Cocarnit injections 187,125mg #3


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Cocarnit instruction

You can buy Cocarnit here

In the modern world, problems with the peripheral nervous system and metabolism are far from uncommon. Even many young people have such diseases as neuralgia, neuritis or myalgia, which are subject to compulsory treatment. Especially for this purpose, Cocarnit pricks were developed. Indications for use of this tool are associated directly with diseases of the peripheral nervous system. However, this drug is not cheap, which makes you wonder: is it worth buying it at all? To find out the answer to this difficult question, you need to learn more about the drug and find out about it from other people from the available reviews.

What is Cocarnit?

The drug is made in the UK. It is a rationally composed drug complex. It consists of metabolic substances and vitamins, each of which has one or another positive effect on the organism as a whole and the processes occurring in it in particular.
Indications for the use of injections "Cocarnit" can serve as any violations in metabolic processes. The drug is multifunctional and improves the activity of the nervous system. Consists of vitamins, coenzymes and adenosine triphosphate. It is used as a primary or secondary therapeutic agent as prescribed by a physician.

The composition of the drug

"Cocarnit" consists of active and auxiliary substances. Each of them is designed to have one or another effect on the human body. Active components are:
    Cocarboxylase - 0.05 g
    Nicotinamide - 0.02 g
    Cyanocobalamin - 0.0005 g.
    Disodium adenosine triphosphate trihydrate - 0.01 g
As additional substances in the composition of "Cocarnit" the following substances were used:
    Methyl parahydroxybenzoate.
    Propyl parahydroxybenzoate.

Drug release form

Cocarnit is produced in the form of a lyophilisate. Subsequently, a solution for intramuscular injection is prepared from the powder. It has a pink color, is available in dark glass ampoules. Additionally, an ampule with a solvent is offered, which contains:
    10 mg lidocaine hydrochloride;
    2 ml of water for injection.

Dosing and Administration

The drug is intended for intramuscular administration. The dosage is determined depending on the indications for use. Injections "Cocarnit" are administered 1 time per day, 1 or 2 ampoules, depending on the patient's condition. The duration of therapy and the possibility of repeated treatment courses depends on the severity and nature of the pathology and is determined at the discretion of the attending physician. Adjustment of the indicated dosage is not required for hepatic and renal failure, as well as for patients over the age of 65, as is the case with many other drugs.

pharmachologic effect

Each of the active substances in the composition of the medicinal product is included in the complex with a specific purpose. Nicotinamide, which is a form of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), is actively involved in the redox processes in cells. It helps to improve carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism.
As can be seen from the instructions for use for Cocarnit injections, most of the composition is a substance cocarboxylase. It is a coenzyme, which is formed from thiamine (vitamin B1), which enters the body from the outside. Cocarboxylase is important for carrying out carbohydrate metabolism, and also enters the carboxylase enzyme, which is actively involved in the catalysis of alpha-keto acids. Takes an indirect part in the synthesis of nucleic acids, lipids and proteins. It helps to reduce the level of pyruvic and lactic acids in the body, as well as the absorption of glucose. Improves nutrition and function of the nervous tissue.
Vitamin B12, also known as cyanocobalamin, entering the body, turns into one of two possible active forms: cobamide or adenosylcobalamin. It has a high biological activity, and therefore contributes to increasing protein synthesis and its accumulation. Cyanocobalamin activates lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, lowers blood cholesterol levels and prevents the development of liver infiltration. Vitamin B12 is necessary for the hematopoietic system to function normally and accumulate groups containing sulfhydryl compounds in erythrocytes. They, in turn, increase resistance to hemolysis. Cyanocobalamin is beneficial for tissues, as it increases their ability to regenerate, the liver and the nervous system.
One more substance unknown to an ordinary person, indicated in the instructions for Cocarnit injections, is disodium adenosine triphosphate trihydrate. It is a derivative of adenosine. It is necessary in this drug complex to stimulate metabolic processes. The substance has a pronounced hypotensive and antiarrhythmic effect. Disodium adenosine triphosphate trihydrate has a vasodilating effect, which is especially important in this case for the coronary arteries.

Injections "Cocarnit": indications for use

The drug is used in the treatment of diseases and disorders of the nervous system, which include:
    myalgia, tendens, bursitis;
    myocardiopathy, myocarditis;
    radiculitis, ischalgia, lumbago.
It can be used both as an independent drug and in combination therapy along with other drugs. Injections of “Cocarnit” after the course treatment carried out contribute to stabilization of the neuromuscular apparatus, as well as stimulate the restoration of damaged nerve fibers.


Due to insufficient research on the effects of the drug on the child’s body, the drug is not used in pediatrics. Also, instructions for use of injections "Cocarnit", reviews of which confirm the effectiveness of the tool, prohibits its use in the presence of an allergic reaction to one or several components.
The drug has absolute contraindications in the form of such diseases:
    hemorrhagic stroke;
    myocardial infarction in the acute period;
    uncontrolled arterial hypertension or hypotension;
    heart failure in the acute or chronic course;
Relative contraindications:
    chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
    bronchial asthma;
    stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
Relative contraindications are conditions in which the doctor looks solely at the patient’s history and decides what is more important at the moment. If Cocarnit is extremely necessary and will not adversely affect the course of another pathology, the development of the fetus in the womb of a pregnant woman and baby on breastfeeding, he may decide on therapy with this drug.

Possible side effects and symptoms of overdose

The use of injections "Cocarnit" causes undesirable reactions of the body in very rare cases. Possible side effects include the following conditions:
    allergic reaction, manifested by difficulty in breathing, skin rash and angioedema;
    confused consciousness;
    tachycardia or bradycardia;
    pain in the heart;
    nausea and diarrhea;
    increased sweating;
    redness of the skin of the upper body and face;
    irritation at the injection site, accompanied by itching, burning and redness;
    headaches and dizziness.
In case of the described reactions, symptomatic treatment is carried out. The doctor may decide to change the Cocarnit injections to an analogue, if circumstances so require.
Overdose can occur not only because of the single injection of a large number of active substances, but also with prolonged use of the drug. Accumulation of nicotinamide in the body leads to a deficiency of the methyl groups against the background of the participation of methylation reactions in the elimination. In the course of clinical studies diagnosed cases of abnormal liver function. Treatment is also symptomatic.
When cokarnita is taken orally (orally) or by accidental intravenous administration, a toxic reaction may develop. In this case, an urgent need to consult a doctor to minimize negative effects.
The occurrence of the above states is extremely rare, which is confirmed by numerous positive reviews. Instructions for injections "Cocarnit" calls for the use of the drug strictly according to the described scheme, and only after the appointment of a doctor. This will help avoid undesirable consequences.

Precautions and compatibility with other drugs

It is important to consider some points regarding the use of Cocarnit:
    The finished solution should get a reddish tint. If it turned out different, use is prohibited.
    The prepared solution is used immediately and cannot be stored.
    For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, injections are required only after consulting a doctor.
    Do not use injections for a long course of treatment, if it is not recommended by the attending physician and does not monitor the patient's condition, his analyzes.
It is important not only to know why “Cocarnit” is prescribed, but also to get acquainted with the list of drugs with which this substance cannot be used. This is due to the "moody" cyanocobalamin:
    B12 is incompatible with ascorbic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid, riboflavin, thiamine bromide and agents containing heavy metal salts.
    Cyanocobalamin can not be used simultaneously with drugs that increase blood clotting and chloramphenicol.
    B12 is not absorbed by the body if it is taken together with drugs used in the treatment of epilepsy, as well as containing salicylate and aminoglycoside.

Reviews on the effectiveness of the drug

Cocarnit earned the trust of thousands of doctors, thanks to the huge number of patients suffering from various diseases. Doctors note that the drug is highly effective in complex therapy and is able to quickly establish metabolic processes.
On injections "Cocarnit" reviews are positive and on the part of patients. They note that the drug is quite effective, moreover, the desired result can be achieved in a short time. Some have 6-9 shots to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of various pathologies. The drug helps eliminate pain in the legs, back, ribs, hip and lower back. Although the drug is relatively expensive, and many people were at first afraid to buy it (and suddenly it would not help?), After all, patients did not regret the amount spent. After all, the most important thing is that "Cocarnit" helps.
Each patient noted for himself the negative aspects associated with injections of the drug. Some have side effects such as swollen lymph nodes, headaches and dizziness, as well as some other conditions. Therefore, in order not to be frightened of their condition, they recommend carefully reading possible negative phenomena. If even one of them occurs, consult with your doctor. Also in the reviews, people write that the shots are quite painful. With the introduction of the drug in the muscle is a strong burning sensation. However, the pains that accompany such patients are much stronger than what they feel at the moment of injection. Therefore, the discomfort can be endured.
After having read the instruction on the use of Cocarnit intramuscular injections, feedback from doctors and patients, and other information presented in the article, you should not immediately run to the pharmacy to purchase a medicine. This is a serious drug that can have an irreversible effect on the human body. Therefore, it is recommended to use it only after consulting the attending physician and under his strict control.

Terms of sell

You can buy Cocarnit without a prescription.