Retinalamin injections 5mg #10


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Instruction for Retinalamin

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Form of release and composition of the drug

Retinalamin is an ophthalmic drug related to reparants and regenerants. It contains a complex of natural low molecular weight compounds of animal brains, the molecular weight of proteins of which is 10 KDa.
Ingredients: low molecular weight water-soluble polypeptide fractions - 5 mg, glycine as a stabilizer - 17 mg Retinalamin (Retinalamin) eye injections. Reviews, instructions for use, price
Form: 5 or 10 vials of lyophilisate, from which a solution is prepared for subcutaneous or intramuscular injections.

Pharmacological properties

Retinalamin is a retinal protection agent that acts directly on the inner lining of the eye. After the introduction, the mechanism of replacing the dying cells, called reparative regeneration, is launched.
And also there is a process of adaptation of retinal nerve cells to an abnormal process. All this makes it possible to improve visual functions in various eye pathologies.
The mechanism of action of the active substance:
    correction of microcirculation in the eye tissue, activation of energy processes;
    restoration of the functional activity of cell membranes;
    normalization and improvement of intracellular protein synthesis;
    regulation of the process of oxidative degradation of lipids;
    suppression of inflammatory processes;
    increased vascular permeability;
    successful healing of damaged tissues.
Retinalamin - eye injections (patient reviews indicate an improvement in vision after their use), which refers to drugs that replace and restore tissue sites that have died as a result of dystrophy.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The active ingredients that make up ophthalmic retinoprotectors have a tissue-specific effect on the retina.
The polypeptide fractions contained in Retinalamin are produced from the retina of pigs or cattle. The advantage of drugs with a natural peptide basis is the absence of side effects, a short course of treatment, and a long-term clinical effect.
Retinal disorders have a heterogeneous clinical picture, because the causes affecting the lesion are diverse. But there is a unifying factor - this is the death of neurons in the inner lining of the eye due to abnormal processes. It is based on similar molecular mechanisms that lead to the death of nerve cells under the influence of neurotransmitters.
Cells die under the influence of increased expression of glutamate receptors in various types of neuronal cells. In this case, glutamate is considered as a neurotransmitter that facilitates the entry of calcium ions into the cell. The process causes cell damage or death.
Retinalamin activates the reserves of the cells in the inner lining of the eye, thus increasing their survival and repair capacity after the retina and optic nerve have been damaged.
It increases metabolism and blood flow, reduces local inflammation, optimizes vascular permeability in the eyes and improves visual function:
    expands the peripheral field of view;
    corrects visual acuity;
    increases contrast sensitivity.
Damage to the retina is influenced by various factors and therefore the models of pathologies are diverse. However, they are all accompanied by the death or damage of retinal neurons.
Retinalamin increases the metabolism of the ocular tissue, corrects the functional activity of cell membranes, triggers the biosynthesis of intracellular protein, and influences the regulation of lipid oxidative processes.
The advantages of Retinalamin are tissue specificity, suitability for short-term treatment and long-term clinical effects, no significant side effects,
Retinalamin - eye injections (patient reviews testify to this), which accelerate the process of restoring fiber photosensitivity after injury and inflammation. The composition of the drug is multicomponent, which makes it impossible for doctors to carry out a full pharmacokinetic analysis of the constituent elements.

Indications for use

The drug is recommended for use in case of:
    macular degeneration;
    open-angle compensated primary glaucoma;
    myopia (as part of complex therapy); Retinalamin (Retinalamin) eye injections. Reviews, instructions for use, price
    hereditary retinal diseases or tapetoretinal dystrophy.
    myopia (as part of complex therapy);
    age-related macular degeneration;
    retinopathy caused by diabetes;
    trauma to the retina by mechanical or thermal means;
    corneal injury;
    penetrating eye wounds;
    retinitis pigmentosa.


The drug is not suitable for the treatment of children under 1 year old with a diagnosis of central retinal dystrophy resulting from inflammation or trauma.
Not recommended for adolescents under 18 years of age in case of existing compensated open-angle glaucoma, developed diabetic retinopathy. And also doctors do not recommend using the drug during breastfeeding, pregnancy, and patients with increased sensitivity to protein components.

At what age can injections be given?

The drug is prescribed for children after the first year of life.

Instructions for use, dosage

Retinalamin powder is dissolved immediately before the procedure. It is combined with water for injection, or novocaine solution (0.5%) or sodium chloride 0.9%. Liquid for diluting the lyophilisate requires no more than 1-2 ml.

For adults

With retinopathy of the diabetic form, pigmentary retinitis of the central and peripheral type, dystrophy of the retina of the eye of the central form - 5-10 mg is prescribed once a day. It is allowed to use both intramuscularly and parabulbar. Typically, the therapeutic course is 5-10 days; in some cases, the drug is re-prescribed at intervals of 3-6 months.
With a retinal detachment of a rhegmatogenous and traumatic nature, injections of the parabulbar type are prescribed. The dosage is 5 mg per day, treatment lasts for 10 days. For myopia, the therapeutic regimen is similar to that described above. However, angioprotectors and B vitamins are additionally used. All this allows achieving a greater effect of treatment. If a patient is diagnosed with compensated primary glaucoma of the open-angle type, 5 mg intramuscularly or parabulbar is prescribed no more than 1 per day. The duration of therapy is 10 days.
Parabulbar injection of the drug involves injection into the equatorial zone of the eye. To do this, the lower eyelid is pulled back and the needle is inserted a maximum of 1 cm. Moreover, the procedure for the patient can be very painful. Retinalamin is a powder and must be diluted before use.
Usually the medicine is dissolved in:
    water - 1-2 ml;
    sodium chloride solution - 0.9%;
    novocaine solution - 0.5%.

For kids

For children, the dosage of Retinalamin for retinal dystrophy and retinitis pigmentosa is about 2.5 mg once a day. The route of administration is acceptable, both intramuscular and parabulbar. For children over 6 years old, an increase in the dose to 5 mg is permissible. Therapy lasts no more than 10 days, the treatment can be repeated at intervals of 3-6 months.

Side effects

Retinalamin, according to many patients, does not induce side effects. In some cases, eye pricks provoke minor allergic reactions.


According to medical observations, no cases of overdose have been identified.

Special instructions

The drug has no effect on psychomotor reactions. But you should refrain from driving cars, operating mechanisms after injections for 1-2 hours. After dissolution, the lyophilisate should be used completely. It cannot be stored diluted. You should also not store the dissolved powder in the refrigerator, as its pharmacological properties are lost in this case.

Drug interactions

Retinalamin - eye injections (reviews of the drug and recommendations can be obtained from an ophthalmologist), which does not affect other medications that the patient takes during this period.
When prescribing other drugs for ocular injections, Retinalamin should not be mixed with them and should not be injected at the same time. The administration of drugs should be diluted in time.


Let's take a closer look at the reviews of patients who have tried Retinalamin on themselves.
Anastasia, 43 years old
“Retinalamin was prescribed by a doctor after the diagnosis of glaucoma. As a result, I have been injecting the drug for several years. The medicine did not improve the situation, but it helped to contain the disease. So, vision has been holding on to one value for several years. There was no effect at all from the cheaper drugs. "
Andrey, 23 years old
“I have always loved sports, and lately I have been drawn to bodybuilding. I was actively engaged in the gym, there were visible successes, but I wanted more. One day I overdid it on lifting the barbell, all the time I was drawn to take more weight! However, after the hall, pain began in the eye area, and then vision began to rapidly fall. I went to an ophthalmologist, the doctor reported damage to the retina. He advised to temporarily interrupt classes, and in the future adhere to the scheme of gradually increasing the taken weight. For the treatment I prescribed Retinalamin, an expensive remedy, but I'm used to the fact that you have to pay a lot of money for worthwhile things. Usually cheap is not the best quality, so the price is not too embarrassing. However, pricking him is still a pleasure! With difficulty I endured until the end of the course of treatment, although my vision was fully restored. "
Nadia, 29 years old
“The course of Retinalamin was prescribed by an ophthalmologist due to a severe drop in vision. I didn't expect a special effect, but my vision really began to recover! Little by little I began to distinguish between signs and inscriptions that I could not read before. Six months later, I'm going to do a second course, the effect was very impressive. By the way, I did all the injections intramuscularly. "

Terms of sell

You can buy Retinalamin without a prescription.