What is Stuttering? Symptoms and treatment


These problems arise due to seizures in different areas of the speech apparatus. Such convulsions are divided into clonic (that is, the constant repetition of a certain sound or syllable, often a repetition occurs at the beginning of a word) and tonic (the occurrence of tension that does not allow to overcome the malfunction that occurred during speech). Diagnose and tono-clonic stutter - this is a mixed view. Stuttering in children causes forced stops in the child’s speech during pronunciation or the constant repetition of certain syllables and sounds. As a rule, stuttering in children manifests itself in the period from two years to five years of age. It was during this period that the children actively developed speech, and speech function was not yet sufficiently strengthened and developed. It is noticed that about three to four times more often boys start to stutter. Experts explain this feature by the fact that males are less emotionally stable.

Reasons for stuttering

To understand how to cure stuttering, you need to be aware of the reasons for its manifestation. Conventionally, all the reasons that lead to the emergence of such a pathology as stuttering in children can be divided into two groups: these are the reasons that predispose the “soil” and those that produce impulses to stutter.
The factors that are called predisposing, it is customary to include:

    the presence of neuropathic pathologies of various kinds in parents;
    neuropathic features of a stuttering baby (enuresis, nightmares, high irritability, emotional problems);
    constitutional predisposition to the disease (problems in the activity of the nervous system, mental trauma).

Also such factors are heredity (congenital weakness of the speech apparatus can be transmitted hereditarily), damage to the brain of the child due to various reasons (injuries received in utero and during childbirth, complications after childhood diseases).
The causes producing are also divided into several types. Physiological factors are diseases with encephalitic consequences obtained in the early periods of trauma, disturbances in the brain, problems with the activity of the nervous system that arose as a result of illnesses and which weaken the central apparatus of speech.
Mental and social reasons are the following factors: simultaneous trauma of the psyche (fear, severe fright), a long period of psychological trauma affecting the child, constant conflicts and related experiences, negative emotions that provoke mental stress. Stuttering can also provoke severe trauma of a mental nature. This is a sharp and unexpected shock, which provoked a particularly acute affective reaction: a sense of horror, great joy.

Stuttering in children can also develop due to the initially incorrect formation of the function of speech in childhood. So, a child can get used to talking very quickly, start speaking on inhalation, and pronounce sounds incorrectly. Parents' speech, which is characterized by speed and nervousness, as well as too heavy a load of speech material that is not appropriate for the child’s age, also affects children. It is noted that insisting parents on mastering a child at too early a age in many languages ​​provokes the manifestation of stuttering in one of them. The child can also hear the speech of a person who stutters, and imitate him intentionally or begin to stutter involuntarily.
In the process of retraining a left-handed child, he may experience disorientation of nervous activity and, as a result, stuttering. Too strict a teacher’s attitude towards a schoolchild can be an impetus for the development of stuttering. To understand how to cure stuttering, the doctor must determine a number of features in a particular case of the disease.

Stuttering symptoms

During the first manifestations of stuttering, the child may suddenly fall silent and begin to constantly refuse to talk. Such silence can last several hours or all day. Then, talking, the child is already starting to stutter. It should be noted that with an operative call to a specialist, even before stuttering manifests itself, speech pathology can be prevented.
Stuttering may be accompanied by the use of extra sounds in front of certain words (usually vowels), the repetition of certain syllables or words at the very beginning of a phrase, sudden stops in the middle of a phrase, word, difficulties before starting a speech.

Examination of a stuttering patient

Treatment for stuttering in children involves a thorough preliminary examination of the patient. During the examination, the specialist should conduct a detailed questioning of the parents of the stuttering patient. So, it is very important for him to find out the peculiarities of the parents' neuropsychic health, the presence of other diseases. The doctor asks about how the pregnancy proceeded. It is important for a specialist to know all the information about how the speech of a stuttering child developed: when he began to babble, speak, said the first words and connected phrases, which is his speech environment.
Particular attention is paid to raising a child in the family. So, it is important to know how adults relate to it, whether they help in the process of speech formation. The speech therapist asks parents in detail about exactly when the signs of stuttering appeared, how they expressed themselves, how the child speaks to people and being alone. After all the questions have been answered, the doctor conducts a detailed examination of the child’s speech, as well as other processes that may affect his speech.
So, the doctor draws conclusions about sociability, speech features, motor skills, features that the child shows in games and training. In order for the studies to be the most complete, books, pictures, toys are used.
As a result, the specialist must determine what form of stuttering is inherent in the patient and how it occurred, how often stuttering occurs, what other speech disorders, as well as other functions, occur. If possible, the specialist also finds out how the child himself relates to stuttering.

Stuttering treatment

The most favorable results in the treatment of stuttering are manifested if it is carried out to children in 2-4 years. At the same time, adolescence is considered the least suitable for treatment due to all the psychological characteristics of the child in this age category.
In order for the treatment of stuttering in children to be most effective, the child should be constantly monitored by a neuropsychiatrist, speech therapist. In order to understand how to get rid of stuttering, one should first of all take into account the fact that such children have too weak nervous systems, therefore, an individual approach to a stuttering child is important. It is important to ensure a calm and friendly atmosphere in the family, as well as adhere to the correct speech mode.
In order for the treatment of stuttering to be most effective, the efforts of the parents of the child and several specialists should be combined. So, the neuropsychiatrist will prescribe drugs that will have a calming effect, as well as those drugs that relieve cramping in the speech muscles. To figure out how to cure stuttering, a specialist studies the family situation. A doctor of this profile will be able to correctly assess the general family situation and suggest how to act correctly so that the child feels as comfortable as possible.

In recent years, new stuttering treatments that are psychotherapeutic have become especially popular. By the way, the treatment of stuttering in adults similarly involves the use of new techniques. This treatment of stuttering is based on the fact that stuttering is considered a form of “learned” behavior. That is, stuttering is perceived not as a disease, but as a certain form of behavior that undergoes correction. And the specialist directs all efforts to convince the child that it is necessary to speak confidently and without stuttering.
To cure stuttering, methods of relaxation, attention switching, and hypnosis are actively used. Patients are taught to speak slowly, while making certain movements with their hands in the indicated rhythm. Such exercises distract the baby from speech, and he can relax.
A good effect in the process of treating this ailment is given by physiotherapeutic procedures. This is electrosleep, as well as electrophoresis using different drugs. Physical therapy classes, reflexology are also prescribed.
Today, there are also many methods of speech therapy. So, a speech therapist conducts classes with the child on proper speech breathing, does voice gymnastics, teaches smooth and slow speech.
Today, there are many logopedic techniques, and different experts use a variety of methods.

Stuttering - how to treat at home

Parents and other family members should also behave properly to help the baby overcome the ailment. You should not make it clear to the baby that his illness is too serious - anxiety can only worsen the condition of the child. At the same time, it is important to maintain a calm and especially friendly atmosphere within the family and try to evoke as many positive emotions in the child as possible. The child needs to be given a lot of time, which should be spent interestingly and with benefit. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the baby does not have reasons for too much stress. Keep in mind that certain telecasts, terrible tales for a child, and too strong impressions can cause him.
You should not intimidate a stuttering baby and leave him alone in a dark indoors. Punishments should be different: for example, you can forbid your child to play your favorite game. You need to speak correctly with the baby: pronounce the words smoothly and slowly, do not rush into the conversation. Features of the education of such a child should be considered by the teacher. So, a student with a stutter should not be called to the blackboard first, try to help pronounce difficult words for him.
Singing and dancing will benefit, because it will help to work out a sense of rhythm. It must be remembered that stuttering in children can occur after overcoming the ailment. The attending physician will tell you how to get rid of stuttering completely and give appropriate recommendations.

Prevention of stuttering in children

Compliance with the above rules by parents and family members is an effective prevention of stuttering. It should also provide the child with a full and healthy sleep, good nutrition. If possible, he should observe a more or less strict schedule of the day. During the formation of speech, the baby should regularly visit a speech therapist with the child, who will tell you how to act if certain problems appear in the process of speech formation.
To ensure the correct development of speech in the child, parents must adhere to certain rules in dealing with him. So, you should talk with the baby slowly enough, pronouncing the words smoothly. It is advisable to communicate at ease, correctly pronounce the words, so that in the end the speech of the parents becomes a good example for the child. The child should always listen carefully and not interrupt. If during the conversation you look at the child, he will feel much more confident. Talk with your child regularly, without ignoring this possibility. This will help make the baby's speech more smooth, confident and correct.