The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of urticaria in adults


Hives can provoke drugs, food allergies, worms, an individual reaction to ultraviolet rays, cold, dust, insect bites, as well as autoimmune pathologies and diseases of the digestive system.

In 40% of cases, the cause of the disease remains unclear. Treatment of urticaria of mild severity in adults is carried out at home, therefore, folk remedies for the treatment of urticaria in adults are often used.

What is urticaria

Urticaria - skin reaction to the influence of a particular pathogen - a substance, condition, environment, which is expressed in the appearance of red spots and blisters
Urticaria or urticaria rash (urticaria) is the appearance of red and white blisters in various parts of the body that rise above the skin. Externally, an allergic rash resembles a burn obtained from nettles, or irritation from an insect bite. In some cases, the blisters have a clear reddish border and a small depression in the middle.

Urticaria can occur on any part of the body, and even on the mucous membrane of the mouth. The spots formed by the red cavityless blisters have a size of 0.5 to 15 centimeters and a rounded shape.

What nutrients does celandine contain?

The main role is played by alkaloids - a group of nitrogen-containing natural compounds. Their function is to protect the plant from external influences. Together with this, they have many physiological effects on the human body.

Alkaloids are actively used in the pharmaceutical industry, this group includes atropine, codeine, morphine. There are about 20 of them in celandine:

    Helidonin is the alkaloid with the highest activity. It relieves spasms of smooth muscles, lowers blood pressure, dilates blood vessels, slows the pulse. This explains the ability of the celandine to relieve asthma attacks and bronchospasm caused by other forms of allergic diseases.
    Homochelidonin has an analgesic effect, is able to reduce the intensity of itching, and helps with allergic rashes.
    Sanguinarine has an antiseptic effect. In addition, it enhances intestinal peristaltic activity, promoting digestion, which helps to cope with gastrointestinal manifestations of allergies.
    Berberine and Coptisine are compounds with a pronounced diuretic effect. Due to this property, a faster cleansing of the body of the allergen occurs.
    Flavonoid is a good analgesic and antiviral substance. These properties are useful in allergic dermatitis, when it is necessary not only to cure the manifestations of allergies, but also to prevent infection from getting on damaged skin.
    Salonide has a diuretic effect and prevents sclerosis.

Celandine contains such acids as malic and succinic, vitamins A and C.
Despite the huge amount of nutrients, remember that celandine is toxic, so you need to start taking the drug with the lowest possible doses. Each of these substances, if the therapeutic dose is exceeded, is a neurotoxic poison. They can provoke paralysis, convulsions, hallucinations.

Causes and symptoms

A common symptom of an urticaria rash is severe itching and burning, which intensifies in the morning and evening. Therefore, often with urticaria, insomnia and sleep disturbances are observed. An allergic reaction occurs and disappears suddenly, after it there are no scars, no scars, or other changes on the skin.

The reasons for the development of urticaria are conventionally divided into two groups:

    endogenous - internal, associated with malfunctions of the body: metabolic disorders, CNS pathologies, diseases of internal organs;
    exogenous - received from the outside: infections, temperature differences, uncomfortable clothes, exposure to chemicals.

Causes of Skin Diseases

    weak immunity,
    infectious disease
    allergic reaction,
    hormonal imbalance,
    the presence of parasites in the body,
    heart disease
    digestive problems
    insufficient drinking water
    slagging of the body.



Depending on the course of the disease, chronic and acute forms of urticaria are distinguished. In the first case, the disease proceeds for a long time, and the symptoms can intensify and decrease. The appearance of an itchy rash is accompanied by a headache, chills, and fever. In the acute form, urticaria appears and completely disappears within 48 hours, and the cause of the disease can be easily identified: this reaction of the body will occur every time it comes into contact with the root cause: for example, an allergen, a chemical substance, water, cold, sun.

Depending on the cause of the disease, urticaria is divided into:

    slow motion;
    Strofulus (an allergic reaction in children to specific foods).

Drug therapy

For medical treatment of urticaria, preparations of internal and external use are used.

Preparations for internal use:

    antihistamines - block an allergic reaction: Cetrine, Suprastin, Zyrtek, Diazolin, Aerius;
    corticosteroids - are prescribed for complex forms of allergic urticaria, edema: "Prednisolone", "Hydrocortisone";
    sedatives - have a calming effect, eliminate the irritating factor in cholinergic urticaria caused by stress: Donormil, Atarax.

Local action:
    non-hormonal ointments that have antimicrobial, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects: zinc, salicylic-zinc, Nezulin, Fenistil gel;
    ointments on a natural basis with antipruritic, antifungal and anti-allergic properties: Skin-Up, La Cree
    hormonal ointments used in severe forms of acute urticaria: “Advantan”, “Elokom”, “Sinaflan”, “Fluorocort”, “Gistan-H”.

In most cases, with any form of urticaria, toxins and allergens must be removed from the body. For this, enterosorbents are prescribed - Polysorb, Filtrum, Enterosgel.

What first aid can be provided

Urticaria can occur suddenly on any part of the body and without obvious, at first glance, reasons. Therefore, each person needs to know what measures he should take when providing first aid.

    Neutralize skin exposure. In the case of allergic urticaria, it is necessary to stop the flow of allergen into the body.
    To reduce itching, apply an antihistamine ointment or non-hormonal cream to the affected area. If it is absent, apply a cool compress of soda (1 teaspoon per 200 ml of water) or diluted tooth powder and baby powder (half a teaspoon of each ingredient in a glass of water) to the skin.
    Provide a plentiful drink (preferably mineral alkaline water or an alkaline solution prepared independently: 1 g of baking soda per liter of water).
    Rest in a cool, darkened room.
    Give enterosorbent - a medicine that will help to bind and remove the allergen from the body (for example, activated carbon).
    After a while, cleanse the intestines with an enema.

If anaphylactic shock is suspected and the patient's condition worsens, an ambulance must be called.

Local exposure

A decoction of bay leaves will help get rid of a rash caused by an allergen. They need to treat affected skin, it is not forbidden to do this even in infants.

Dill juice diluted with water is used in the form of compresses on the skin, which was struck by an allergic rash.

Sour milk products will help get rid of rashes of an allergic kind on the face. You can moisten cotton wool in kefir, for example, and wipe the affected skin with it. Then wash with water, it is better to choose boiled or distilled without using soap. Treatment will continue with boric acid after wiping the face. Replace this acid is allowed by decoction with:

Treatment in adults with folk remedies

Hives respond well to traditional medicine, which uses various herbs and natural products - legumes, root crops, and cereals. They give a significant positive result and help reduce itching and burning, as well as remove the allergen from the body.

Herbs and Fees

Celandine will help reduce itching and redness on the skin. A handful of leaves must be boiled for 10 minutes in 300 ml of water, and then insist 10-15 minutes. Broth take 2-3 sips 4 times a day.

Another method is also recommended: eat 10-15 g of licorice root (a small piece) twice a day before eating. It helps to get rid of the main symptoms of urticaria and prevent the appearance of red spots on the skin.

Nettle is one of the most common plants used to treat urticaria.

One of the most effective treatments for urticaria is nettle. To prepare the basis for lotions, you need to boil a bunch of fresh leaves in 500 ml of water for 20 minutes, and then cool the broth to room temperature. Soak a clean cloth or bandage with the product and apply for 10-15 minutes to the inflamed skin. Lotions can be done during the day an unlimited number of times. This method is great for treating children, as it removes discomfort on the skin well. The rest of the prepared broth can be used as an additive to a warm bath, which is recommended to be taken before bedtime. This procedure will soothe the skin and reduce inflammation.

A concentrated product is prepared from marjoram, which is recommended to be used as an additive in the bath. Boil 300 g of grass in 3 liters of water for half an hour. Pour the entire volume into warm water and take a bath for 15-20 minutes.
To reduce the symptoms of urticaria will help herbal collection based on valerian. Mix rhizomes with lemon balm and hops, grind to a homogeneous consistency, prepare an infusion at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water. Take 70 ml of the drug three times a day. The course of treatment is 7 days.

In the chronic form, collecting from celandine, a string, St. John's wort, chamomile and valerian will help. Mix all the ingredients in equal proportions, grind. Add 5 tablespoons of the collection to 1 liter of water, boil for 10 minutes, remove from heat and leave for another 40 minutes. Ready-made product to use for lotions and as an additive to a warm bath. Lotions do once a day in the morning, and before going to bed, take a bath, pouring the remaining broth into the water.
Yarrow infusion is an effective remedy for the acute form of the disease. A tablespoon of grass pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist for an hour, covered with a lid. Take 100 ml three times a day before meals. Along with this, twice a day it is recommended to make lotions from a cooled extract of mint (2 tablespoons of herbs per 250 ml of boiling water).

Hawthorn combined with valerian has been used successfully to treat neural hives

Tincture of hawthorn and valerian will help get rid of nervous hives. For 100 ml of alcohol add a teaspoon of a mixture of crushed valerian and hawthorn taken in equal proportions. Means to insist within 7 days, after filtering. Drink 30 drops of tincture before bedtime, after diluting with a small amount of water. The pharmacy alcohol tinctures of valerian and hawthorn have the same effect, which must be consumed 15 drops once a day.

Infusion based on mint, tansy, St. John's wort and immortelle will help cure the chronic form of urticaria. Mix all herbs in equal parts and chop. 2 tablespoons of the collection pour 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes. Take 150 ml of strained funds three times a day before meals.


Horseradish helps to neutralize the effect of the allergen and quickly remove it from the body. It must be crushed and mixed with honey in a ratio of 1: 1. Store the product in a glass bowl in the refrigerator. Take 1 teaspoon three times a day.

Celery will help get rid of the main symptoms of urticaria and neutralize the action of the pathogen. Grate the vegetable on a fine grater and squeeze the juice. Celery puree should be consumed 20 g 4 times a day. Along with this treatment, it is recommended to treat the skin with squeezed juice.

Celery root juice is suitable for both external and internal use
From this root crop, you can also prepare an infusion: grind the root and pour it with a liter of cold water. Leave on for 2 hours and then strain. Consume 50 ml three times a day before meals.


Bean broth effectively soothes and heals the skin. To prepare the drug, it is necessary to boil half a glass of beans in 2 liters of water. The decoction can be used for lotions or skin treatment. The procedure must be performed twice a day.


One of the most effective remedies used in folk medicine for the treatment of urticaria is oatmeal baths. To prepare the base, pour a glass of oatmeal with 2 cups of boiling water. Leave to swell for 20 minutes, and then pour into warm water. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes, and then, without rinsing, dry the skin with a soft towel, without rubbing, but just soaking it.

Other means and methods

Salicylic acid helps get rid of burning and itching during urticaria. To do this, moisten a cotton pad or a piece of cotton wool in the product and carefully treat the affected areas of the skin. In just a few minutes, the itch will completely disappear. It is recommended to use this method twice a day. Instead of salicylic acid, alcohol menthol can also be used.

Olive oil is an effective remedy for cold urticaria
With cold urticaria, olive oil will help. It needs to be heated a little and applied to the affected areas, covering with a clean cloth from above. The procedure is carried out twice a day or after each case of exposure to low temperature on the skin.

Raw potatoes must be chopped on a fine grater or blender, squeeze the juice slightly. Put the gruel on a clean bandage and make a compress on the affected areas of the skin. After a few minutes, itching and burning will become less. This method is effective in acute urticaria, when there is no antihistamine ointment at hand. An alternative is cold compresses from milk.
Hydrogen peroxide has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, so it can be used to treat redness. The procedure is recommended no more than 2 times a day.

Three herbs collection from urticaria

1 Grass violets, roots of burdock, leaves of walnut. Each ingredient is taken in 25g. 2 tablespoons 200 ml of boiled water is brewed, left under the lid until cooling, decanted. Use 1/3 cup four times a day.

1 Mix 20 g dry or fresh hop cones, mix the roots of medicinal valerian and lemon balm leaves. Take a tablespoon in a glass of boiled water, just as in the previous recipe, leave until it cools down, strain. Drink a quarter glass before eating four times.

1 Fifty grams of walnut leaves are mixed with 20 g of crushed grass of a barbed woodgrass plant and 25 g of small-leaved linden inflorescences. 2 tablespoons collecting steamed 200 ml of boiling water, allow to cool, filter. Twice a day, take a glass.

During treatment, urticaria take soothing infusions and decoctions. Be healthy!

Features of treatment in children

In children, urticaria is especially difficult, since itching and burning on the skin irritate the baby, interfere with sleep and worsen mood. In addition, an acute form of the disease, especially caused by an allergen, can be life-threatening for a child, and all measures must be taken to prevent the condition of a small patient from worsening.

For the treatment of urticaria in children, traditional medicine is most often used, which have a positive effect and have a minimum of contraindications. The first task is to relieve itching, burning and pain so that the child does not comb the blisters and does not provoke the development of inflammation. Various compresses and lotions from herbs, milk or potatoes help in this. They simultaneously reduce inflammation and relieve pain on the skin, and a pleasant aroma helps to calm down.

Doctors do not recommend getting involved in diuretics for allergic urticaria: along with the allergen, useful substances and vitamins necessary for the recovery of the child disappear from the body. Instead, you need to adjust the baby's nutrition and his daily regimen.

During pregnancy

Since many drugs are prohibited during this wonderful period, you must try to identify the allergen and get rid of it:

    eat right;
    wear cotton clothes;
    do not use hygiene products with flavorings;
    stay more outdoors, ventilate the room.

For treatment - consult a doctor. Most often, the treatment regimen includes:

    creams, ointments, gels with a cooling effect;
    in extreme cases, antihistamines are prescribed;
    sorbents (during pregnancy it is allowed to drink activated charcoal);
    can share the recipe for folk remedies.

The described methods can be used in the treatment of urticaria in adults at home. But you need to remember that there should be no individual intolerance to the selected foods and herbs, otherwise the urticaria will worsen.

Precautions and contraindications

When treating urticaria with folk remedies, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body and general rules when using herbs and other products.

Nettle is not recommended for hypertension, atherosclerosis, and uterine bleeding. Licorice root is contraindicated in pregnancy, heart failure, as it provokes an increase in blood pressure and fluid retention in the body. Celandine is undesirable for use by patients with epilepsy, angina pectoris and bronchial asthma.

When to see a doctor?

For any manifestations of an allergic reaction, you should sign up with a therapist, dermatologist or allergist. The doctor will be able to identify the causes of allergies and prescribe treatment.

Seek medical attention immediately if symptoms occur:

    nausea, vomiting;
    digestive upset;
    increase in body temperature;
    joint pain
    Quincke's edema;
    anaphylactic shock.

Before using this or that folk remedy, you should first consult a doctor. It is categorically not recommended to treat children's allergies with alternative methods without consulting a pediatrician. You should also make sure that there is no allergy to the components of the medicinal product, applying a little composition on the wrist for 30 minutes.

Nutrition and diet basics for the disease

In the treatment of urticaria, a special diet is one of the most important ways to get rid of the disease. If the cause of the development of urticaria is a food allergen, in this case it is necessary to adhere to fasting for 3-5 days, daily cleansing the intestines with enemas. Next, you need to switch to diet food using non-allergenic products and dishes.

For children, starvation is unacceptable, therefore, if a food allergen is found, it is necessary to exclude all prohibited foods from the diet and draw up a special diet menu. Additionally, as prescribed by a doctor, it is necessary to take enterosorbents that help to remove the allergen from the body.

Allowed Products

    boiled beef;
    vegetable and cereal soups (on vegetable or beef broth);
    boiled potatoes;
    cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal);
    butter (butter, olive, sunflower);
    parsley dill;
    stewed fruits (cherry, apple, plum, currant, dried fruit);
    apples (baked);
    fresh cucumbers;
    white bread (without muffin);
    one-day dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt);


    To make a correct diagnosis, a dermatologist is enough to conduct a visual examination of the patient, to listen to complaints. To determine the root cause of the disease, an allergy test, serological diagnosis, laboratory blood analysis, analysis for intestinal dysbiosis or other provocative tests are performed. If urticaria lasts more than 6 weeks and has a chronic form, then additional examinations are performed to exclude or confirm systemic pathologies. In this case, you may need to consult other specialists.

Nettle against allergies

To combat rashes, nettles are used in two forms: they are added as a decoction to the baths and used inside.
Recipes for which decoctions are prepared for each type:

In a pan, place 200 g of dried grass and pour it with three liters of water, keep the broth on low heat for 15 minutes. After it cools, strain through a sieve. Baths from the broth should be taken for 20 minutes daily for a whole week.

You need to prepare a decoction for oral administration from 50 grams of dry grass and a glass of water. It is necessary to maintain heating for half an hour, and after cooling, you can add honey. Before eating, you need to drink 100 ml.

In addition, salads or soups can be prepared from nettle leaves, as well as added to tea. This will allow the body to get rid of the manifestation of allergic reactions and saturate it with vitamins.

Phytotherapist recommendations

Skin rashes are often allergic, therefore, before taking any herbs, you should consult a specialist, since such plants can act as an irritant.
Plants that must be used when hives occur:

    To reduce puffiness and relieve itching: licorice, yarrow.
    To relieve intoxication: tansy, sage.
    To strengthen the immune system: echinacea, sea buckthorn.
    To stabilize the performance of the liver and gastrointestinal tract: chamomile, milk thistle and mint.

In order to avoid the occurrence of allergic reactions, these herbs can also be used for prevention.

Harvesting raw materials

The plant is found in Siberia, the Far East, Central Asia, throughout the European part of the Russian Federation. It prefers the shores of reservoirs, ditches, swamps, wet meadows and fields. It is cultivated on special plantations, suitable for growing on personal plots. With independent harvesting, it is important to distinguish a three-part sequence from other species that can cause poisoning. For collection, choose ecologically clean areas away from the city, highways, industrial enterprises.

Cut off the tops of the stems with the formed buds before flowering - in the first half of June. Later, it is permissible to collect leaves: during the drying process, spiky fruits unsuitable for the preparation of medicinal products will ripen from inflorescences. Spread the raw material in a thin layer on paper, or bundle and hang to dry in a dark and well-ventilated area. Protect from direct sunlight. When using an oven or dryer, maintain a temperature of + 40–45 degrees.
When the stems break, the process is completed. Pack the raw materials in cardboard boxes, lay the paper between the layers to absorb excess moisture. Shelf life is 1-2 years. Ready-made collection, creams and ointments with herbal extract are also bought in pharmacy chains and specialized stores.

Dosage Forms

Plant extract is used in healing cosmetics for skin and hair care. Grass is also used in the following forms:

    infusion for baths;
    decoction and tea for internal use;
    ointments and creams for irritation, itching;
    successive oil, useful in diathesis, contact dermatitis;
    powder for sprinkling wound surfaces;
    combined herbal preparations.

Etiology and classification

The main cause of urticaria rash in hives is an allergic reaction. The following endo- and exogenous factors can provoke the development of this reaction:

    genetic predisposition;
    insect bite;
    blood transfusion;
    taking certain medications (sulfonamides, antibiotics, nitrofurans, vaccines, acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, etc.);
    hormonal imbalance;
    sudden cooling;
    autoimmune pathologies;
    the presence in the diet of allergen products (strawberries, cheese, citrus fruits).

Hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation can cause the appearance of watery acne and urticaria rash on the skin

Dermatology distinguish several types of urticaria:


Causes of skin allergies

The appearance of spots and a sensation of itching are associated with such factors:

    contact with the irritant: certain foods, animal hair, dust, pollen of flowering plants;
    excessive consumption of allergen products (chocolate, honey, citrus fruits);
    a bite of an insect;
    taking certain medications;
    wearing clothes made of synthetic materials;
    extreme temperature indicators;
    the use of low-quality cosmetics.

In the presence of these factors, red spots form on the skin, a rash and itching appear.

How to treat an allergic form of urticaria

In order for the treatment of this form of urticaria to be effective, it is first necessary to exclude those products (agents) that have caused the appearance of urticaria. If after a while there are no improvements in health status, then it is necessary to take a course of antihistamines:


If the allergy has turned into a severe form, then Prednazolin, Elokom, Zinc ointment or Bepanten are additionally prescribed (to relieve itching and eliminate the rash).

Chemical composition and healing effect

The leaves and the upper parts of the stems 10-15 cm long are used as raw materials. They contain biologically active substances: flavonoid and glycosidic compounds, coumarins, essential oils, mucus, polyphenols, bitterness. Vitamins of groups A, B, C strengthen immunity, accelerate tissue regeneration, increase the strength of blood vessel walls, and improve skin condition. Micro and macro elements normalize metabolic processes, make up for the deficiency of mineral components, relieve inflammation. Plant-based products are used topically and orally.
The biochemical composition of the herb provides a multilateral beneficial effect on the children's body:

    accelerates the healing of affected skin with eczema, diaper rash, irritation, acne, psoriasis;
    increases the synthesis of hydrocortisone, helps the body cope with allergens, eliminates inflammation, relieves itching with diathesis, diaper dermatitis, urticaria;
    fights against pathogenic microorganisms, stops their reproduction;
    has antiviral activity;
    due to the diaphoretic effect, reduces the temperature;
    diuretic properties are used in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary sphere;
    improves mucus secretion during coughing;
    removes toxins and harmful substances from the body;
    reduces excitability, improves sleep;
    stimulates metabolic processes, improves appetite, normalizes the digestive system.

For external use of the plant, there are no age restrictions. The extract of the series is useful for bathing newborns: the antiseptic and regenerative properties of the grass will accelerate the healing of the umbilical wound, prevent the development of diaper rash, sweating, diaper dermatitis.

Urticaria treatment at home

Home methods always help us out when there is no way to seek help at the hospital. In the case of urticaria, there are certain approaches that you can use in the conditions of your own home in order to eliminate the unpleasant sensation of itching and burning. Here are some of them.
For the first method, you will need ordinary ice. We will try to freeze urticaria. So, rub a piece of ice on the spot where the rash appears, so that the blood vessels narrow and the swelling subsides.

You can also act on the skin with a special camphor or menthol lotion, which will help reduce unpleasant itching. And if you take some soda or burnt magnesia literally at the tip of a knife (no more than 3 times a day) at the same time, the effect will be obvious.
Drinking plenty of clean water always has a beneficial effect on the body, but if you don’t know how to treat urticaria in adults, try drinking Borjomi or other mineral waters, which certainly will not harm your well-being.

Do not forget to constantly moisturize the skin of the entire body with special means, because dry skin itself even in a healthy person has the ability to itch, and even more so for those who suffer from this type of allergy like urticaria.
If you like sports and practice them regularly, remember that increased body heat can cause and significantly increase hives, so if possible, you should temporarily abandon classes. Or limit them to a minimum so that your body does not overheat.

After exercise, it will be beneficial for your skin to take an oatmeal bath, with which you can significantly reduce itching. To prepare it, you will need warm water (just warm), in which you need to add a colloidal solution of oatmeal, evenly distributing it, and lie in it for no more than 15 minutes.

Diet food

In addition to taking measures to eliminate the manifestations of urticaria by external means by various means, you need to adjust your diet - this is one of the important conditions for recovery. First of all, it is worth removing from the diet that type of product that has caused the ailment.

Regarding the rest of the diet, you need to make a diet from:

    meat cooked using cooking (chicken, rabbit, beef);
    boiled potatoes, excluding fatty dressing;
    soups, excluding frying or fatty meat broth;
    oat, wheat, buckwheat and rice porridge, as well as pasta made from the highest grade of flour;
    dairy and sour milk products, which do not contain additives and fillers, with a low percentage of fat;
    steamed, stewed or cooked vegetables;
    whole grain or rye bread containing bran;
    lettuce, parsley, dill;
    tea, with the exception of fruit varieties, excluding the addition of sugar or fructose;
    vegetable oil;
    biscuit cookies.

The duration of such a diet in some cases reaches several months. Continue dietary nutrition even after the symptoms of urticaria have passed.
It is necessary to switch to normal nutrition gradually, adding products is necessary only with full confidence that it does not cause an allergic reaction.