Alfavit Classic tabs #120


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  • 2 or more $18.25
  • 3 or more $18.13

Alfavit Classic instruction

You can buy Alfavit Classic here

Vitamins are necessary for the person for normal functioning of his organism. Those nutrients that he gets with food do not replenish the daily rate, and therefore the internal organs and their systems begin to function improperly, the protective forces weaken, which, in turn, causes frequent ARVI, ARD and flu. Multivitamin complex "Alfavit Classic" allows you to fill the daily need of the body for vitamin and mineral substances, which helps to normalize its activity.

Instructive recommendations for use

Vitamins "Alfavit Classic" can not only take care of their own health, but also reduce the risk of developing vitamin deficiency in the autumn-winter period. Instructions for use is offered in each package and allows you not only to learn how to drink dragees, but also gives detailed information about all the components that it contains. This drug can be used for wide age groups, as it is shown to people who have reached the age of fifteen and have not yet crossed the 50-year-old age.

Release form

Vitamins "Alfavit Classic" are available in tablets of three shades - white, blue, pink. Thus, the manufacturer ensures that the person receiving them does not miss their reception and does not get confused about which of the drops in the blaster to take. The general instruction attached to Alfavit Classic indicates that boxes containing 60 and 120 tablets are sold in pharmacies, as well as jars containing 210 tablets. If we consider the price range of the proposed options, it is most advantageous to purchase packaging with a large number of tablets, since the storage conditions allow using them for two years from the date of manufacture. In addition, it will save a person from having to “run” to the pharmacy every month for the drug.


The composition of each dragee, located in the blaster, is unique. Each of them contains vitamin-mineral elements, perfectly combined with each other. Those components that can adversely affect their digestibility by the body are not included in one pill of the Alfavit Classic vitamin complex. This is what defines how to drink pills - in the morning, at lunch or in the evening.

White pill

The instruction giving recommendations on the use of a white-colored vitamin from the Alfavit Classic package indicates that it is taken in the morning, mostly at breakfast. The main components in dragee are:
The composition of 1 tablet Content
Vitamin D3 5 mcg
Calcium Pantothenate 5 mg
Folic acid 100 mcg
Vitamin B12 3 mg
Vitamin H 50 mcg
Vitamin K1 120 mcg
Chrome 50 mcg
Calcium 100 mg
Taking white Alpha vitamins is recommended in the morning, as it helps a person to tune in to productive work, speeds up the metabolic processes carried out by his body, and also stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system. With their use, people receive an additional charge of cheerfulness, energy, strength.

Blue pill

The composition of the blue tinge from the “Alfavit Classic” includes such mineral and vitamin substances as:
The composition of 1 tablet Content
Vitamin A 0.5 mg
Vitamin E 10 mg
Vitamin C 35 mg
Vitamin B2 1.8 mg
Vitamin PP 20 mg
Vitamin B6 2 mg
Magnesium 50 mg
Manganese 2 mg
Selenium 70 mcg
Molybdenum 45 mcg
Iodine 150 mcg
Zinc 15 mg
It is recommended to take the Alfavit Classic vitamins with a blue tint during the daytime, since their action is aimed at maintaining physical and emotional strength during the working day. This allows you to normalize the work of the body's defenses, increase its resistance to stress, and eliminate the risk of depressive situations.

Pink pill

The instructions attached to the pink-tinged vitamins from the Alfavit Classic complex highlight in their composition such elements as:
The composition of 1 tablet Content
Vitamin D3 5 mcg
Calcium Pantothenate 5 mg
Folic acid 100 mcg
Vitamin B12 3 mcg
Vitamin H 50 mcg
Vitamin K1 120 mcg
Chrome 50 mcg
Calcium 100 mg
Many people ask how to take vitamins of a pink shade so that their effect is maximally noticeable. It is enough to eat one dragee over dinner, so that the recovery processes carried out by the body accelerate, the vascular walls come to tone, the work of the circulatory system has normalized.

Situations requiring the appointment of the drug

Instructions with recommendations for the use of multivitamin "Alfavit Classic" indicates that they are prescribed in the following situations:
    unbalanced nutrition;
    lack of healthy foods in the diet;
    great physical and mental stress;
    accelerated physical development in adolescence;
    vitamin deficiency during pregnancy;
    work related to non-environmental production;
    long reception of an extensive course of antibiotics;
    the recovery period after surgery during a disease;
Based on the indicated assignments, it is possible to draw appropriate conclusions about a wide range of useful properties of the complex. To take the Alfavit Classic vitamins - to take care of your own health, which is extremely important, given the fact of living not in the most ecological conditions.

Positive impact

Having figured out how and when to drink the Alfavit Classic multivitamin, people are beginning to be interested in the beneficial properties of vitamin-mineral substances that are their constituents. The main beneficial properties of the drug are:
    normalization of blood pressure indicators;
    removal of antioxidant, toxic substances, as well as free radicals entering the body from the outside;
    an increase in "male" strength;
    regulation of the activity of the central nervous system;
    normalization of fat splitting;
    acceleration of hormone production;
    reducing the risk of cancer.

Mode of application

Accept vitamins "Alfavit Classic" should be according to the rules specified in the instructional recommendations. These include:
    use only with meals;
    use of water, tea, other non-carbonated and non-alcoholic drinks to drink pills;
    compliance with a temporary break between taking pills of at least three hours.
It is extremely important not to use more than one pill at a time, as hypervitaminosis may occur, which will have to give up the use of such a drug as the Alfavit Classic vitamins. It is important to take breaks between courses that make up the use of the entire multivitamin package. They should be no more than two or three weeks. According to the instruction, giving recommendations on the use of the Alfavit Classic vitamin complex, a few months after the start of its administration, improvements in the functioning of the body will be noticeable.

Side effects, contraindications

Many seek to understand how and when to drink the Alfavit Classic complex, so that their use is not accompanied by the appearance of side effects. Usually in the form of "sideways" are only allergic reactions caused by individual intolerance to the components included in the drug. For this reason, it is important to know not only how and when to take the Alfavit Classic multivitamin, but also the conditions for their storage. After the expiration date, the drug should be destroyed with other solid waste, without separating the drops from the blasters.


Tablets of different colors attract both adults and children over the age of fifteen. And those and others note that the color variety allows you to properly take a dragee, without getting lost, to saturate the body with additional vitamin substances. Most of the people who have used the complex for six months or more, notes that the work of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular organs, nervous system is normalized, and sleep disorders disappear.

Terms of sell

You don't need a prescription to buy Alfavit Classic.