Eucalyptus tincture 25ml


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  • 3 or more $2.33
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Eucalyptus tincture instruction

You can buy Eucalyptus tincture here

Eucalyptus has long been known as a supplier of valuable components for medicines. Especially among them stands out tincture of leaves, used for pain relief, or as an antiseptic. With pathology of the respiratory system, it is prescribed as an effective expectorant, anti-inflammatory agent.
The set of useful components contained in this phyto-plant is well-known not only in folk medicine - eucalyptus tincture is constantly recommended by doctors of various profiles for the treatment of diseases. The drug has a minimal list of side effects and very few contraindications for use.

Appearance and taste of tincture

The bitter tincture of the leaves of the eucalyptus tree has a characteristic dark green color with an admixture of brown. Another memorable feature is the smell by which it is most often recognized: strong, with impurities of camphor and alcohol. Both features are complemented by a feeling of coolness at the place of application to the skin.
The tool is widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

Pharmacological characteristics

Eucalyptus tincture has a specific code in the ATC classification system - the drug is in the category of “Other antibacterial drugs”, encrypted with the J01XX code.

Forms of issue and terms of acquisition

The product is available in glass containers under a dropper stopper, sealed with a tight lid. The volume varies from 15 to 100 ml, the color is orange or dark. Each manufacturing company independently chooses a dosage for each type of glass packaging.
To protect the product, the finished product is placed in cardboard boxes to provide protection from light exposure. Each pack contains instructions containing information about the medicinal properties and contraindications of tincture of eucalyptus, indications for use.
In the manufacture of ethanol 70% strength is added to fresh raw materials.
    In the pharmacy network, regardless of ownership, the tincture of the eucalyptus tree is freely available, a prescription for purchase is not required.

Beneficial features

Eucalyptus in the world of plants is considered the leader in the number of volatile plants with the ability to fight harmful bacteria and microbes. The main component of the tincture is an essential oil containing cineol. The compound is able to activate the activity of other biosubstances in a natural medicinal product. The healing properties of eucalyptus fluid are caused by:
    organic acids (including cinnamic, coumaric);
    important trace elements (zinc, magnesium, selenium);
    tannins, effectively removing inflammation, skin itching;
    vitamin complex of groups A, E.
In addition to these, an important substance is bitterness, normalizing the activity of the stomach and intestines. The composition is popular primarily as a valuable antioxidant and an effective anti-inflammatory drug.

What helps

The list of pathologies, which helps tincture of eucalyptus, is diverse. It can help with the following diseases:
    respiratory organs (tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis);
    flu and SARS;
    female reproductive system (bacterial infections, erosion);
    skin integument (acne, dermatitis, erysipelas, phlegmon);
    nervous system (neurosis, sleep disturbance);
    the oral cavity;
    genitourinary system;
    rheumatism, radiculitis, sprains.
A wide range of applications allows use in almost every field of medicine.

Instructions for use

The standard way to use alcohol-based tinctures is: 1 glass of water per 1 teaspoon.
Dosage rates, duration of administration depend on the type of disease - from 1 to 3-4 times a day. The course is assigned for a week or 10 days.
Ways to use:
    For inhalations with nebulizers of any type (10 drops per glass of saline, adults - three sessions per day, children's dosage - maximum 2 procedures per day).
    Inside. In a quarter cup, droplets of the drug are dissolved (from 15 to 30), consumed three times a day. Instructions for use inside the tincture of eucalyptus also applies to the treatment of a specific "smoker's cough" - the composition helps to clear the bronchi, facilitates coughing.
    To rinse (proportion: 1 glass of water: 15 drops of alcohol).
    Locally, for lotions and compresses. A few drops moisten the bandage, put on a sore spot for 8-10 minutes. On diseased joints, a bandage is fixed all night.
    With a runny nose that has turned into x sinusitis, drops are made: tincture is mixed, a little honey, strong tea (1 tsp for each ingredient), drip 3 times a day.


The required number, duration of treatment sessions are determined strictly individually, taking into account several important indicators:
    features of the development of pathology;
    the severity of the disease;
    the effectiveness of the therapy.
The most common ways to use tinctures are inhalations, rinses. Rinses are carried out with a solution of: 10 (15) drops per glass (200 ml) of boiled water. A similar dosage is often found in instructions for use to gargle with tincture of eucalyptus.
For steam inhalation, either tincture in undiluted form is chosen, or 15 drops of the drug are diluted in a glass of warm water. The optimal period of use is no more than 7 days.


Eucalyptus tincture is used to get rid of a strong cough, runny nose.
For the procedure, crushed leaves of phyto-plants are poured with 1 liter of water, brought to a boil at minimum heat, allowed to cool slightly. They bend over the container with the medicinal composition, cover the head with a thick towel to bury the vessel with tincture at the same time, and breathe healing vapor.
The session lasts 20 minutes, with inhalation of hot air through the mouth, exhalation through the nose. At the end of the process, you should refrain from eating and drinking 0.5 hours.
For a small portion of eucalyptus tincture for inhalation with a nebulizer, a spoon of tincture is diluted in saline (1 glass). Dosage: 1 session - 3 ml.
A simplified version is prepared by diluting the tincture (15-20 drops) in hot water (1 cup), breathing twice a day for 8-10 minutes.


To block the development of the inflammatory process with acute respiratory viral infections or angina, it is often recommended to use tincture of eucalyptus to rinse the throat, diluting 10 (15) drops of the drug in a glass of water that has cooled down after boiling water. The effectiveness of treatment is achieved by using the entire portion of the drug in one session.


For the treatment of influenza, gastrointestinal tract or urinary system, tincture is used orally. To maximize the effectiveness of the drug, the instructions for taking eucalyptus tincture inside contains two items:
    Use only after meals to protect the gastric mucosa from irritation.
    Observe dosage: take from 15 to 30 drops three times a day.

Features of use by children

An effective drug containing a large percentage of alcohol is not intended for use by children. The manufacturer indicates the age limit in the instructions for use: from 3 years old, or from 12 years old.

Features of use by pregnant women

On the use of tinctures for alcohol from eucalyptus leaves during pregnancy, especially during lactation. You must first obtain the approval of a doctor who is observing pregnancy. The evidence for use is good reason, which does not create a serious threat to the baby.
Local treatment (douching lotions, gargling, inhalation) is allowed for pregnant women, but also requires agreement with a doctor.

Duration and storage conditions

To preserve all the healing properties of eucalyptus tinctures, you must adhere to the rules for storing the product:
    The location of the glass vial should be reliably protected from light penetration, maintain the temperature regime - up to 25 Co.
    To exclude accidents, it is required to store the product in a place inaccessible to children.
The term of active action is indicated on the outer packaging of tinctures - 2 years or 4-5 years, depending on the conditions of production.

Who should not take the medicine

You can use the composition based on the eucalyptus leaf for medicinal purposes only after agreeing with the doctor the treatment method, the desired duration and dosage.
An obstacle to the use of the medicinal composition are:
    individual intolerance;
    age (pediatricians prohibit the use of children under 3 years old, do not recommend treatment with tincture of children under 12 years old);
    lung pathology (diagnosed with asthma, whooping cough);
    severe kidney damage (with nephritis, the healing effect of the drug is absent);
    pregnancy, lactation.
In addition to the categorical prohibition, there are warnings for use. It is not recommended to take the drug to drivers (alcohol tincture), as well as to persons working with hazardous mechanical devices.
Particular care should be taken when an alcohol-containing essential agent gets on the face of a small child - this can provoke a severe spasm of the bronchi.

Possible harm

In addition to contraindications, eucalyptus-based alcohol has several specific manifestations. The components of plant origin that make up the plant can provoke:
    severe allergic reaction;
    bronchospasm (in rare cases);
    manifestations of contact dermatitis.
Damage to the body can be caused by improper use of the drug - by exceeding the dosage or using it for other purposes. If undesirable consequences of treatment are observed, it is required to refuse to use the product and take several tablets of activated carbon.

Side effects

A product made on natural material has some side effects. Along with a positive result, the body can react:
    a sharp decrease in pressure;
    severe dizziness;
    symptoms of poisoning (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea);
    increased dryness of the mucous membranes.
Tincture of an exotic evergreen tree for many centuries brings healing to people, helps to get rid of many serious health problems.

Reviews about Eucalyptus Tincture

According to many reviews, Eucalyptus tincture is an effective antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent used to gargle with colds - the drug relieves perspiration, relieves pain, facilitates the process of swallowing. Also, rinses, according to patients, help to get rid of many inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, are useful in the treatment of stomatitis and strengthen gums well. In addition, it is noted that the tincture shows a good result when carrying out inhalations as part of the complex therapy of the common cold, laryngitis, pharyngitis. The advantages of a herbal remedy include its natural base, pleasant taste, affordability and low cost.
The disadvantages of the drug are a significant amount of alcohol in its composition, the presence of contraindications. In some reviews, a very weak effect of the herbal preparation is noted.

Terms of sell

You don't need a prescription to buy Eucalyptus tincture.