What is afraid of varicose veins: effective folk treatment methods


In any case, the main goal of folk treatment of varicose veins is to improve blood circulation.
The use of synthetic drugs for the treatment of any diseases, including varicose veins, always leads to some unpleasant consequences. But the treatment of varicose veins by folk remedies, if it is unsafe at 100%, the side effects of traditional medicine are much inferior to the negative impact of drugs.

And the cost of national treatment is several times less. That is why folk remedies for the treatment of varicose veins, today, have not lost their relevance and are widely used by people.
It should be understood that such treatment will be most effective in the initial stages of the development of the disease (the appearance of the vascular network and the feeling of heaviness in the legs), and the least effective in advanced cases when only surgery can help. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor your health and at the first symptoms to consult a doctor to confirm your suspicions.

Congestion, leading to varicose veins, usually first affect the lower limbs, so it is the recipes of folk remedies for varicose veins of the legs are the most popular among the population. Let's dwell on the basic recipes of traditional medicine.

Old recipes for varicose vein ointments

All folk ointments for varicose veins are prepared on the basis of vegetable oil, often olive oil due to the high content of arachidonic acid. To make the mixture thicker, in old recipes it is recommended to add melted animal fat to the ointment. This is what concerns the basics of the ointment, and to give the vascular walls and strengthen them, folk (grandmother's) recipes for varicose veins recommend using such medicinal plants as:

    horse chestnut;
    white willow bark;

The process of making such mixtures is quite simple. Horse chestnut based ointment is prepared as follows: 6 dried chestnuts are ground in a coffee grinder for flour, add 2 tbsp. crushed chestnut flowers, mix it all up with 300ml of oil and heat it for about an hour in a water bath. The resulting mixture is infused, filtered, squeezed and remove the precipitate, then add animal fat and mix thoroughly.

Tinctures from varicose veins

No less popular are the various infusions of varicose veins, which are much easier to prepare, but much longer. All infusions are based on vodka, so if there are areas with damaged skin on your feet, then you should refrain from such treatments.
Kalanchoe tincture is considered the most effective; white acacia or comfrey is often added to it in a 1: 1 ratio. Such infusions are prepared as follows: the leaves of a medicinal plant are finely chopped, poured into a jar, poured with vodka and allowed to stand for 10-14 days in a dark place.
Ready infusion will need to be rubbed into the skin of the feet from the foot to the knee for 3 months twice a day.

Apple cider vinegar for varicose veins as a means number 1

Treatment of varicose vinegar with vinegar is quite a popular and effective method of dealing with the disease. Apple cider vinegar helps with varicose veins because it contains more than 20 minerals and trace elements necessary for vessels, as well as vitamins C, A, B, which allows for its regular use to achieve:

    improve skin tone;
    strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
    removal of edema;
    improve blood circulation.

However, all this is achievable only if a natural product made from freshly squeezed juice was used for the treatment, and not from the peel, as the producers of this type of vinegar do.

What kind of oils treat varicose veins?

Along with creams, infusions and vinegar, various essential oils are also widely used. For varicose veins, the most commonly used oils are: castor, black cumin, sandalwood, garlic, flax and others.
Essential oils against varicose veins are usually used in 2 ways:

    Add a few drops of 2-3 different oils to the bath with warm water, which must be taken daily in the evenings.
    They are added to massage cream or massage oil and rubbed into areas with affected veins by gentle movements from the ankles to the thigh.

Such use of oil allows not only to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, but also to remove puffiness in the lower extremities.

Apitherapy, propolis, honeybee and honey with varicose veins

The treatment of varicose veins by bees has a long history and it is not surprising if we thoroughly analyze the composition and benefits of various beekeeping products, be it poison, submorr, propolis or honey. All these recipes are quite good and effective, but not always available to city dwellers.
The easiest way to get honey. Honey treatment of varicose veins occurs as follows: a layer of honey is applied to the canvas and applied to the inflamed veins, wrapped with plastic film on top and fixed with a bandage. On the first day of this treatment, the compress is kept on the leg for 2 hours, on the second day - 3, on the third - 4, and then the compress with honey is left overnight. The duration of the course of honey therapy is usually 2-3 weeks.

Do tomatoes help with varicose veins?

For the treatment of varicose veins are not used any tomatoes, but only unripe greens.
Treatment of varicose veins with green tomatoes is quite simple and consists of the following: cut the tomato in half, apply 1 half of the pulp to the inflamed vein and hold until they feel a burning sensation. The tomato is taken, and the skin is washed with cool water. After that, the second half of the tomato is applied to the leg, and this is repeated 4 times. With daily use of green tomatoes against varicose veins, for 3 weeks you can notice the blanching and softening of the venous nodes.

Treatment of varicose veins nutmeg

Nutmeg for varicose veins is used due to its property to stimulate the blood circulation process and reduce inflammation of the veins. Prepare the medicine from nutmeg as follows: whole nuts are rubbed on a grater or ground in a coffee grinder, 1/3 teaspoon of powder is poured with a glass of boiling water, cooled to room temperature, add a spoonful of honey and insist another 20 minutes.
Drink this broth should be in the morning before breakfast. At the same time it is important that a fresh portion of powder is prepared every day. Otherwise, the essential oils will disappear, and the drink will lose its healing properties.
There is another recipe using nutmeg: pour 200 grams of grated nut with a liter of vodka and insist for 10 days, then take 20 drops three times a day for three months.

Cabbage will help with varicose veins

Since ancient times, doctors used cabbage leaves for varicose veins to relieve inflammation. And it is not surprising, if you look at how many vitamins and microelements are contained in the leaves of cabbage. Cabbage leaves for the treatment of varicose veins are used as a compress.
Compress is done as follows: a cabbage sheet is rolled out with a rolling pin or beaten off, then one of its sides is lubricated with vegetable oil and applied to an inflamed vein, on top of the cabbage leaf is fixed with a bandage and left for a day. The next day, the procedure is repeated, and so do 30 times.

Ginger with varicose veins

Ginger with varicose veins can be used as a means for internal or external use. So, ginger tea is a good tool not only for the prevention of inflammation of the veins, but also for treating the disease at any stage of its manifestation. Preparing this tea is very simple: it is enough to cut a small round piece of ginger from the root, pour boiling water over it, let stand for 15 minutes. problems with veins due to excess weight.
Compress ginger is done as follows: the root is finely rubbed, mixed with honey and applied to the inflamed vein for 3-4 hours. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to wrap your legs in something warm.

Useful properties of viburnum with varicose veins

Like ginger, viburnum with varicose veins can be used either as a compress or as a fortified drink. In the first case, the patient will need to take fresh viburnum berries, grind them to a gruel state, put the mixture on a rag, attach it to the skin area with an inflamed vein and fix it with a bandage. Such a compress is best done at bedtime and left overnight.
The vitaminized drink from viburnum, in its essence, is juice mixed with honey in a proportion of 2 tbsp. Honey for 500 ml of juice. Drink it should be 2 tablespoons. 4 times a day for a month and a half.

Pumpkin action for varicose veins

Everyone knows that pumpkin is an extremely useful product that contains many vitamins and trace elements. For the treatment of varicose veins, the inner pulp, previously freed from the seeds, is used. This pulp should completely rub the limb with the problematic veins, wrap something warm and leave for the night. The remaining gruel can be stored in the refrigerator.
Since the effect of pumpkin compresses is very mild, when using this method of treatment should be patient.

Adam's apple for varicose veins

Adam's apple for the treatment of varicose veins is used in the form of an ointment, which is prepared as follows: a glass jar is taken, which is filled with a layer of smalts 15 mm thick, then slices of maclura (Adam's apple) are coated with a layer of 10 mm, then a layer of smalts and so on, until the jar doesn't fill up. In this case, it is important that the last layer is Smaltz. After the jar is filled, it is put on a steam bath or in the oven on a slow fire for a day (should not boil), then filtered, cooled and rubbed 1-2 times throughout the day on problem areas.

Varicosity is very afraid of lemon

When varicose lemon for therapeutic purposes, you can apply both inside and outwardly in the form of anesthetic compresses. It is easy to prepare such a compress. A lemon is taken, cut into slices, applied to the inflamed areas and wrapped with a bandage or compress paper. It is necessary to wear a compress throughout the day, 2-3 times replacing the lemon with fresh.
Lemon juice cleans the blood vessels and increases the elasticity of their walls, so this citrus should be included in your diet to anyone who has problems with the veins or wants to prevent their occurrence.
One of the most effective remedies of traditional medicine against inflammation of the veins is the following: 6 lemons are peeled and squeezed out of them juice, crushed 5 cloves of garlic and 3 leaves of golden mouth, add 2 cups of honey and mix everything thoroughly. The resulting mixture is left to infuse in glass for 1 week in a dark place. This medicine is used for 4 tsp. once a day for a month.

Treatment of varicose veins potatoes

Varicose potato is used in the form of compresses prepared from the tubers of this plant.
A few potato tubers are taken, washed and peeled, then they need to be rubbed on a grater and put on a layer of 1 cm on the inflamed veins. About 8 layers of gauze are wound on top of the potato layer, which is also soaked with potato juice on top. Keep such a compress should be at least 4 hours, it is important that it used fresh grated, and not stale potatoes.

Mummy for varicose veins

Mummy for varicose veins is used due to its properties to dissolve stagnation and tumors. Especially well helps the ointment of the mummy in the early stages of the disease. Such an ointment is created as follows: 5 parts of vaseline are given 1 part of Altai resin, all this is thoroughly mixed and rubbed with soft and smooth movements three times a day in areas with inflamed veins. Wash off the remnants of the ointment can be no earlier than one hour after its application.
Also, the mummy can be applied inside: a piece of resin the size of a match head is mixed with 1 tbsp. honey and milk and is drunk twice a day for a month.

Is fish oil used for varicose veins?

Fish oil is mainly used inside, which contributes to the normalization of metabolism and weight reduction, as one of the main causes of congestion in the veins. However, there is another use of fish oil.
Fish oil and May honey is taken in a ratio of 1: 1 and mixed to a homogeneous mass. The resulting ointment is applied to linen fabric, wrap it sick limb and leave overnight.

Varicose onions

Not the onion itself, but its husk, has the greatest effect on varicose veins. Onion peel from varicose veins is involved in various recipes.

    2 spoons crushed husks pour 100 ml of vodka and insist for 7 days, then filter the tincture and take 20 drops three times a day 15 minutes before meals.
    2 spoons crushed husk is poured with 2 cups of boiling water, insisting under the lid for 6 hours, filtering and drinking three times a day for a quarter cup before meals for one and a half weeks.

Badyaga relieves tension with varicose veins

Well soothe inflammation of veins lotions from badyagi. A mixture of lotions is prepared as follows: take 30g of leaves and stalks of a badyagi, finely chop, pour a glass of boiling water and boil over low heat for about 10 minutes, then cool to a comfortable temperature. In the resulting broth moisten cloth napkins, wrap their feet, wrapped in a warm terry towel. Legs must be raised. After 30 minutes, the compress can be removed.

Treatment of varicose veins with garlic

Garlic with varicose veins is recommended to be used in the form of a compress, which is prepared as follows: take garlic with white husk and chop, then add butter in a ratio of 1: 2. The received ointment before bedtime smears the inflamed veins and wrapped it with permanent paper or a bandage. In the morning, the remains of the ointment is washed off. The procedure must be repeated every day for several weeks.

How to take hydrogen peroxide?

Treatment of varicose veins with hydrogen peroxide can occur in 2 ways:

    Orally, from 1 drop to 3 tbsp. water three times a day, 2 hours after meals. Every day, the concentration of peroxide consumed is increased by 1 drop, bringing up to 10 drops per day, then taking a break for 3 days and starting to take 10 drops 2 days after 3.
    A 0.15% hydrogen solution is injected intravenously, which allows the release of atomic oxygen, thereby clearing the walls of blood vessels. A single dose of the solution should not exceed 250 ml.

Varicose iodine

Iodine mesh for varicose veins is applied in the same way as on the back for colds. That is, a 5% iodine solution is applied to a cotton swab and straight lines are drawn along the varicose nodes with an interval of 1 cm. Then, perpendicular lines are drawn with the same interval. It is better to make such a net at night, and before the first application it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, in a healthy area of ​​the skin with a stick moistened with iodine, put a small strip that can not be scratched or wet. An hour later, the iodine strip is washed off, and if there is no redness, proceed to treatment.

Can varicose salt be treated?

Salt with varicose veins is used for baths or salt dressings. It is believed that the best use of sea salt. It is diluted with water to obtain a liquid slurry. This gruel and is used for salt dressings. Salt dressings for varicose veins should be changed several times a day, keeping each not more than 4 hours.
In some recipes, salt gruel is recommended to be cooled in a refrigerator to zero temperature, to make a compress in the morning and to keep until the salt warms up, and then to remove its remains from the skin to avoid irritation.
The effect of the treatment of varicose saline dressings usually occurs within a month from the start of the procedure.

Treatment of varicose veins soda

The use of soda from varicose veins was recommended by Zalmanov. According to his recipe, warm water is poured into a large container and 200 g of baking soda and 70 g of alum are dissolved in it. All this is thoroughly mixed until complete dissolution, then the legs are placed in a container with water. The duration of this bath should be about 15 minutes. The course of treatment with such foot baths is episodic: 2 days after 1 for two weeks.
If the disease has climbed high on the legs, then you can use a bath with soda, and you should not make a more concentrated solution. After such a bath, the body is not wiped, but wrapped in a towel.

How are varicose veins treated with laundry soap?

Even laundry soap can be used to treat varicose veins. A bar of household soap (200 g) is taken and passed through a meat grinder, we add 200g of old lard and the same amount of onions and millet (preferably rubbing with a rolling pin). All this must be mixed to a state of ointment and leave for a day. The resulting ointment is applied as compresses for the night, wrapping a linen napkin and compress paper on top.

What clay is used for varicose veins?

Treatment of varicose veins with blue clay is considered the most optimal of all grades of clay, since it is believed that this type of clay more effectively affects the affected veins. Clay with varicose veins is used in the form of applications.
For application, blue clay with varicose vein is diluted with water to thick sour cream, then applied to areas of skin with swollen veins 2 cm thick, and tied to the top with a towel. The duration of such an application should be about two hours, then the clay can be washed off. Applications with clay are recommended to be carried out daily for one and a half months, after which you can replace them by wrapping the legs with a wet towel soaked in clay solution.

Compresses for varicose veins

As you can see, treatment with varicose veins compresses is quite a common occupation. At the same time compresses themselves can be dry or wet, whether it is attachment of cabbage leaves or the use of applications on an oily or alcohol-based. This will not affect the quality of treatment. It all depends on the selected recipe.
It should also be noted the ease of use of compresses and the availability of therapeutic agents for their use. After all, there is nothing difficult in getting a little beet for a compress with varicose veins or the same cabbage. But the therapeutic effect of such procedures is enormous, because the effect occurs directly in the zone of occurrence of congestion in the veins. The main thing is not to use the funds for which the patient is allergic.

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