Hepatrombin H ointment 20gr


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  • 2 or more $12.16
  • 3 or more $12.11

Hepatrombin H instruction

You can buy Hepatrombin H here


The composition of hepatrombin H ointment was very well chosen.
1 gram of the drug accounts for:
    sodium heparin - 65 IU. A substance that effectively prevents the formation of blood clots. Obtained from the tissues of the small intestine or lungs of cattle or pigs. Promotes regeneration (recovery) of the mucous membranes and connective tissue;
    laurel macrogol 400 - 30 mg. Causes hardening (gradual thinning of the walls of blood vessels, their gluing) of the affected veins. Anesthetizes (relieves) the area of ​​hemorrhoids;
Prednisolone Acetate - 2.233 mg. Reduces blood circulation in the affected vessels. Suppresses allergic reactions, burning, itching, pain.
The composition of the ointment also includes various auxiliary and ballast substances that do not have a special role in the formation of a therapeutic effect.

Indications for use of the drug

The correct use of ointment Hepatrombin H stops inflammation in the tissues, contributes to the "self-destruction" of the affected veins, prevents the formation of blood clots, and also "dissolves" the existing ones.
Conditions when it is necessary to use the drug Hepatrombin H:

Acute or chronic hemorrhoids

Chronic hemorrhoids is a progressive disease. Independently, it will not disappear, even with a change of occupation. It manifests itself in the presence of blood impurities in the feces, the formation of rounded, soft to the touch, protrusions. The size of these protrusions varies from 0.5 cm to two. They are formed by swollen veins and filled with blood. With the passage of solid feces there is a mechanical injury to these areas and, as a result of this damage, bleeding. Permanent blood loss threatens a person with anemia, anemia. A person may not feel pronounced pain in the anus. But the discomfort brought by the signs of chronic hemorrhoids should pay close attention to themselves. Treatment should begin immediately, until the disease has flowed into an acute form.
Acute hemorrhoids can not be overlooked. The symptoms of this disease state are pronounced. To confuse it with anything else is impossible.
Inflammation of tissues, thrombosis of blood vessels and loss of hemorrhoids lead to extreme discomfort and acute intolerable pain. Bleeding occurs not only during the act of defecation. In the most advanced cases, there is a gradual necrosis (death) of the tissues of hemorrhoids. Inflammation can spread to adjacent tissues. Due to edema in the aisle, constipation is exacerbated, which only increases the load on the affected area.

Symptomatic hemorrhoids

"Insidious" type of course of the disease. Hemorrhoidal changes are already present, but the patient does not yet suspect their existence. People in everyday life are not inclined to pay much attention to their health, especially such an intimate place as the anus. But if they had passed a special examination, the result was more than surprised and alarmed.
More than half of pregnant women, people involved in heavy, power sports, workers who spend most of their working time in a sitting position would have signs of hemorrhoids.
A timely preventive course with special drugs could completely rid a person of an impending threat.
    “In a visual way and by palpation, it is almost impossible to identify the signs of an emerging disease. A special diagnostic procedure is needed - rectoromanoscopy. Unfortunately, without special symptoms, doctors do not conduct it (only for a fee). This is the main "catch" early diagnosis of hemorrhoids. "


Blood clogged and clothed blood vessels overflow with blood clots. Their walls lose their tone and swell.

Itching in the anus

The inflammatory process provokes an itch in the anus. Swollen hemorrhoids "attract attention" in such a specific way. Hepatrombin H has an anesthetic effect, helps to relieve discomfort, itching and pain.

Anal fissure and bleeding

Hemorrhoids and constipation provoke the appearance of anal fissures. The crack of soft tissues has the form of a slit, bleeds, delivers the strongest pain. In addition, there is a risk of infection in the body, blood poisoning.
It is formed as a result of damage at the exit of solid feces through the anus, affected by hemorrhoidal changes. Cracks are also terrible in that they cause endless pain to a person suffering from hemorrhoids. Difficult defecation “disturbs” the cracked living tissue, which causes severe pain. The pain causes reflex spasm of the sphincter of the anus, which makes defecation almost impossible. Closes the "vicious circle."

Loss of a hemorrhoid, its pinching

Launched disease entails the loss of hemorrhoidal "bumps" out. Loss occurs even with minor physical exertion. Send them back is difficult or impossible at all. Then they remain outside the anus. This is awkward when walking. For this reason, the patient simply can not sit down.
Infringement of hemorrhoids occurs when the dropped "bumps" can not be repositioned. Blood vessels in the nodes are stopped by blood clots. The condition is extremely serious, threatens with tissue necrosis;

Use for other diseases

In hepatrombin H ointment indications for use can be not only hemorrhoids.
A means of preventing the formation of blood clots in blood vessels with a bright anti-inflammatory effect can be used in the treatment of many diseases.

Hepatrombin H ointment for varicose veins

Method of application: three times a day ointment Hepatrombin H is applied to the feet with massage movements from the bottom up. It is recommended to wear a special compression garment or a bandage with an elastic bandage.
Multiple cases of this drug confirmed high efficacy in the treatment of varicose veins with hepatrombin H, an ointment for the legs. "Absorb" thrombosis formations in the veins. Swollen, clogged veins that are no longer effectively performing their important functions are sclerosed. This reduces the external, disfiguring appearance, symptoms of varicose veins. The condition of the veins that are close to the skin surface improves significantly.

Hepatrombin H ointment for bruises

The tool has a powerful resolving thrombosis effect. Hematomas are just such a physiological phenomenon. Broken small blood vessels lose blood, which then coagulates. A local thrombosis is formed. Blood cells that are responsible for the gradual destruction of such pathological foci need a long amount of time to do their work. Heparin, which is part of the ointment, quickly copes with hematomas, speeding up the process of their healing twice.

Dosage and administration

Hepatrombin H ointment for hemorrhoids is applied over the entire surface that needs treatment. It is necessary to lubricate the external lesions and, after immersing the applicator in the anus, inject Hepatrombin H into the rectum.
External use: the area affected by hemorrhoids must be cleaned and dried. Extruded a strip of gel with a length of 4 centimeters. The ointment is applied in a thick layer. The diseased surface is covered with a means without rubbing. In the rectum the introduction is made using a special cap. If there is such an opportunity, then it is advisable to gently smudge the ointment inside the body. Before rectal administration of the drug, it is necessary to defecate or give an enema.
Hepatrombin H is used, depending on the severity of the disease, from two to four times a day.

Treatment of chronic hemorrhoids

After the signs of existing hemorrhoids pass, it is necessary to continue applying the ointment for another week. This will consolidate the result, will act as prevention for the occurrence of relapse.

During pregnancy

Hepatrombin H ointment during pregnancy has proven itself well. Women in an interesting position often have problems associated with the inability of certain organs and tissues to withstand increased stress. The enlarged and heavier uterus especially ruthlessly squeezes the organs located below its location. Venous and arterial blood flow is so disturbed that blood clots inside the vessels can occur. Stagnation in the pelvic area exacerbates the situation.
    Self-treatment with such a potent drug during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. You should not listen to the advice of "experienced" girlfriends and advertising on the Internet and on television. In hepatrombin H  ointment, the instructions for use clearly prescribe a ban on use in the first three months of pregnancy. But this does not mean at all that on the remaining periods the ointment can be used uncontrollably. The drug is used strictly only with the permission of the doctor and under his supervision!
Dosage: application of the ointment is carried out on a clean body twice a day. The duration of use and the use of additional treatments is determined only by a doctor. It is he who will determine the detailed instructions that should be followed in the treatment.
It should be remembered that the use of this drug, like many others, is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy. During this period, the laying of all vital organs and systems. The use of such a potent and effective drug should be postponed until a less dangerous period of pregnancy.


Elena, 38 years old
I suffer from chronic hemorrhoids for a long time. Numerous folk remedies gave relief from this problem for a short period. I got used to tolerate discomfort in the intimate area. I tried hepatrombin H  ointment. At first there was only an anesthetic effect. I thought that the effectiveness of Hepatrombin H would end there. But no. Gradually, I began to notice that I was paying less and less attention to pain and itching. Stopped falling bumps from the anus. I used this wonderful tool for 2 months. I feel like a healthy person!
Fedor, 50 years old
I work as a driver. We have to work while sitting. Long felt the presence of a problem. I was ashamed to go to the doctors. Constantly postponed the visit, even when it was very painful. Then, it so happened that it was simply impossible to sit down, because I could not go to work. It was necessary to urgently undertake something! I am not pregnant and, in general, healthy. Therefore, at your own risk and risk decided to use Hepatrombin H independently. I felt better after 2 weeks. I continued the course just in case. Now I feel healthy.

Terms of sell

You can buy Hepatrombin H without a prescription.