Blueberry Forte with Lutein tabs #50


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  • 2 or more $11.12
  • 3 or more $10.99

Instruction for Blueberry Forte with Lutein

You can buy Blueberry Forte with Lutein here

Retinal health depends on the amount and density of lutein. The higher these indicators, the lower the risk of atrophy and functional defects of this part of the eyeball. Blueberry-based dietary supplements protect the retina from the aggressive effects of UV, sunlight, and light waves of various spectra.
Blueberry Forte with Lutein is prescribed to increase natural sensitivity to harsh, blinding light. With prolonged use, a person does not feel the usual irritation, tingling in the eyes, after prolonged, monotonous work, especially at the computer.
In the manufacture of this product raw materials of German or Swiss production are used. The components are certified.

Pharmacological properties

Blueberry Forte with Lutein is a biologically active additive (BAA). The drug contains several active components complementing and enhancing the action of each other.


Natural prevention of inflammatory processes, dry eyes. Lutein belongs to the group of carotenoids. Participates in the construction of an antioxidant barrier that protects the eyeball from free radicals, intense light flux, and hard ultraviolet radiation.

Berry Extract: Anthocyanins

Basic substances for daily renewal of visual pigment. Anthocyanins normalize the synthesis of rhodopsin, which positively affects:
    Twilight perception by a person of moving objects, objects;
    quick adaptation to the dark (contrast “light - dark” and vice versa);
    visual acuity;
    perception of a static and moving image in conditions of sedentary work and poor lighting.
Substances, indirectly, affect the rate of retinal tissue renewal, which removes discomfort and burning in the eyes, after prolonged work with small objects.

Bioflavonoids: berry, rutin, vitamin C

A complex of substances that narrows the gaps in the capillaries and small vessels of the eyeball. As a result:
    blood vessels cease to be brittle, the risk of hemorrhage is reduced;
    intraocular pressure stabilizes;
    increases the flexibility and strength of the walls of large vessels.
These substances are part of the dietary supplement, enhancing the effect of other components.

B vitamins

The basis of the metabolic processes of the eyeball. It positively affects the visual and overall performance of a person, especially in an office environment. The supplement contains a daily dosage of vitamin B2. This is a natural defense against muscle weakness, inflammatory processes and as a result, burning, irritation.
Lack of B vitamins contributes to the development of cataracts. For the prevention of diseases associated with increased tension and twitching of the eyes, vitamin B6 is used.


The basic element for the formation of visual purpura, the photosensitive pigment rhodopsin. Zinc is used to treat light damage to the retina caused by UV radiation, dazzling flashes.
Light wave - is a specific oxidizing agent that reduces the amount of tear fluid. Also, the number of free radicals is increasing. This is the main reason for retinal detachment, impaired light and twilight perception.
A lack of zinc stimulates the development of cataracts and similar complex pathologies.

Composition and form of release

Blueberry Forte with Lutein is available in tablets with a thin, instant coating.
Active ingredients: berry extract, rutin, B, C vitamins, lutein.
Auxiliary ingredients: MCC, sugar.
There are 50 tablets in one pack. The tool, necessarily, is supplemented by instructions for use.

Indications for use

Blueberry Forte with Lutein is used to treat and prevent the following pathologies and complications:
    age-related functional changes in the eyeball. Actual for patients older than 60 years;
    visual impairment with complications in the form of myopia, severe disorders of twilight perception (used as part of complex therapy);
    "office worker" syndrome, constant irritation, inflammation, swelling caused by prolonged work at the computer;
    indication for glaucoma and cataract (preventive therapy is recommended).
Blueberry Forte with Lutein softens the effects of sleep deprivation, sedentary, physical work at night. The duration and number of doses of dietary supplements is negotiated with a narrow specialist, the attending physician.

Side effects

With prolonged use of Blueberry Forte with Lutein, the following adverse reactions are possible:
    short-term nausea and vomiting;
    dyspepsia of varying severity, including bloating, flatulence;
    periodic indigestion, diarrhea.
Problems are eliminated only by symptomatic therapy. At home, take classic pharmacy sorbents. In urgent cases, gastric lavage is necessary.
Blueberry Forte with Lutein does not affect human attentiveness, concentration and speed of reactions.


Supplements are not prescribed for children under three years of age, with an individual aggressive reaction to the active components. Before use, full-time consultation of an ophthalmologist, therapist is recommended.


Dietary supplements of any origin are not recommended for use in 1-3 trimester of pregnancy. Products containing plant components have a number of contraindications that affect the condition of the fetus and the mother's body. Some of them appear without pronounced symptoms, spontaneously.
The development and production of Blueberry Forte with lutein does not include additional research regarding the health and safety of the fetus. Nutritional supplements, especially of plant origin, do not adversely affect the developing organism and do not provoke the development of diseases.

Method and application features

The instruction indicates several options for taking dietary supplements:
    adults and adolescents from 14 years: standard dose - two tablets twice a day (morning and evening);
    children from 3 to 7 years: one tablet 1-2 times a day;
    children from 7 to 14 years: 2 tablets 2 times a day.
Blueberry forte tablets with lutein are swallowed whole. It is forbidden to chew or dissolve in any liquid. The maximum course of maintenance therapy is up to 4 months. Permanent use is allowed with a 10-12 day break after each course. The final dosage is determined by the ophthalmologist.

Storage conditions

The additive is stored in a dark place, protected from direct sunlight. The maximum shelf life is 36 months from the date of manufacture of the product. It is forbidden to store in the freezer.

Terms of sell

You can buy Blueberry Forte with Lutein without a prescription.