Lactazar caps 150mg #100

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Tags: baby

Lactase deficiency in newborns is not common, but this pathology brings many problems in feeding the child. Breast milk, the most adapted food for newborns, contains many components. Among them, an important place is given to lactose. Lactose gives milk a pleasant taste, and also provides the baby with 40 percent energy. Milk sugar - lactose is extremely important for the normal development of the baby during breastfeeding.
Normally, lactose is cleaved by a special enzyme called lactase into two components, galactose and glucose, during which a certain amount of gas is released. This is a normal condition and such gaziki do not bring significant discomfort. But with a lack of digestive enzymes, lactose does not break down - the baby will begin to have colic in the abdomen, flatulence. In addition, undigested lactose provokes dysbiosis. To treat this condition, the newborn is prescribed a biologically active supplement Lactazar.
Lactazar will be a lifesaver for those parents who want to keep their lactation as long as possible. Children who are suitable for the drug eat well, get rid of dysbiosis and lactase deficiency. After the problems disappear, Lactazar can be undone. All this time, the baby is breastfeeding, which means that the basic principle of a healthy diet for newborns - breastfeeding - is not violated.


The composition of Lactazar includes natural components:
    gelatin shell.
Lactazar produce 50 and 100 pieces per pack. One capsule contains 150 mg of lactase. The shelf life of the drug is two years. An open jar can be used for three months, but no more. It is not necessary to store the drug in a cold place, it is enough that the drug is kept in a dry place without direct sunlight.

Indications for use

You can use Lactazar from the first days of the baby's life, as soon as the mother notices problems with the digestion of food. Most often, in the first few weeks, the child does not feel digestive problems, since mother’s milk is not yet mature during this period. But from the third week, when the fat content of milk becomes higher and milk is more saturated with various nutrients, the child may have problems with the digestion of lactose. Its level will differ significantly from the first milk that goes in the first few days. Since the main indication for use is lactase deficiency, you need to pay attention to the symptoms of the disease.
Lactazar is used for:
    discomfort in the intestines in a child;
    increased gas formation and difficult gas discharge;
    stool problems;
    viral infections;
    bacterial infections;
    infection with parasites.
As an alternative to Lactazar, lactose-free and low-lactose mixtures can be used.

Instructions for use Lactazar

    Lactazar must be dissolved in breast milk or the infant formula that is fed to the baby. For every 100 ml of milk, one capsule of Lactazar is added, respectively, 200 ml - twice as much. This rule is true for any age of the child.
    The capsule of the drug is freed from the gelatin shell and thoroughly mixed in food - one teaspoon of the mixture or expressed milk.
    You can add the contents of the capsule to the water - then the kids drink the remedy immediately, but when added to milk, you need to wait a couple of minutes until it is completely dissolved.
    The temperature of the liquid should correspond to body temperature.
    Before feeding, the child is given a drink with a spoon, first a mixture with Lactazar, and only then fed.
    Newborns who are breast-fed can be bred Lactazar in full. When natural milk is added, Lactazar has good contact with both cow and goat milk.
    Capsules with the drug must be given at each feeding of the newborn, even if it is carried out at night. If you skip taking the drug, the child will begin to manifest negative symptoms of lactase deficiency and it will not be so easy to establish digestion.
Usually, unpleasant symptoms associated with lactase intolerance disappear in the child by about the third month. Parents need to monitor the health of the baby and gradually cancel Lactazar. For some children, the drug can not be canceled until the introduction of complementary foods. In this case, everything is individual and you can consult a doctor. If the parents see that the child is gaining weight well, he has no colic, and his stool has normalized, then Lactazar is gradually reduced, removing the drug during daytime feeding.
If the baby’s intolerance is congenital, then Lactazar should not be abolished - such children and in adulthood will need medical assistance in the processing of milk sugar.
    Important! The course of treatment with Lactazar is determined by the form of lactase deficiency. Congenital lactase deficiency requires constant administration of the drug, while in other cases, administration ceases when the symptoms disappear.

Parent reviews

The majority of parents who gave their children Lactazar for digestive disorders were positive. As mothers note, the drug allows you to eliminate the painful symptoms of lactase deficiency after several feedings - regurgitation and colic in the abdomen. After eating, children eat well, do not burp, and immediately fall asleep. Parents also note the normalization of the stool and its regularity. The absence of side effects was noted by most parents.
Nevertheless, a small number of parents still encountered side effects from Lactazar. In children with an allergy to the drug, not only did the gastric symptoms not disappear, but also skin manifestations of an allergy appeared - a rash on the cheeks, in the ears.

Doctors reviews

Lactazar is not a drug, but belongs to the category of bioactive additives. But due to its well-deserved popularity and effectiveness, Lactazar is also recommended by doctors for the treatment of lactase intolerance in young children.
When prescribing the drug, doctors take into account the fact that Lactazar can provoke an allergic reaction, however, the benefits of the drug are much more than negative. It is rather annoying to cancel Lactazar with intolerance, because the drug effectively helps kids cope with lactase deficiency. Doctors also note that in the price category of drugs for the treatment of milk sugar digestibility, Lactazar occupies a strong intermediate position - the drug is not cheap, but it is available for purchase and treatment of children for a rather long time.

Terms of sell

You can buy Lactazar without a prescription.