapid fatigability of striated muscles.
It is forbidden to prescribe the drug to patients with ulcerative defects in the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum.
Use for persons with severe burns or a predisposition to dehydration should only be used under the supervision of a physician and constant monitoring of the blood composition.
Does not affect the management of vehicles and activities that require increased concentration.

Reviews of the drug

Many people who have undergone treatment with Asparkam call it the budget version of Panangin. At the same time, almost no one questions its effectiveness. Patients suffering from heart diseases, taking medication, note a positive effect and relief from pain syndromes. Also, the remedy relieves limb cramps. Women write that the medicine does an excellent job with the appearance of unwanted puffiness, and also relieves pain in premenstrual syndrome and during critical days. Some people take this medication in order to restore the water-salt balance, as well as to replenish the deficiency of potassium and magnesium in the body as part of complex therapy. At the same time, there are a number of patients who have experienced side effects. Discomfort was mainly felt in the gastrointestinal tract, expressed by cuts, heartburn, nausea, and gas formation. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before using this medicine.

Terms of sell

You don't need a prescription to buy Asparkam.