Relief Ultra supp #12


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Relief Ultra user manual

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A large number of people are faced with varicose hemorrhoidal veins and the formation of pathological cones around the rectum. The disease affects both women and men of any age. The symptoms of hemorrhoids in the period of exacerbation bring a lot of trouble to the patients: the nodes ache, bleed, itch, inflame.
In order to normalize the condition as quickly as possible and eliminate the pathological process, doctors prescribe a complex therapy, which necessarily includes rectal suppositories. One of the most commonly prescribed drugs is Relief Ultra. Let us consider in more detail how to use it correctly, are there any contraindications and side effects?

Drug description

Rectal suppositories Relief Ultra are actively used to combat proctological ailments. Experts consider the drug effective, relatively safe and fast-acting drug product, which can be purchased at any pharmacy network without a doctor's prescription.
The drug belongs to the anti-hemorrhoids, its INN: Simethicone. The scope of application of the drug is the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease and other pathologies of the rectal zone. It is indicated for topical use and has a pronounced antipruritic effect.


One suppository contains two active ingredients:
    zinc sulfate;
    hydrocortisone acetate.
Auxiliary ingredients:
    cocoa butter;
    shark liver oil;
    magnesium stearate;
    methyl paraben;
    propyl paraben.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Relief Ultra Suppositories have the following effects:
Thanks to the active ingredients, the drug inhibits inflammatory mediators, heals wounds and erosion in the anorectal region. Data on the pharmacokinetic characteristics of suppositories is not.

Indications and contraindications

In medical practice, hemorrhoidal disease refers to a pathological process that occurs in the anorectal region, in which venous vessels expand, bend, inflame due to stagnation of blood, forming cavernous bodies. All this leads to pain during the release of the intestine, the formation of nodes and their loss to the outside. Lead to the development of hemorrhoids can:
    hypodynamia, sedentary lifestyle;
    thinning of the vascular walls, erosive formations, cracks;
    eating large amounts of spicy food;
    prolonged constipation or diarrhea;
    pregnancy and labor;
    too much effort during bowel movements.
In all these cases, Relief Ultra can also be used as a prophylactic agent.
In addition, experts recommend this drug product for many diseases involving the rectum and anus. The drug is effective in:
    inflammation of hemorrhoids (external and internal);
    inflammation of the rectal mucosa;
    erosive formations, cracks;
    adrenal dermatitis;
    anal itching of various origins.
Before using suppositories, patients should carefully study the instructions, since the medication has some contraindications:
exacerbation of infectious diseases of viral and bacterial origin;
malignant neoplasms in the rectus region;
thromboembolism. Relief thins the blood, so a blood clot can break off or vascular lumen clog up;
fungal lesions of the rectal area;
severe diabetes mellitus. The active ingredients constrict blood vessels, and even a slight rise in blood pressure can trigger the development of a stroke;
increased sodium concentration in the blood;
mental states and antidepressant treatment. In combination with rectal suppositories Relief, they can trigger an increase in blood pressure, up to a hypertensive crisis;
individual intolerance of the active components;
age up to 12 years.

Instructions for use

When identifying the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids should seek medical help, as this disease has similar symptoms with other, more dangerous pathologies. When the doctor examines and accurately diagnoses, he will definitely prescribe a comprehensive treatment that may include Relief Ultra.
You need to use the drug, adhering to certain rules:
People with a history of heart rhythm disorders, disorders of the endocrine system, a tendency to a sharp increase in the blood pressure of the suppository Relief Ultra should be used with extreme caution, since existing diseases can be complicated against the background of the therapy used.
    The drug is not recommended for use simultaneously with drugs from the group of glucocorticosteroids, since the likelihood of overdose increases greatly. The speed of the psychomotor reaction and the ability to work with dangerous mechanisms Relief Ultra does not affect.

Dosage and therapy course

The specialist determines the dosage depending on the evidence and the severity of the pathology on an individual basis. The optimal dosage of the drug - one suppository 3-4 times a day. The maximum daily dose of the drug - 4 suppositories. In order for the remedy to have the maximum positive effect, it is recommended to use it according to the following scheme:
    ensure bowel movement with microclysters;
    wash the anorectal area with cool water;
    dry with a soft towel;
    wash hands with soap and water;
    open the suppository shell;
    lie on your side and press your legs under;
    relax the muscles of the perineum;
    free hand to push the buttocks;
    enter the suppository with a rounded end to the anus;
    push by 2-4 cm, trying not to make sudden movements, so as not to injure sore spots;
    maintain a recumbent position until the suppository completely dissolves.
    Often the treatment does not exceed 5-10 days. If during this period there is no improvement, you should contact a specialist to correct the prescribed therapy.

Use for bleeding

Bleeding problem sites with hemorrhoids occurs in patients quite often. If no measures are taken, the blood in the feces after a bowel movement will appear more and more, and the pain syndrome will noticeably increase. Especially often bleeding occurs with constipation: feces traumatize sore spots, and blood is released.
When bleeding, doctors recommend using Relief, as they quickly relieve inflammation and can stop the bleeding. Relief Ultra, according to the conducted kinicheskie tests, in the period of exacerbation will serve as an excellent anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agent. In case of severe bleeding, Relief Advance should be selected.

Relief Ultra during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Hemorrhoids often develop during pregnancy, when hormonal changes are intense. To stop the disease and not allow it to flow into a severe form, doctors often prescribe rectal suppositories. But not all drugs can be used during this period.
Relief Ultra can be used for pregnant women, but up to 12 weeks, when the laying of the milestones of vital organs and systems of the baby occurs, you should refrain from using any medication. Suppositories, although not completely, are absorbed into the bloodstream and can harm the fetus.
In the second and third trimester Relief Ultra can be used, but only after consulting a doctor. Often, physicians recommend the use of less dangerous drugs based on natural ingredients.
When breastfeeding from the use of suppositories should refrain, since the active ingredients penetrate into breast milk. If other means do not help relieve the aggravation, then for the period of treatment from breastfeeding the young mother should be refused.

Possible side effects

Against the background of Relief Ultra, rarely adverse reactions occur. They develop mainly due to intolerance of the active components. The most common in patients are:
    burning sensation in rectus region;
    itching in the anal canal;
    the discomfort;
    increased symptoms of hemorrhoidal varicose veins;
    redness, swelling of problem tissues.
All these phenomena are not dangerous to health and life, and disappear in 15-20 minutes after drug administration. Cancellations of the drug, they do not require.
If you comply with the prescribed dose, overdose Relief Ultra is almost impossible. But with self-treatment and the use of suppositories in large quantities, the development of such pathological manifestations as:
    nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, aggravation of gastritis;
    increasing the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream;
    signs of osteoporosis;
If such symptoms are detected, the patient should be hospitalized in a hospital and detoxification and symptomatic treatment should be carried out.

Doctors reviews

Savchenko Dmitriy, proctologist
“I consider Relief Ultra a well-publicized medicinal product that can help only if there are wounds in the anal canal at stage 2 of the wound process. Otherwise, their action should be supported by other, more powerful drugs. "
Garibov N., a proctologist
“Relief Ultra, especially with monotherapy and self-treatment, does not justify its high cost. The therapeutic effect is observed only with defects of the mucous membrane in the form of shallow cracks and superficial wounds of the anorectal canal. I rarely recommend it to patients in the acute period, as there are more effective and less expensive drugs. ”
U. Kharchenko, a proctologist
“I would not designate Relief as the most effective and only remedy, since among all the advertised properties of the drug, only wound healing can be distinguished. But patients very much trust advertising and usually come to the reception, having already tried these suppositories. I additionally prescribe systemic therapy for them, and I also advise you to use honey and sea-buckthorn compresses. ”

Patient Reviews

“My hemorrhoids developed due to constant constipation. It was impossible to go to the toilet - such a severe pain arose. Bought Relief Ultra after advertising on TV. Really good drug. The lump has decreased, the itching has stopped, the condition has improved much. Now I use it periodically. ”
“Suppositories Rectal Relief Ultra helped me a lot with hemorrhoids. Immediately after birth, the anal passage began to periodically ache and become inflamed. While she was breastfeeding, she was saved by sedentary baths and sea-buckthorn suppositories. After the completion of lactation, Relief bought to supplement the treatment. Introduced them three times a day during the week. Difficulties with bowel movement were gone, the pain disappeared, burning and itching no longer bothered. There were no side effects. I think Relief is the best way to get rid of hemorrhoids. "
“When my hemorrhoidal node got inflamed, I didn’t worry too much, as he had been a little sick before, but then decreased, thanks to diet and physical exercises (I regularly do Kegel training).
But this time the pain did not ease, there was a burning sensation and even blood in the feces. Immediately turned to the proctologist. He recommended Relief Ultra in the form of suppositories, Relief ointment and Flebodia tablets. After a week of active treatment, I noticed that the knot was smaller, and the pain was no longer disturbed. In the complex, all these drugs suited me perfectly and helped me to recover. ”

In my experience I can say that when itching and burning, it is better to use an ointment or cream. Hydrocortisone helped me a lot. But when the proctologist diagnosed hemorrhoids, he prescribed Relief suppositories and sit baths. With acute pain, suppositories were more effective. ”
With external and internal hemorrhoids, cracks, erosion in the anus, proctitis, anal itching, perianal dermatitis, Suppository Ultra suppositories are widely used. They have earned the trust of patients due to their speed and efficiency. But as a monotherapy specialists do not recommend their use, as hemorrhoids are treated in a complex. The main thing is not to self-medicate and seek medical help at the first negative symptoms of pathology.

Terms of sell

You can buy Relief Ultra without a prescription.