Orlistat caps 120mg #84


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Orlistat instruction

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Composition and form of release

Orlistat (Orlistatum) - a drug of the lipid-lowering group, containing the same active substance. On the shelves of Russian pharmacies, you can often find a drug from two manufacturers - Akrikhin (Poland) and Canon (Russia). The concentration of the active substance in both cases is 120 mg. The medicine is in the form of capsules with a light crystalline powder inside. Auxiliary components are microcrystalline cellulose, talc, sodium starch glycolate, etc. Also in pharmacies you can find a means of production in the UK, USA, Germany, China and India.

Indications for use

The main indication for the use of the drug is the need to lose weight, but not at all a few kilograms. Doctors tend to recommend the drug to patients who have obesity of varying degrees. Specific indications for therapy are such moments:
    body weight more than 30 kg / m2;
    obesity with a body mass index of more than 27 kg / m2 and the presence of concomitant risk factors: dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension;
    reduced risk of weight gain after successful weight loss.

Mechanism of action and effectiveness

Orlistat was first synthesized in the mid-80s by Swiss biochemists. Its main property is the inhibition of gastrointestinal lipase (an enzyme that breaks down fats). As a result, the breakdown of fats into fatty acids and monoglycerides becomes impossible.
    Unlike most advertised dietary supplements, the drug does work with lipid metabolism.
Since during the use of Orlistat fats cease to be absorbed into the blood, creating a calorie deficit, the body begins to spend its own fat reserves as an energy source. According to numerous clinical studies, a therapeutic dose of a substance is able to block up to 30% of dietary fat.
    Important! Orlistat is the only substance officially approved for use with long-term therapy for obesity. Once in all countries, it was available exclusively by prescription. Such a law remains in Canada today. In Russia, patients also cannot make an over-the-counter purchase. Some pharmacies are ready to dispense the product OTC, but only if the dosage of the active substance does not exceed 60 mg.
As a bonus, the drug reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, provides control over blood pressure and prevents the development of type 2 diabetes. Doctors say that regular therapy of excess weight through drugs with orlistat forms a conditioned reflex in a person: as soon as overeating occurs, diarrhea is observed. However, this moment does not affect the general well-being. Since the substance does not penetrate into the blood, systemic effects on the body can be avoided. The metabolism of the drug is observed in the intestinal walls. It completely leaves the body after a few days.
    Long-term therapy with Orlistat allows you to lose weight without going beyond dietary standards - up to about 8 kg in 3 months.
The World Organization of Gastroenterologists believes Orlistat drug products are moderately effective in treating obesity. This is confirmed by the test results:
    For 3 months, the volunteers managed to lose up to 5% of the initial weight.
    Significant weight loss was observed in more than 70% of patients.
Nevertheless, in the network you can find enough reviews about the drug with orlistat, disputing its effectiveness. Some claim that in half a year it is possible to get rid of a maximum of 10% of the weight, and even then in the case when a strict diet is observed at the same time and intense physical activity occurs. There is another opinion - after the end of the course, lost kilograms are returned. Doctors confirm the veracity of these words, recommending not to refuse a healthy diet at the end of medical weight loss.

Instructions for use

An annotation is attached to each Orlistat package. Exact adherence to the dosage recommendations provided by the manufacturer can reduce the risk of developing a negative reaction of the body and achieve good results in relation to weight loss. It is equally important to follow the advice of doctors regarding improving the effectiveness of therapy for excess weight through the drug.

Reception scheme

The drug is intended for oral administration. The rules of use are as follows:
    A single dose for an adult is 120 mg.
    It is recommended to take 3 capsules of 120 mg per day.
    Capsules are taken with food or an hour after, drinking plenty of water.
    Chewing or opening capsules is prohibited.
    Important! You can skip taking the medication if the daily menu contains a critically low amount of fat, since the action of the active substance begins only in the presence of enzymes in the digestive tract.
If, for any reason, a meal was skipped, you do not need to drink a capsule of the drug product. It is undesirable to increase the dosage in the next dose, since this will not lead to an increase in the effect, but can negatively affect one's well-being.
The optimal duration of a weight loss course is about three months (a shorter duration is likely to be a waste of time). However, doctors pay attention to those who are losing weight that the best results can be achieved if the remedy is taken for a period of 6 to 12 months. The maximum duration of the course is 2 years.
    If for several months the medication has not shown its effectiveness, weight loss with it is considered meaningless.


Better results can be achieved by combining Orlistat with a low-calorie diet. For women, the daily calorie intake should not exceed 1300 kcal, for men - 1500 kcal. With a simultaneous increase in physical activity, indicators can be raised to 1,500 and 1,700, respectively.
The following products should be present in the diet:
    low-fat varieties of fish and meat (up to 150 grams daily);
    vegetables with a low glycemic index (celery, cucumbers, cabbage, bell pepper, beets);
    cereals (especially barley and buckwheat);
    low-fat sour-milk and dairy products (can be used in its pure form or used for the preparation of dietary dishes);
    sweet and sour berries and fruits;
    bran bread or from coarse flour;
    drinks in the form of unsweetened tea, compote (from homemade fruit, sugar free), water (at least 2 liters per day).
Salt for the entire period of weight loss should be limited. To abstain for the sake of increasing efficiency, there is also to be alcohol.
    Important! Orlistat has an effect on the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, therefore, during its intake, it is advisable to use multivitamin complexes with vitamins A, D, E, etc. Take vitamins should be taken before using capsules, preferably several hours.

Side effects and complications

Capsules have a direct effect on the functioning of the stomach. Since treatment takes place over a long period, general well-being often suffers. The most likely side effects when taking Orlistat are:
    increased gas formation;
    greasy stool (greasy spots on underwear);
    inability to control the urge to defecate.
It’s easy to explain their development - the problem is poor absorption of fats. Usually, such side effects go away on their own as soon as the body gets used to the drug. However, there are more complicated cases. So, an immediate visit to a doctor requires the following symptoms:
    headache and fever;
    sore throat, cough;
    runny nose and nasal congestion;
    dental caries, bleeding gums;
    urinary tract infections;
    signs of liver damage: loss of appetite, dark urine, yellowing of the skin and eyes, nausea, weakness, light stools, excessive fatigue for no apparent reason.
An immediate ambulance call requires signs that can be attributed to the complications of losing weight on a medication:
    allergic rash, urticaria;
    labored breathing;
    swelling of the face, throat, lips, or tongue.
In fact, complications during the period of therapy with the drug are very rare, so we can say that the benefits of its use exceed the risks. However, if side effects are observed for a long time and cause serious discomfort, you should consult your doctor. Perhaps the medicinal product is taken in the wrong dosage or it is better to use another remedy.


Weight loss with this drug product is not recommended in such cases:
    hypersensitivity to the components;
    age up to 16 years;
    chronic malabsorption syndrome (impaired absorption in the digestive system);
    cholestasis (stagnation of bile).
Pregnant and lactating women should also refrain from taking the drug, especially without a doctor's prescription. This can be dangerous for the baby!

Drug Interactions

Orlistat not only affects the absorption of vitamins - the situation is similar with beta-carotene from dietary supplements. The simultaneous use of the drug with cyclosporine, sodium levothyroxine (hypothyroidism may develop), warfarin and acarbose is not recommended. The time interval between the use of these funds and Orlistat should be from 2 to 4 hours.
Women who simultaneously lose weight on a medication for obesity and take birth control pills should take care of additional methods of contraception. Since the drug causes diarrhea, a decrease in the concentration of hormonal birth control in the blood is likely.
    Important! Orlistat does not react with alcohol, which allows not to impose a strict ban on the use of the latter (this is necessary only for more rapid weight loss), and does not affect the concentration of attention, due to which it can be used when driving.

Storage conditions

Instructions for use Orlistat says that it is recommended to store the capsules in a cool, dry, and, no less important, place inaccessible to children. After the expiration date established on the packaging, the capsules are not eligible.


There are various rumors about Orlistat diet pills. I, as an incredulous person, decided to test everything on my own body. I needed to lose weight by 8-10 kilograms. Diet, of course, dropped right away, because for such a plumb I would just have to go hungry. So, where I did not think about where to buy the medicine, I ordered it via the Internet. Cost yes, did not please. When you understand that one package is not enough for a three-month course, you somehow feel sorry for the money. But in my case, the price paid off with the result.
First of all, the medication helped me regulate the consumption of fatty foods. Sitting in the toilet all day is not a hunt, so I had to refuse sandwiches with butter and fatty cakes right away. The result is noticeable - minus 11 kg in 3 months. This is the best result that I have been able to achieve with the help of tablets. I definitely recommend it.

Terms of sell

You don't need a prescription to buy Orlistat.