Ferlatum solution 800mg 15ml #20


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Ferlatum user manual

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The active substance is a complex compound in which the ferric atoms are surrounded by a semi-synthetic protein carrier - this does not cause irritation and damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.
The main function of iron is the transfer of oxygen to tissues. Iron is part of hemoglobin, myoglobin, iron-containing cytochrome enzymes, carries electrons and works as a catalyst for oxidation, hydroxylation and other metabolic processes.
It is produced in the form of a solution for internal use and is sold in 15 ml plastic bottles, corked with caps with the control of the first opening. In a cardboard bundle - 10 or 20 bottles with a solution.

Indications for use

What helps Ferlatum? According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:
    Iron deficiency anemia - a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells per unit volume of blood, due to a decrease in the level of iron.
    Latent iron deficiency is an iron deficiency in the body in which the clinical picture of anemia has not yet developed.
    Prevention of iron deficiency after massive bleeding, during the period of active growth, against the background of unbalanced or malnutrition of a person.
    To replenish iron in the body of a pregnant or breast-feeding woman.

Instructions for use Ferlatum, dosage

The drug is taken orally before or after a meal.
Standard dosages, according to the instructions for use Ferlatum:
    Adults - 15-30 ml per day, divided into 2 doses.
    For children, the dosage is calculated from the indicator - 1.5 ml per 1 kg of weight per day, divided into 2 doses.
    Pregnancy - 15 ml \ 1 time per day.
After normalizing hemoglobin and serum iron in the body, Ferlatum should be continued for another 2-3 months.

special instructions

The total period of use of the drug should not exceed 6 months, with the exception of cases of chronic blood loss (menorrhagia, hemorrhoids, etc.) and pregnancy.

Side effects

The instruction warns of the possibility of developing the following side effects when prescribing Ferlatum:
    The appearance of gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, epigastric pain, diarrhea or constipation), disappearing when the dose is reduced or the drug is stopped.


Ferlatum is contraindicated in the following cases:
    Chronic pancreatitis.
    Anemia, the development of which is not associated with iron deficiency - B12-folic acid deficiency, megaloblastic, hemolytic anemia.
    Violation of the process of utilizing excess iron in the body is sidereal, lead anemia.
    Hemochromatosis is a hereditary genetic disease, the development of which is associated with a violation of iron metabolism in the body and its accumulation in tissues.
    Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
Due to the possible development of allergic reactions, the drug should be used with caution in patients with milk protein intolerance.


An overdose causes vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, epigastric pain during the first eight hours after taking the solution.
In some cases, blanching of the skin or drowsiness may occur. The occurrence of a shock condition and even coma is not excluded.
It is recommended to immediately wash the stomach, to carry out symptomatic treatment.


I’m buying a second time, I’m very happy .... the first time I bought it with the taste of orange, this one with the taste of cherry ... for me this one is softer, the hemoglobin went up ... after a while I’ll drink some more for prevention
After consuming the first package, there was an improvement in well-being, a decrease in fatigue, and drowsiness disappeared. Ferlatum effective drug, no side effects were observed.

Terms uf sell

You can buy Ferlatum without a prescription from a doctor.