Vitamin C tabs 1gr #20


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  • 2 or more $13.83
  • 3 or more $13.75

Vitamin C instruction

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Every day, a person needs additional sources of vitamin substances, since unfavorable ecological living conditions, constant stresses, and irrational approach to the organization of food negatively affect their absorption by the body. Because of this, internal organs and their systems cease to function normally. Vitamin C is available in several forms. According to scientific data effervescent tablets - the best option, suitable not only for children but also for adults.

Release form, composition

Effervescent Vitamin C is available in tablets intended to be dissolved in a liquid. They have a pale yellow or yellow tint, equipped with a chamfer on both sides. Their surface is rough. The drug is available in two versions. In one, the amount of ascorbic acid is 1000 mg, in the other - 250 mg. Tablets are offered, packaged in tubes, which in turn are offered in cardboard boxes. One bottle contains 20 "fizzy".
Auxiliary substances in the preparation are:
    sodium bicarbonate;
    sodium carbonate;
    “Lemon” (citric acid);
    orange scent;
    riboflavin sodium phosphate;
    sodium saccharinate;
    sodium benzoate;
Auxiliary elements in the composition of the tablets are aimed at enhancing the action of the main substance - ascorbic acid.

Beneficial features

The main benefits of sour for adults and children are:
    strengthening the body's defenses;
    increased ability to resist the causative agents of viral infections;
    cleaning vessels, giving them additional elasticity, permeability;
    removing cholesterol plaques;
    strengthening the nervous system, preventing the development of depressive states;
    stimulate the production of sex hormones;
    increase the absorption of iron by the digestive tract;
    improving the functioning of the blood system.
Despite the benefits of using vitamin C, you should consult with your doctor before you start taking it. In any case, there are certain indications for its use, as well as contraindications that can not be ignored.

Indications for appointment

The indication for the appointment of a product containing 1000 mg of ascorbic acid is the need to eliminate the state of hypovitaminosis of the specified element. The drug, which contains 250 mg of the substance, has several indications for administration. These include:
    prevention / treatment of avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis C;
    heavy loads mentally, physically;
    complex therapy of colds, ARVI, flu;
    recovery from severe illness;
    Addison's disease;
    radiation sickness;
In addition, it is important to take effervescent tablets for rheumatoid arthritis, as well as various bleeding, nasal, pulmonary, uterine. Before using it is important to consult with a specialist or study the instructions for use of the drug in detail.


Despite the huge benefits of vitamin C, there are certain contraindications to its use in effervescent form. These include:
    idiosyncrasy of ascorbic acid, other components of the drug;
    predisposition to the formation of blood clots;
    urolithiasis disease;
    belonging to the age group under eighteen;
    fructose intolerance;
    severe form of diseases that disrupt the functioning of the renal system.
Long-term use of drugs is also contraindicated. For this reason, it is important that the specialist sets the exact number of days when they should be used. A second course of treatment is appointed only after consulting a doctor.

How to use?

It is recommended to use drugs after meals. Their minimum dosage per day is one tablet dissolved in 200 ml of liquid. It is strictly forbidden to dissolve the pops, keep them in the mouth for a long time, as well as chew. In the event that treatment of a condition caused by a lack of vitamin C is necessary, one tablet is prescribed containing 1000 mg of substance per day. In the prevention of hypovitaminosis C, a drug with a dosage of the basic element of 250 mg in the amount of one or two effervescence is used.

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, a woman needs more ascorbic acid, as it is necessary for the fetus. For this reason, experts prescribe taking effervescent tablets for ten to fifteen days. In this case, the dosage of "ascorbinka" should not be higher than 250 mg. Why not take the drug all the time? The fetus may develop a dependence on the beneficial substance, because of which, after its abolition, development may be disturbed.
During lactation, it is not recommended to use pharmaceutical preparations at all. It is much better to enrich the diet of a nursing woman with products containing sufficient amounts of vitamin C. The amount of acidic vitamin a day for a nursing woman should not exceed 80 mg. Otherwise, the baby may develop an allergy to this substance.

Side effects of Vitamin C

Side effects usually occur when you exceed the dosage set by the doctor. These include:
    sleep disorders;
    irritability, disinhibition;
    irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
    reduction of capillary walls permeability;
    allergic reactions in the form of skin rash, hyperemia;
    violation of metabolic processes.
If you have one or more of these symptoms, you should consult a specialist. It is possible that drug withdrawal will be enough to normalize the condition, however, there are cases when overdose becomes chronic and symptomatic treatment is required.

special instructions

It is worth noting that when using effervescent tablets, it is important to control your diet and reduce the amount of foods consumed: cabbage, citrus, greens, tomatoes, currants, potatoes. People who have an increased amount of iron in the blood should take the drug in the minimum amount. In addition, both forms of efferves should be used with caution when developing diseases such as:
    infectious gum diseases;
    hemorrhage phenomena;
    retinal hemorrhage;
    violation of the defense system;
    depressive disorders not related to a lack of vitamin C.
Before taking laboratory tests, it is important not to take ascorbic acid, since its presence in the body can distort the results. For better preservation of drugs, it is important to store them correctly, that is, to place them in dark places that children cannot reach. At the same time, the air temperature in the room should not exceed 25 ° C.

Interaction Vitamin C with other drugs

Before you start using vitamin C tablets, designed to be dissolved in water, you should notify your doctor about taking certain medicines. For example, its combined use with birth control pills will lead to an increase in the concentration of the latter in the blood. At the same time, the amount of valuable substance in the body will decrease.
If “ascorbic acid” is taken along with aspirin, it is not absorbed in the stomach, it is immediately excreted by the kidney system. In this case, the elimination of aspirin from the human body slows down. Iron preparations should be taken with an acidic vitamin, because it favorably affects their absorption. You should not combine atropine, isoprenaline with vitamin C, as this will lead to heart palpitations.

Why are effervescent tablets a priority?

It is known that the human body is not able to independently synthesize a sour vitamin. For this reason, its shortage is important to fill in time. Some are beginning to adjust the diet, enriching it with products with a high content of ascorbic acid in them. However, there are cases when this is not enough. Then it is necessary to resort to pharmaceutical drugs.
Experts used to prescribe the substance in tablets, syrup form, but recently everyone agrees that the pops are the best, more effective option. The advantages of using this form of vitamin release are:
    rapid absorption by the human body;
    pleasant taste, which is important when children take the drug.
It is known that the effervescent form of vitamin C is absorbed by the human body five times faster than the tablet. In addition, it is much faster absorbed, which does not allow it to cause harm to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, the drug is not contraindicated in people suffering from gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer.


People who took ascorbic acid in the form of effervescent tablets, noted an improvement in the general condition of the body, a decrease in the number of viral and respiratory diseases during the year. They also pointed to increased stress tolerance, lack of mood swings, reaction to changing weather conditions for the worse. Allergic reactions to the specified product are extremely rare.

Terms of sell

The prescription is not required to buy Vitamin C.