Calendula flores 1.5gr #20


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Calendula flores instruction

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Medicinal calendula (see photo of flowers and seeds) is an annual thermophilic plant from the Astrov family, popularly called marigold, due to the shape of its petals. It has flowers of bright yellow, sometimes orange color, which are 4 cm in diameter. The height of the erect stem can reach 70 cm.
The decorative forms of this plant have a flower-basket with a diameter of more than 8 cm. In Russia, it grows almost everywhere, loves the sun and moisture, good honey plant.
In medicine, only inflorescence baskets are used, and since the flowering period is quite large (from June to September), it is possible to collect medicinal raw materials almost all this time. The most saturated with useful substances flower baskets are at the very beginning of flowering, but the inflorescence has already fully blossomed.
The flowering heads are cut off a couple of centimeters from the basket, during the summer you can take up to 20 “crops” from one plant. It even prolongs its flowering.
Seeds can be collected in September-October, after waiting for dry weather. The dry flowers of the marigolds are also necessary for dryness, so that they soprel before drying.
Store dried raw materials in linen bags, glass jars, in dark, dry places for no more than 2 years.
A decoction of calendula tastes bitter, slightly slimy.

The chemical composition of calendula

Calendula herb contains a lot of bioactive components. It is used not only as a medicinal plant, but also as a cosmetic product, as well as as a food supplement, culinary dye. In medical practice, calendula flowers are used.
Chemical composition:
These are pigments that contribute to the production of vitamin A.
    Alcohols and sterols.
Substances that can replace cholesterol, which prevents the development of atherosclerotic plaques in the lumen of blood vessels.
They have a good antispasmodic effect, remove toxins and harmful substances from the human body, prevent the development of inflammation, and cause the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the stomach.
Thanks to these substances, medicinal marigolds have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, they also accelerate the functioning of the nervous system.
    Essential oils.
Suppress pathogenic microflora.
    This plant is very rich in trace elements (iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, calcium).
These trace elements help in the treatment of caries, heart disease and blood vessels. Increase immunity.

The healing properties of calendula

    wound healing;
    thrombosis prophylaxis;
    general strengthening;
    enhancing the secretory function of the stomach;

The use of calendula in traditional medicine, indications

Decoctions, infusions and tinctures of calendula flowers in medicine have an extensive range of therapeutic effects. They are prescribed for diseases:
    Digestive organs.
This dosage form has a positive effect in the treatment of gastritis, it is used for inflammation of the spleen and intestines, and liver diseases. After taking it, bilirubin and cholesterol in the patient’s bloodstream are reduced.
    For colds, calendula decoction can treat a cough.
    In cardiological practice, decoctions and infusions of marigolds can stimulate the work of the heart muscle, eliminate the symptoms of arrhythmia and hypertension, they also have a calming effect, normalize sleep phases. For treatment, take a couple of teaspoons of flowers, pour the same number of glasses of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. Drink half a glass three times a day.
It is very good to use in the presence of malfunctions of the menstrual cycle, inflammatory secretions from the vagina.
    Local use.
Due to its antiseptic and wound healing effect, calendula officinalis is used in the treatment of open, long non-healing wounds, with burns, frostbite, phlegmon, pyoderma, boils, and rectal fissures as a result of hemorrhoids.
    Calendula with benefit can be used to rinse the mouth with stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, thrush of the oral cavity, inflammatory processes of the oropharynx, pharyngitis, tonsillitis.
    Calendula preparations contribute to good potency.
    The tool also alleviates the condition in oncology, recommend water infusion, for this, pour a pair of glasses of boiling water 2 teaspoons of calendula flowers, insist for a quarter hour, divide into 4 parts and drink in equal portions throughout the day.

Instructions for the use of calendula flowers - recipes for preparing tinctures, decoction, ointments, oils

At home, you can prepare the following dosage forms:
    Gargle flower infusion of calendula
To prepare it, you should take a spoonful of dried calendula inflorescences, place in a container, add 250 ml of boiling water, steam for 1 hour. Such an infusion can be applied topically, gargle for colds, stomatitis or tonsillitis, or use 3 times a day with a spoon.
    Calendula tincture for alcohol - application
To prepare the tincture of calendula, 10 grams of dried or fresh Marigold flowers are taken, 100 ml of alcohol or high-quality vodka is added, to allow to settle for a day. After this, you can use the tincture, after stirring it in a glass of water, at the rate of 1 tablespoon of tincture, per 200 ml. It is very good to use as a local remedy in the treatment of burns, with purulent wounds, pyoderma.
If for at least a couple of weeks 2 times a day lubricate tincture of calendula officinalis acne on the face, chest, shoulders, it will be noticeable concrete improvement in skin condition.
Vodka tincture of marigolds is also used for hypertension (30-40 drops three times a day for a long time, at least a month), in addition to normalizing blood pressure, you can expect improved sleep, a decrease in the frequency of headaches, and increased performance.
If you drink alcohol tincture of calendula 30 drops 4 times a day, gradually increasing the dose to one and a half teaspoons, then the tool will help with developed jaundice.
    Water infusion of marigolds
In a thermos bottle with a capacity of half a liter, pour 5 tablespoons of medicinal Marigolds, pour boiling water and leave for 5 hours. It can be taken up to 3 times a day, not more than one teaspoon. It helps in the treatment of respiratory tract, as an inhaler.
It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, heated before use.
1-3 tablespoons three times a day infusion of calendula is used for dizziness.
You can use the infusion externally as lotions for ripening barley on the eye, for washing with conjunctivitis, blepharitis.
This dosage form can help with diarrhea due to its astringent, tanning properties.

Calendula treatment or why calendula helps

All types of drugs Calendula can be used in the treatment of various diseases. Most often it is used as an additional, auxiliary tool. It is used in the treatment of many diseases:
    In gynecology and proctology.
The main method of application is douching, or use in the form of tampons. A good effect will be observed in the treatment of cervical erosion, vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea), and menstrual disorders. Tincture for alcohol of marigolds is used only inside.
For douching, you need to use a weak aqueous solution of calendula, which is made at the rate of half a liter of water per spoonful of inflorescences. He is prescribed twice a day. With the same composition, you can make baths with exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
    Disease of the skin.
This drug relieves inflammation and suppuration of the skin. For this purpose, use infusion, or water decoctions.
    Infusions, decoctions, tea with calendula is very good to use for heart pathologies.
They, unlike other heart medications, have practically no side effects and contraindications. Calendula flower solutions can be used for tachycardia, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, hypertension, shortness of breath, which is caused by heart failure.
Marigolds have gained great popularity among the female population, as due to its constituent component it has a positive effect on the skin of the face and hands. It is used as masks, ointments, decoctions for washing. With it, you can eliminate age-related changes (age spots, freckles), the appearance of pimples.
Calendula extract is added to the face cream, skin-soothing gel, baby cream, shampoo.
In the event that, for some reason, home-made calendula medicines are not possible, you can purchase them at a pharmacy.

Calendula contraindications - harm

Like any medicine, calendula has its own contraindications, potential harm, in addition to its benefits, they include:
    The appearance of allergies, and individual intolerance.
    Pregnancy all over. It can increase toxicosis, and lead to miscarriage.
    Postpartum, lactation, or after an abortion.
    Severe forms of hypotension.
    Slow heart rate (bradycardia).
    Digestive system diseases in the acute stage.
    Bronchial asthma.
    Children under 12 years old.
    Combined intake with barbiturates.
    The use of the drug with hormones is unacceptable.
It is undesirable to increase the therapeutic dose of this drug. This leads to side effects, which are accompanied by the appearance of nausea, vomiting, discoloration of the skin (it becomes bright yellow) due to the high content of carotenoid.

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You don't need a prescription to buy Calendula flores.