Alka-Seltzer tabs #10

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Alka-Seltzer user manual

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Excessive drinking is associated with many negative consequences. In particular, the next morning there is a hangover - an unpleasant condition that makes it difficult to actively spend the day. Fortunately, there are many tools to relieve such symptoms.
The drug Alka-Seltzer from the well-known pharmaceutical company Bayer is considered one of the most effective. It quickly eliminates headaches, dry mouth, weakness, helps to get rid of heartburn. Alka-Seltzer is taken from a hangover, 1 tablet diluted in a glass of water from 3 to 5 times per day.

Features of the drug

Alka-Seltzer is produced in pill form. In the package of 10 pieces. Effervescent white tablets, with the name of the drug on one side. The therapeutic effect is due to the content of active substances:
    acetylsalicylic acid;
    sodium bicarbonate;
    citric acid.
The composition also includes excipients calcium silicate, sodium docusate, dimethicone, sodium benzoate, povidone, sodium saccharin, flavors with lemon flavor. Despite the advertised anti-stool activity of the drug, it is also used for muscle, joint, toothache, algomenorrhea, and SARS. Alka-Seltzer:
    has an analgesic effect;
    removes heat;
    helps to restore the alkaline state of the blood;
    neutralizes the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice (removes heartburn);
    has anti-inflammatory properties.
Tablets act as quickly as possible. The hangover syndrome is relieved after 10–20 minutes. A feature of Alka-Seltzer is effervescent form. Dissolved substances in water are better absorbed by the body without harming the digestive system.

Reception methods

The drug is easy to use. For a hangover, it is enough to dissolve the effervescent tablet in a glass of warm water and drink it in one gulp. However, people who have already experienced Alka-Seltzer on themselves are advised to take it a little differently to improve efficiency.
Reviews suggest that if you drink the drug before taking alcohol (for 6 hours), then the hangover will not be so pronounced. For stomach problems, effervescent tablets are dissolved in milk. Many recommend taking Alka-Seltzer cold. Cool drink tones and reduces nausea.
Official instructions for use warns:
    Before use, effervescent tablets are dissolved in 200 ml of warm boiled water.
    The recommended dose is 1 tablet 3–5 times a day with an interval of 4 to 8 hours.
    With an increase in body temperature and pain, the dose can be increased to 2-3 tablets at a time, but not more than 12 per day.
    Without prescription, the drug is taken no longer than 3 days.
Alka-Seltzer is not recommended for pregnant women and children under 15 years of age. In the first trimester, acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of the drug, increases the risk of congenital fetal defects, and in the third, it can provoke prolongation and weakening of contractions.
In viral disease in children, Alka-Seltzer can cause Reye's syndrome (acute liver failure and encephalopathy).


Reviews of the drug are different. Most dissatisfied complain about its high price, as well as a weak effect with a strong hangover. However, for its price category, the drug is quite effective.
With a light hangover after beer, champagne, vodka, wine, he fully justifies its value. A pack of 10 tablets is sold for 300–350 rubles. For this price you are guaranteed to get rid of headaches, dry mouth, hungover heartburn.
With a strong hangover, after drinking or mixing different drinks, poisoning with poor-quality alcohol, it does not make sense to take Alka-Seltzer. In such cases, the person needs qualified medical assistance.

Who is contraindicated

Virtually all contraindications to the drug due to the content of acetylsalicylic acid. Alka-Seltzer cannot be taken:
    in acute peptic ulcer disease;
    severe liver or kidney failure;
    severe heart failure;
    hemorrhagic diathesis;
    pregnant women;
    children under 15;
    people with individual intolerance to salicylates.
Contraindications caused by the presence of citric acid and sodium bicarbonate include: hypocalcemia, low acidity of gastric juice, alkalosis (metabolic, respiratory).
Furthermore, Alka-Seltzer can not be taken concurrently with methotrexate (at a dose of 15 mg per week), anticoagulants, thrombolytics, glucocorticoids (except hydrocortisone), digoxin, uricosuric, diuretic, antihypertensive, anticonvulsant, antidiabetic, other non-steroidal agents with salicylates in large doses.
Attention! Alka-Seltzer does not combine with alcohol. You can take it from a hangover no earlier than 8 hours after drinking the last glass of alcohol.

Possible side effects and adverse reactions

Alka-Seltzer may cause adverse reactions in case of overdose (over 100 mg / kg / day for more than 2 days), idiosyncrasy, and also if you neglect contraindications. The list of side effects is as follows.
Salicylate poisoning. The appearance of dizziness, ringing in the ears, an imbalance, excessive sweating, nausea, migraine, clouding of consciousness, excessive irritability. In severe poisoning, respiratory failure, convulsions, coma can develop.
Allergy. Symptoms are rash, urticaria, asphyxiation, swelling of the mucous membranes, nasal congestion and runny nose, exudative erythema, decreased blood pressure.
Blood related disorders: hematomas, bleeding of the reproductive and excretory systems, nose, gums, skin, gastrointestinal tract and cerebral hemorrhages.
Problems with the digestive tract are manifested by heartburn, dyspepsia, pain, nausea, vomiting, rarely ulcerative lesions, internal bleeding or liver failure.
Impaired function of the nervous system: hearing loss, dizziness, headache, confusion.
Violations of the genitourinary system: kidney damage, acute failure.
With a sharp deterioration in the condition after taking Alka-Seltzer should call an ambulance. With mild symptoms, you can take activated carbon and rehydration solution.
Alka-Seltzer is a decent hangover remedy. There is nothing superfluous in its composition, only substances with proven effectiveness. You can replace it with an Aspirin tablet, on the tip of a knife of citric acid and soda, diluted in a glass of Borjomi (Essentuki, rehydration solution). If you deteriorate or feel unwell for more than 3 days, you should consult a doctor.

Terms of sell

You don't need a prescription to buy Alka-Seltzer.